
Chapter 7 (His Story)

It was 5:16 pm in South Korea, Alexandra returned to the dormitory. She got to the room and didn't meet her roommate but the sound of runny water made it known that Eun Kyung was in the shower.

Alexandra put down her bag and immediately the thought of how unhappy Ha Joon was crossed her mind.

Eun Kyung who had heard someone come in stretched her head out of the bathroom, she saw Alexandra packing her blonde into a bun.

"Hey, you are home".

Alexandra turned back and saw Eun Kyung's head, she smiled and nodded before sitting on the bed, the unclear questions she needs an answer to can only be answered by Eun Kyung, so she decided to ask.

"Ha Joon, the guy you saw me with at the carnival night, the rude one....", she paused and open her ears for a response from Eun Kyung but there was none.

Eun Kyung who had finished showering came out naked, she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her body, knowing Alexandra had gotten used to her being naked almost every time she came out of the shower.

"Yes what about him?", Eun Kyung finally answered, she walked towards her dressing mirror and sit while staring at her clear smooth face.

Alexandra continued, "Is he the third friend that fell in love with NaNa, the story you told", she said and saw Eun Kyung's suprised eyes on her, "He is right? I am right, right?".

Eun Kyung shifted her gaze to the face mask, "How did you know?...", she asked and put the mask on gently while smoothening it on her face.

"So I was right? Why didn't you tell me? I saw her and Ha Joon talking today and then there was another guy with NaNa...for the first time today, I saw Ha Joon looked so down, He was not happy... he wasn't the rude guy I know anymore", Alexandra said and for some reason, her mood changed.

Listening to Alexandra brought some memories back to Eun Kyung, she sighed and looked at Alexandra whose whole face was written worried.

"I wanted to tell you that night I saw you with him, I was so suprised you two met already but you walked away angrily and I also forgot after the party....", Eun Kyung said and stare at herself through the mirror, "I can't believe he hasn't gotten over her yet", she said to herself.

Alexandra was getting more interested in his story that she decided to ask more personal questions knowing Eun Kyung and Ha Joon were once best friends.

"Did he get that way because of NaNa? Because she wouldn't accept his love? Is that why he decided to get so mean and wouldn't even smile", she asked.

"I mean the guy that was with NaNa today was not even as handsome as Ha Joon", Alexandra thought.

Eun Kyung nodded and decided to tell Alexandra what she doesn't know. She looked at her and watched the girl's curious eyes wanting more.

"When Ha Joon was still young, he used to be bullied... and obviously it was not because he was not good looking, he was the cutest kid back then. He got picked on because he had no parent, his father left immediately his mother was buried. While still being so very young, he had no friends and imagine the kids of his age he thought he could play with bullying him as well, he gradually got used to being alone and hating almost everyone".

Alexandra's jaw dropped as she listened to her roommate and for some reason, her heartbeat increased, the words her mother used to tell her about not judging anyone and not being rude to people because they might be going through stuff you don't know about popped up her head.

"He was transferred to the school myself and NaNa attended and we all got close in our Juniors even though it was hard to make him comfortable with us.

“He tried pushing us away, but we didn't give up on his innocent self. We all became friends but he was closer to NaNa. They were always together, going everywhere and doing most things together and that is how he fell in love with her and unfortunately, she didn't accept his proposal to be his girlfriend, things got complicated ever since then", Eun Kyung said and scoffed.

"I am sure he wouldn't love her so hard if he found out about everything she did to me, all he saw was a cute pretender but NaNa was more than that, I don't know her anymore and I am very sure she still has her evil ways and doesn't worth his love, not even half”.

Alexandra frowned and said, "why didn't you tell him everything she did to you?".

Eun Kyung thought about it for a while, she shook her head and smell her armpit before applying a nice scenting spray on it.

"No, I am not a bad person... I do not need to tell him anything, he would figure it out himself and realize his first love was a heartless little girl", Eun Kyung said and stretched her arms, "that wouldn't come out from my mouth", she added.

Alexandra doesn't know why his story affects her that much, she looked down sadly as she remembered how he looked when NaNa was talking to him earlier, it saddened her heart.

One of Alexandra’s weaknesses is feeling hurt for others, she cannot control that emotion.

After a while, she stood up and grabbed her hoodie.

"I need fresh air", she said before stepping out.

Slowly she walked out of the dormitory and the noises heard from each room didn't catch her attention at that moment.

Alexandra didn't realize she had gotten outside the dormitory, she turned her face and saw the bench Ha Joon had sitted earlier.

The more she walked towards the bench, the more she remembered how depressed he looked and how he didn't notice she was looking at him before she had finally talked.

"I can't believe he went through all that at a young age, and the only person he care about didn't care about him.... that must have been so hard, one-sided love for a long time", Alexandra muttered as she approached the street bench.

She sat down and unlocked her phone. Alexandra stared at his number still on her call log, remembering how she had quick dialed her number through his phone, she exhaled sharply and saved his number.

"Alex!!! It is you... yes it is you!!!".

Alexandra turned and saw Ho Jun smiling at her, his energy never changed, he is always full of energy and smiling. She smiled and waved at him as he sit next to her.

"I haven't seen you since we went on that little coffee date of ours...", Ho Jun said wiggling his eyebrows at her, Alexandra chuckled and hit him gently on the shoulder.

"Stop playing... what are you doing here?", she asked and put her phone in her pocket.

Ho Jun was smiling at the sky when she asked, he looked down at her and sucked his teeth, "I honestly needed fresh air and out of my room, my roommate is so boring. All he does is listen to music and not talk to me, he keeps a straight face and doesn't smile. The only time I saw him smile was the night when he was staring outside the window... I mean who smiled all by himself but won't smile to others?... a weirdo right?".

Alexandra chuckled and nodded.

She loves how free-spirited Ho Jun is, his presence always brings a smile to everyone's face, his roommate must be a tough one to not acknowledge Ho jun's fun presence, he is so friendly and outgoing.

Alexandra remembered how he had also made almost everyone in the coffee shop laugh.

For a moment she forgot she was sad.

"I know right, he is so weird", he said and cringed, "now I am glad I ran into Alex... what a lucky night", he said and stretched his arms in her direction.

Alexandra shoved his arms away and they both chuckled.

He looked at her while chuckling and realized how pretty her blue eyes looks, he gradually stopped chuckling and watch how pretty she laughed.

His heart started pounding.

Ho Jun didn't understand why he instantly got nervous when she looked at him. He looked away sharply and cleared his throat, he fake laughed and avoided eye contact with her.

Not understanding what just happened to him.

"Hey...you are from Houston right... right?", he asked while looking around, trying to calm himself and his pounding heart.

Alexandra put her hands in her hoodie and nodded, "Yes... I told you, you forget things easily don't you", She said smiling at Ho Jun who wouldn't look at her.

He finally looked at her but this time she was not looking, and her side face looked even more perfect to him.

"She is an... Heavenly view", he thought as his smile got wider, he blushed and looked away.

"How is it like? In Houston", he asked.

Alexandra sighed and rested her back on the bench, "I don't know.... it is Houston ish", she said and smiled at him, their eyes met and they both giggled.

She looked away but his eyes were still on her, he touched his heart and felt how hard it was beating, he gulped and suddenly felt uneasy, Ho Jun stood up suddenly.

Alexandra noticed and looked up at him, "what are you doing?", she asked.

Without looking, he waved at her and hurried away before she could utter any words.

Alexandra looked confused as he hurried towards the male dormitory, she shook her head and chuckled.
