
When Three are reincarnated into Naruto

Hey it's the author here and this is my first story so please do be patient with me, bare in mind that the main characters are directly based on me and my two friends so they'll act how I think we would act in that situation and don't worry they won't instantly be gods or anything, they will work for their strength and earn it, anyway I hope you enjoy and I will possibly do other anime as well based on these same characters After a fatal accident, three friends are reincarnated into the amazing world of Naruto. They only have two goals, save the day and become as over powered as they can.

DLAssassin_56 · Fantasy
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41 Chs

The Showdown in The Forest of Death

"Lava Style? That's interesting, if I remember correctly there is either three or four versions, Quiklime, Rubber and actual Lava." Danieru places her hand on the Quicklime and turns to look at the three Genin who were starring at her with a mix of caution and hope as Danieru explained what happened to Sasuke when he got his Curse Mark, she walks over to where her katana had fallen and while she was picking it up she looks over to Karin, "Can they use any of the others or just Quicklime? Please don't lie to me, I know you can sense what my Chakra is like and I know they attacked without any consideration for your safety." Karin reluctantly says that she doesn't know as she was only just paired with them to retrieve Danieru for Orochimaru, "Ok well then I'll just have to keep an eye out for the other types, you guys can give me support if I need it but at the moment I wanna see how well I do with this power up." Danieru made her way back to the opening and quickly cut through the Quicklime with little effort, this was due to only a small part of it being dryed the rest she simply jumped over, turning to face the two Lava Style users.

"Ah just the person we were looking for, tell us are you here to surrender yourself or are we gonna have to take you by force?" The first one said with a smirk obviously hoping for a fight and a chance to show off.

"Hang on Kazan, I wanna know why Lord Orochimaru granted this Leaf brat his Curse Mark and not either of us, tell us brat what makes you so much more valuable to him then us!" The second one demanded, obviously angered by the idea that he isn't useful to Orochimaru. Danieru simply laughed and asked his name, "My name is Kasei, yours?"

"My name is Danieru Uchiha, the reason Orochimaru gave me his Curse Mark and not you is simple," The two Sound Genin move back slightly as Danierus three Tomoe Sharingan glows a deep blood red, "My Kekkei Genkei is simply better than yours." Danieru rushes forward with her blade turning transparent as she activates her <Chakra Transmutation Jutsu> and pouring her wind Chakra into it, Kasan and Kasei split up and both start weaving the hand signs for <Lava Style: Rubber Prison Jutsu> and as soon as Danieru is in the middle of them they release a stream of rubber which would have encased her in a rubber sphere if she hadn't cut straight through it. Throwing her sword at Kasan, she began sprinting towards Kasei weaving a set of hand signs as a Chakra Scalpel forms around her hand reaching out to strike his arm.

Kasan dodges the sword and before he has a chance to weave any handsigns Wooden roots shoot up from the ground, binding his arms and dragging him down into the Earth so only his head is visible. "What the hell is this? Damn that Senju and Hyuga!" Kasei seeing this jumped back to avoid Danieru and dashed forward to try and help his brother. However, with an explosion of dark Chakra, Danieru appears infront of him with <Wind Style: Dual Gale Palm> already pressed to his chest launching him back, causing him to smash into one of the giant trees with a bone chilling crunch. Hari, Taiyo and Karin walk out and the two boys rush over to Danieru, slapping two seals onto her one on her forehead and one on her Curse Mark, causing the cresent moon pattern to retreat back into the curse mark. Danieru thanked her friends then quickly collapsed due to the exersion of her Chakra, Karin offered to help her but she waved her away and told her to go tend to her teammates who had been extremely hurt. Hari took the scroll from Karin, who shyly thanked him for standing up for her, and the two Leaf Genin helped Danieru to her feet so they can start heading to the Tower.

As they reached the halfway point they came across team 7 with Sakura defending an unconcious Naruto and Sasuke. Team 11 quickly took note of the situation, noticing Kin in a genjutsu Danieru helped Sakura develop. Taiyo jumped down, striking Dosu in the chest launching him back, Hari began healing Naruto and Sasuke to the best of his ability while Danieru began weaving hand signs for the Evil Sealing Method to place on Sasukes curse mark.

"Two on one doesn't seem fair, well not when your fighting Sakura so I'll be your opponent." Taiyo said with a smirk, activating his Byakugan and entering his Eight Trigrams stance. Zaku took no time in releasing airwaves from his palms which Taiyo countered with the <Eight Trigrams: Vacuum Palm>. Rushing forward, Taiyo pulled out two smoke bombs tossing them at Dosu and Zaku, when Zaku cleared the smoke Taiyo had completly disappeared however a bright light from above quickly caught everyones attention.

"Danieru I think that dumbass actually did it" Hari exclaimed with a laugh which made Sakura look away from where the bright light originated.

"Danieru what is Hari talking about?" Sakura asked looking towards the the young Uchiha girl who had a crazed look in her eyes.

"Lets just hope its not as destructive as what he's based it off or we're in trouble." Danieru said, getting ready to weave some hand signs just in case. Everyone looked up to the branch Taiyo was perched under, all of them feeling the pressure of the amount of Chakra he was condencing. and thats when they heard him shout..

"EIGHT TRIGRAMS: ka... me... ha... me... HAAAAAA" And with that, the beam of condensed Chakra shot down, connecting with the ground with a sound similar to that of a thunder cloud. At the epicenter of the collision, a sphere of lightning chakra spread out engulfing the three Sound Genin. After it settled down, Taiyo dropped down laughing like a maniac as he stood over the crater which contains the three unconcious Sound Ninja, looking into the crater Taiyo begins laughing even harder.

"Get over here you two, the air wave dumbass is doing the Yamcha pose!!!" At hearing this Hari and Danieru rush over to the small crater, seeing Zaku unconcious in the exact pose Yamcha was in after being blown up by a Saibaman, then the three of them began laughing all at once. Sakura was watching her friends lose their minds over someone being unconcious, she was paying more attention to her teammates who she was helping to their feet. Hari being the first one to refocus on the situation asked Sakura what scroll they needed and whent into the crater to search for the Sound Genins scroll. Tossing Sakura the Sound Genin scroll and leaving a wood and shadow clone from Danieru and Hari, Team 11 wishes Team 7 luck and rush off towards the Tower now that Danieru had a chance to recover. When they arrive at the Tower they see that Team Gaara and Karins Team are already there, Team Guy arrive shortly after with Team 7, Team 8, Team 10 arriving shortly after. Danieru doing a quick head count pointed out that there were too many Genin meaning there will be preliminary rounds before the third part of the exam.

*Hi guys it's the author here, I'm sorry that its taking me forever to write these out for you and I hope you still look forward to reading these.*