
When The Tyrant Became Obsess of the Thing Called Love

Hi everyone to those who are interested in my story i hope you like and enjoy it.This story was inspired from my imaginations about romance with magics and swords.May you have a wonderful time immersing in this story and to those who would like to share about their thoughts about it either positive or negative you can comment it on the review page,it can help us author's in growing our skills.Thank you A cruel and cold blooded emperor who uses his sword to survive, conquering the nations to expand his power, he was without a doubt a devil to the people that cause suffering and pain in their lives.Like the dark color of the sky his hair was similar and unlike the blood that he shed his eyes were sparkling like gold in the midst of the battlefield his face was considerable as handsome and his body were pretty muscular. The 12th emperor of the Xaverion empire whose 25 years old,Emperor Lucius Kleon De Xaverion. Astria Faith Felice a princess who grow from a loving family, she has silver gray colored hair with a pair of Blue tortoise eyes ,she was a gifted child from her looks to her brain and to her powers, she was indeed a very Lovable child with a stubborn and two faced personality.Magic was starting to become extinct and yet she was blessed with two elemental magic, her wind and water magic.Aside from her magic she had great contribution to her country, at the age of 18 she was managing the queens duties such as managing the economy of the citizens. She was indeed a fit ruler if she wasn't born as a girl and even though she was 22 years old, she still refuses to marry unless someone was more capable than hers. When Emperor Lucius wage war at her kingdom she tried hard to make sure the war won't happen however unexpectedly the emperor himself came to the kingdom and thus Astria was force to put into a situation where she hated it very much and it was none other than marriage for the reason that the emperor was interested in her. Marrying the Tyrant emperor and become his empress will her world change and will she finds love to her cruel husband? Will the emperor himself realize the meaning of love or will he misunderstood obsession as love? When the tyrant became obsessed with the thing called love is joining webtoon, may you accompany us to the journey of the story till it's end

Gracelline · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 18: Farewells

Ria was afraid of the thought that her mother couldn't handle it if she told her that the emperor wants to use her because of her power so she decided to lie about the marriage

The queen couldn't bare to watch the crying face of her two child that she collapse in the king's arms "your majesty" Anne the mother of Lina and the maid who served her, was worried "bring a physician to the palace" king Richard carried her to a room in the palace "mother" ria and Roland were worried and followed their father as well

"her majesty just lost her consciousness but she's breathing fine she just needs to rest" the doctor advised and bowed "thank you doctor" Richard thank him and the doctor left the room

"im sorry father i tried to make it less dangerous but mother still collapse because i shock her"ria bowed down to ask for forgiveness "it's not your fault sooner or later she'll find it out it was a good choice that you talk to her first" he said and puts his hands in her shoulder so ria look up with her teary eyes. "about that father im not marrying the emperor" she said and Roland sigh "we already knew" The king replied "he left this morning saying that he only wanted to have you it was not the words of a man liking someone but a ruler that found it's ally"he added and Roland spoke "seems like he already knew that your a mage,in the first place it's not hard to detect your mana as long as your in contact with a magician as well you'll be recognized no matter how hard you conceal" Roland gritted his teeth

"True that's why im more grateful that i had these powers either way i can protect the Kingdom and help the people of the empire" she smiled but the king clench his fist. "im sorry i really am a useless king and a useless father Astria" he said and ria came near him for a hug. "that's not true father your a loving and useful king to the people and a great father to me and brother too" she said the king patted her head

"but I can't even protect my daughter" he said with a bitter sweet smile "you did well father but it seems like im destined to step out of the kingdom and help others out there" she replied and Roland spoke "tsk help others my foot when that mad emperor will just use you to help him conquering other nations"

"brother it might be true but not all the time the emperor can go on a conquest it takes at least two years for him to stay at his empire and go out again and this must be his last war so it might take him another few years to be at war again so I'll be having a peaceful time at the empire" she explained and the two men was thinking. "right why didn't i think of that"Roland "but what will you do at the empire" his father ask "i don't know but i must follow the emperor's order since i already sign an agreement" 'though there was no contract my life is at the hands of that man' ria thought and stared at her mother who was lying in the bed with a groaning face

