
Chapter 6 (Their Beginning)

Alexandra immediately got out of her fantasy.

She raised her eyebrows at him.

"What? Loud!!!?", she said almost yelling at Ha Joon who had stepped away from her, she laughed unbelievably as she went after him angrily.

"What do you think of yourself? How dare you call me loud! Who do you think you are?".

"Ha Joon?", Eun Kyung said as she approached him, she tilted her head and saw Alexandra coming behind him.

Alexandra noticed Ha Joon had stopped walking immediately he saw Eun Kyung.

Too angry to think, she walked up to her roommate.

"Hey Eun Kyung, see you around", he instantly said before walking away.

Alexandra curled her lip, "Yes, leave!!! You are so annoying that your presence gives me a headache!!!", Alexandra yelled out frustratedly.

Eun Kyung looked back at Ha Joon as he walked away, her eyes fell on Alexandra's frowning face, "What happened? Did something happen between you and him?" She asked.

"You know that annoying guy?...", Alexandra asked.

Eun Kyung nodded as she unfolded Alexandra's arms.

"Did he say something to you?".

Alexandra ignored Eun Kyung's question, his voice being so sweet and at the same time harsh kept ringing in her ears, she walked away from her roommate angrily.

"Loud?... really? Show yourself in my face again and I will show you loud, you annoying boy... Ughhhh!!! Jesus I hate him!”.

Eun Kyung heard her roommate as she stomped her feet away.

"How did Ha Joon and Alexandra get to meet and start talking?", she muttered to herself, still looking confused.


Alexandra woke up early as usual.

She wore a big hoodie and one of her newly bought baggy Jeans before leaving the dormitory for her morning class.

She got to class and as expected, was among the first five people to get to class.

She brought out her books and pen and was ready for the professor to come in. After a short while, the professor entered and the class start immediately.

Alexandra loves listening attentively and avoids anything that would distract her in class, which includes her phone being in silent mode.

She always tries to write some keywords the professor says for better understanding. Her hand searched for her pen while her eyes were still fixed on the man.

The sound of her pen falling caught her by surprise, she sighed frustratedly and bent over to pick it up.

Alexandra grabbed it and the instant she lifted her head, her eyes caught a gaze.

"What the fuck!!! What is he doing here?".

She whispered and gently put her pen on the table, not trying to get distracted by the presence of Ha Joon sitting on the other row.

Alexandra acted like she didn't see him, she focused on the professor but her mind kept wanting to take a glance at him.

She did and noticed his eyes were fixed on the professor.

"Is he in this class?” she muttered to herself and remembered how he had waited to say hi to her roommate the other night.

“If he knows Eun Kyung then he probably shouldn't be in the same class as me....", she thought and looked away, "maybe he just loves history, wait if he is Eun Kyung’s friend then shouldn't he be in his second year?”.

She was about to peek at him again when she was instantly startled by his eyes staring back at her.

Alexandra gasped and quickly looked away.

"What? Why is the bird lifeguard staring....”, he said to himself and continued listening to the professor.

Alexandra didn't make the mistake of getting caught staring again, she tried not to turn her face in his direction throughout the one hour of receiving lectures.

After the professor had left, she closed her books and returned them to her bags, his thought suddenly popped up in her mind, she turned her face slowly to look at him but the seat was empty. Alexandra looked back and see no sign of him, she shook her head and stood up to leave.

"I will do anything to try that chicken noodle soup again", she said walking towards the restaurant.

This time she finally saw the name.

"Han Chicken soup", she read it before walking in excitedly.

Alexandra sat next to the window and was enjoying her food when her side eye caught an image approaching the restaurant. She looked and saw NaNa smiling at a guy, her hand was in his arms and they seemed very close.

Alexandra watched as they got closer to the window, almost entering the restaurant when a voice called out NaNa's name.

They stopped and turned back and to Alexandra’s surprise, Ha Joon walked towards NaNa with a frown on his face.

"He....", Alexandra stuttered as she watched Ha Joon stare at NaNa.

