
Chapter 131

"I… I have never been romanced, Ariane. I do not know what to do or how to accept it."

"Just feel. That's all there is to it. Feel it and relax into it. And just react with whatever feels natural."

 I kissed him as sweetly as I could, and I felt his sigh of pleasure against my lips. I trailed kisses down his neck. I licked at his pulse point where his neck and shoulder met. I felt him shiver, his hands tightening their grip on my hips. I bit down and heard his breath hiss between his teeth. I sucked hard and I heard him cry out. 

"Gods, I love when you do that. You mark me as yours." As I let his neck go, he pushed me back a little until he could see my eyes. "Tonight love, I want pain from you. I desire pain as you do, but no one has ever given it. I have always been afraid to ask. Romance me by giving me the pain I desire."

"Mmmm, I can do that. How do you want your pain/pleasure husband? And no, I'll never get tired of calling you that."

He smiled and leaned his head to the side, exposing his neck and where I had just marked him. 

"Bite me. Hard."

I shivered. This was intimate to me. He'd seen my love of pain, but to have him admit his own love of it, to direct me how he likes his pleasure, this was something private for just us. I never had anyone ask me to give them pain and I was turned on beyond belief. 

I leaned forward and licked the spot I had marked. When I felt his own shiver, I bit down hard in the same place as he asked. His hands gripped my hips harder and left bruises. 

He cried out. "Harder." Giving a small smile, I bit until I tasted blood. I felt him twitch under me and I let his skin go. I licked over the bite, knowing how sensitive the skin would be. He moaned and his hips rocked against me. He looked up at me with pleasure-dazed eyes. It was a powerful feeling to see his eyes foggy and glazed over with the pleasure I was giving him. 

I slid my way down his body, licking and biting my way across his skin. I ran my tongue down those defined abs and felt them contract under my mouth. He was panting as I reached my destination, his cock. I watched him as I gave him a long lick from root to tip. Without warning I slammed my mouth down on him, letting my teeth scrape him the whole way down. His hands fisted the blanket. 

"Again. Do that again."

I started to work his cock, teeth scraping harshly with each movement. He was the one writhing this time. I felt his eyes on me, and I looked up at him as I had him as far down my throat as he would go. He was shuddering.

"Gods, you make that feel so amazing."

Watching his face, I bit him hard, not enough to damage, but hard enough to cause intense pleasure for him. He threw his head back and his body bowed up as he came screaming. 

Not giving him time to rest I slid my mouth up and down his cock fast. Letting him feel my teeth.

"Oh fuck my love fuck more please more."

His begging was driving me wild. When I sensed he was close I bit him again. He arched and thrust his hips up, screaming my name as he came again.

I gave him a moment to breathe, and he looked at me. He was breathing hard. I slid back up his body and kissed him deeply. His arms came around me tight and he kissed me franticly. I bit his lip hard as he pulled back. 

"Gods, Ariane. Never have I felt such pleasure. Never has anyone given me my desire so perfectly."

"Oh, I'm not done yet, my husband."

I adjusted and slid down on his cock hard and fast. He thrusted up into me. I held him still, knowing he wanted to move inside me. 

"Hold yourself still, my love. You're not allowed to move." I leaned over and bit his shoulder, making him writhe. I put my lips by his ear. "Don't come until I say you can."

He gasped and I felt him get harder inside me. His eyes were wide and filled with blue fire and lust. I watched his face as I rode him oh so slowly. Sometimes pain is being denied what you want until you are almost crazy with want. 

His lips parted and he moaned. Whenever he tried to move, I would stop. If he tried to move me, I would stop. When he was shaking with need, I suddenly ground against him. He cried out and I felt him come. 

I waited until his eyes cleared and found mine again. I licked my lips, and his eyes followed the movement of my tongue. "Naughty boy. You came. You weren't supposed to. Now…. Loki… we gotta start over."

His eyes widened as he came again. I decided to give him some mercy and started to really ride him. I ground against him over and over. He cried out each time and I dug my nails into his chest and raked down, leaving red lines.

He screamed. "Do it again oh fuck do it again I beg of you wife do it again." I raked my nails again. "Harder please harder."

I dug in as I ground against him and raked my nails down hard enough to leave thin lines of blood. He came hard. As he shuddered under me as I came to a stop. Knowing he was watching me I leaned forward and licked one of the lines, tasting his blood. He moaned and writhed. He rolled suddenly and was on top of me. I wrapped my legs around his hips as he frantically pounded into me. I met him thrust for thrust, bruising us both. I draged my nails down his back hard over and over now that I knew the level of pain he wanted. He went wild. I couldn't hold back on my own orgasm any longer and I came biting down hard on his shoulder, tasting blood. He gave a final scream as he came and collapsed on top of me. I held him tightly. I knew personally how shattered he felt right now. To be given the level of pain you want for the first time.

He rolled to his side, taking me with him. I lay beside him, watching his face. He breathed deeply for a few minutes and then opened his eyes. He looked at me in wonder. 

"I… I have never felt like that before. I have never felt so free in my own pleasure. You have given me so much and then you give me more. The feel of pain I have always wanted but was afraid to ask for."

I smiled. "And people wonder why I like Thor to hurt me." I kissed him softly. "I'm happy to be the one that gives you the pleasure you crave. And trust me, that pleasure wasn't one sided. I haven't had anyone ever ask me to give pain like that. To be in control like that was powerful. I can't think of a better way to have spent my first night with my husband."

My eyes widened as I thought of something, and I looked shocked.

"What is wrong, my wife?"

"Umm… Lokes? Did you happen to think of closing the bottom half of your door? Because I forgot."

He looked stunned and then rolled with laughter. His laughing tapered to giggles and I laughed. "You have an adorable giggle, Lokes."

He smiled. "Thank you. And no, I also forgot. I wonder how Thor and Bucky's night went then."

"Oh god… I hope they weren't in the common area around everyone." I pictured it and laughed until I couldn't breathe. 

Loki held me close. "I love you, Ariane. Thank you, for everything."

"You're welcome. And I love you too Kokoro no Yokubo."

Together we snuggled down on the blanket, and I put another over us to protect us from the salty air. Quickly we fell asleep holding each other close.