"your really good at making us worry but we already gave you our trust the moment you became an adult and i believe you'll be doing fine my dear daughter" her father caress her cheeks and pinch it "just beware of handsome men at the empire and if one tries to hit in you used your magic to kill,do you understand" her father smiled with a sad look

"yeah killing a scumbag won't be crime and Ria don't forget to take good care of yourself" Roland added and Ria gave a smile. "i haven't left yet but im being given some farewells" she giggled but gave her father and brother both a hug and it was a long one

"i know I'll take good care of myself so my family won't worry" she whispered to them

In her remaining days,Ria slept along with her family and she spent most of her time with them.The servants also gave their goodbyes to her

A day before she left Scarlet who heard the news hurriedly went to the palace to see her "Astria" she opened the door of the office and run towards to the table "i thought you still have other plans but why are you being taken away by the emperor" she ask with a puffy eyes

"did you cry milady you look ugly brother might ran away from you" Ria teased. "then he can ran away i don't like him how can he just sit still when his sister is being sacrifice" she angrily said and ria sigh "my brother is having a bulgy eyes that he looks like a carp and you know it as well that i might be taken by the empire"she replied

"i was aware but i never expected it that you'll leave the kingdom i thought you'll just work there and return at night or in noon" Scarlet

"well im going to the empire and live there but I'll return after my work is done" she replied and Scarlet was about to cry "and when is your work gonna end huh" she said and sniffing her nose since she was about to cry

"Ria what if the emperor falls in love with you and have a family with you,when will you'll be able to return waah" she cried like a child throwing a tantrum so ria Stand from her chair and gave her a hug "your imagination is always wild Scarlet and that won't happen so don't worry I'll ask for a vacation so i can come back here"

"hic no I'll just follow you at the empire in that way i can guard you" she said and sobs again "if you leave as well who will take care of my brother,i know that you two had a love hate relationship but he needs someone to comfort him while im gone" she said and stare with a pleading eyes at Scarlet

"I'll also send you letters regularly so i can check about your situation with brother" she smiled and Scarlet gave her a hug again "we rarely have time with each other when you decided to be the guardian and yet again I'll really have no time seeing you,if i knew this i would have spend most of our time when we were young" she cried and ria patted her back

"my childhood memories are very memorable because i had you thank you for everything Scarlet" she said "hic hic ughh Ria"Scarlet cried and ria gave her last hug

"mother,father" when Scarlet ended her visit she went back to the palace and met with her parents "Ria sweetheart do you like to visit some place" she ask and welcome ria and hold her hands "why don't we visit that place mother,and stay there for tonight" she said and the two smiled "it's your choice sweetheart" her mother replied "but where's brother" she ask and they took a sit a the chair

"he's busy dealing with the emperor and his men i made him in charge to manage the needs of the emperor"the king replied "ah so that's the reason why i can't see him then I'll take a look at the sun palace"she said. "why don't you eat the cake that your mother baked, she's been pouring all her heart baking it"King Richard said

"it's your favorite so i work hard in baking" she smiled "im sure it's delicious mother thank you" she replied. "then dig in" she puts a plate at Ria's front with a strawberry cake on it and ria happily took a bite

When she finished she went to the sun palace and there she saw many knights preparing their things like sharpening their swords and they stopped when Ria walks pass them "princess it's nice to see you again" Owen suddenly came near her and bowed

"sir Owen"ria smiled at him "what brings you here your highness, aren't you preparing for our departure tomorrow" he ask "im done preparing so i came here to look for my brother have you seen him" "ah the crown prince, he's with sir evan they're checking the carriage that you'll use, I'll lead the way" he said and walk with a proud face,ria followed him while her eyes were looking around and she flinch when she Sense that someone was secretly looking at her 'don't tell me that bastar* is near by' she thought and kept glancing around when her eyes met a window near the training ground,it was far but in that window was Lucius smiling, keeping an eye on her ......