"NaNa, why are you not answering my calls, my messages, I was worried something was wrong” he said softly.

The guy next to NaNa scoffed as he moved closer to Ha Joon with his clenched fist, NaNa looked away and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Is that why you stopped us pretty boy?...".

Ha Joon saw the guy's clenched fist, he smirked and looked up at him, "and what do you intend on doing old face".

The guy didn't hesitate, he hit Ha Joon hard in the face.

Alexandra flinched in her seat, her jaw dropped as she kept staring at the drama going on.

NaNa saw Ha Joon coming at the guy, she stood in middle angrily, "Stop it Ha Joon! Stop it!!!", she yelled at him.

Ha Joon breathe heavily as he shifted his glare from the guy to NaNa, he gave her a disappointed look and fixed his gaze on her.

"Yes, I will stop, thanks for reminding me of how pathetic I am".

NaNa stared at him as he walked away.

"Come on", the guy said as he held NaNa's hand, she smiled at him and walked into the restaurant with him.

Alexandra couldn't believe her eyes, she never thought she would ever see Ha Joon that way, he looked so sad and tired, he wasn't the cold annoying guy she knew anymore.

Different thoughts began to pop up in her mind, the story Eun Kyung told her about their male friend falling for NaNa, the drama she just experienced, Eun Kyung and Ha Joon knowing each other.

"It is not a coincidence is it?", Alexandra thought.

She walked out of the restaurant, leaving her leftover in the bowl.

Thinking of what she just experienced as she walked toward her dormitory and hoped to meet Eun Kyung in the room to answer her questions.

Approaching her dormitory, the blue color of Ha Joon’s shirt from earlier caught her attention from afar.

She dimmed her eyes and looked closely and figured it was him, sitting on one of the school street benches.

"Ha Joon?", she thought.

He was looking down at his white sneakers, his face showed he was tired, and nothing exciting was going on in his life, he felt his eyes getting teary and quickly looked up to control that.

"WOW!, it is a bright day today... wow is it always like this in Korea?".

He heard the voice and turned his face.

Ha Joon saw her again, she stretched her arms up, pretending not to see him sitting opposite her.

She looked down at him and acted suprised to see Ha Joon.

"Oh, it is you again!!! Are you following me? Huh!", she said chuckling but there was no response, he looked away and ignored her. "What? Why do you look unhappy? So unlike you..., you are always looking grumpy, not sad", She muttered and smiled widely.

Alexandra noticed there was no response from him, without thinking twice, she sat next to him and sighed deeply.

His attractive cologne caught her attention, she ignored it and smiled at the sky.

"You know, the sky is so pretty today... I mean it has always been pretty... now imagine someone not appreciating that sky just because it always brings different weather... it brings rain, sun, thunder..., but it doesn't matter because it remains that pretty sky at the end of the day".

Ha Joon looked at her as she continued.

"Not everyone loves the sky but it doesn't stop it from being that pretty thing that lightens up the world".

For some reason, her words got to him. He stared at her as she smiled at the sky.

Why is her word getting to him, why does it calm him suddenly, why is it similar to his present situation, and does she know anything about him? Did Eun Kyung tell her anything?, Ha Joon couldn't tell.

He looked away immediately her eyes dropped.

Alexandra smiled as she turned her face to Ha Joon who was now looking at the other side.

Her eyes fell on his phone sitting on his thighs, she thought about it for a second, and not knowing why she did it, Alexandra picked up his phone and hurried up.

"Anytime I see you...you are either alone or frowning, so since I am also a new student here, let's be friends... I will type in my number here", Alexandra hurriedly said as she saw his suprised glare at her.

"What are you?", he said and before he could stand, she had dialed her number on his phone, he snatched his phone from her and saw her dash away while waving at him.

"Name is Alexandra!!!".

He heard as she ran towards the female dormitory.

Ha Joon looked down at her number on his phone, he looked up at her from a far distance as she was about to get into the dormitory.

"What type of person forcefully put numbers on other people's phones?", he said and sat down on the bench.

He shook his head and gradually his lips curved into a smile.