
Secret Revealed


I uttered abruptly while stepping inside the kitchen. Both of my parents were frozen in place.

"A-Asuna? Umm... How was your first day...?" My mom asked as a way of diversion from the situation at hand.

"What is dad--?!"

I wasn't even able to contain my shocked face as I pointed towards dad with shaky hands. He had bright red eyes with long fangs protruding downwards. My mind was going haywire from failing to comprehend who this person was. 'He', who looked like dad, was standing firmly in place, in line with my extended finger.

"Honey, we can explain!" My mom cut my view as she came in between us.

"Yes. So... it really is time, huh......?" My dad muttered as he scratched his head.




We all sat on a sofa in the living room. I knew all along that dad was hiding something from me especially when he used to go out secretly at night and when I would catch him, he never gave a reasonable answer. Rather, they always felt like excuses, a hasty camouflage for dad's secret.

"Well dear, you see--" Mom started explaining but stopped. It was enough of a signal to tell me that the topic was a delicate one.

Once my dad nodded, she continued, "You see, your father isn't actually a human. He is a... a vampire."

My eyes went wide at her briefing.

"What?! H-How-- And you never told me this sooner?!"

"We thought that you weren't ready to know the truth - that you were still too young to understand..." My dad rebuked in a low voice.

"You think 16 years isn't enough? You think I wouldn't be able to handle it...?" I whispered with a hint of disappointment.

There was a long, unsettling silence between us.

(Seriously? My dad is a vampire? How am I supposed to believe that?! This doesn't make sense! Nothing makes sense!!!)

I glanced at his bloody red eyes which were staring listlessly at the floor. There were already a lot of things on my mind today and now this?! I was starting to feel dizzy just by trying to grasp this twisted situation. I stood up on my slightly numb feet and straight away went to my room upstairs.

The last thing I heard was my dad muttering, "I told you she wasn't ready... Now she'll never be able to accept me as her father like this. Things were already complicated between us and now..."




Once in my all too familiar room, I slowly perched on my chair, and the moment I did, everything that happened today came flooding back to me like a disturbing wave.

"Ughhh! Just forget about it Asuna!"

I smacked my temple a couple times in annoyance before slouching on my chair and resting my arms on the study desk. Having settled down a bit, I shifted my gaze towards my bedside table only to be met by the family photo.

(...He just looks plain human here...)

For a while, I just sat there staring at dad's face. He had a lonely smile on, and there I was - on his shoulders, laughing candidly. I've seen this picture a million times, but now my perspective on it took a new turn. I could discern he did feel miserable and guilty for lying my whole life, but only to be able to express it with a forlorn smile.

(Maybe I shouldn't have stormed away like that... I could have heard his side too...)

Straightening my back, I shuffled to plop on the bed. I took out the candy Raizo gave me while staring at the ceiling.

(I wonder what's so good about this one?)

I unwrapped it and popped it in my mouth. The taste was really sweet, but it was also refreshing, almost like melted sugar and mint. It was... an unusual candy. Now that my nerves loosened, a sense of weariness overtook my mind. I slowly closed my eyes, and before I knew it, I had already fallen asleep...




The next day...




I woke up to find a white blanket draped around my waist-down.


I lazily looked up at my clock and processed that it was...

(What?! 7:30?!)

I hurriedly shot up, changed my clothes in a panic and was trying to wear my socks while hopping down the stairs.

"Oh, good morning, Asuna." Mom greeted me as I was wrapping my bento in a cloth before stashing it in the bag.

"Morning! And I'm off!" I dashed out the front door, leaving mom with a puzzled look.

"B-Bye dear..."




"Good, I still have a few minutes to spare."

I was out of breath as soon as I reached school. It was only a walking distance away from home, so I never really use the bus or anything. All the commotion leading here, however, really took a lot out of me, prior to noticing that even those twins weren't here to knock me over, which was a relief. Once in the building, I walked the rest of the way to the classroom, hanging my head low to breath in succession. Just then, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oops, I am so sorry!" I apologized as I dropped my gaze to the floor.

"...No need..."

(Tha-That voice!)

Yes, I bumped into that senior guy from yesterday. I shyly tipped my head back to meet his eyes. From up close, he seemed like a really serene and reserved person unlike yesterday. I guess that unexpected circumstance forced him to alter his attitude...

Then, the silver head let out a small sigh before tacitly parting from me.

(Oh... Is he still angry from yesterday? Or perhaps--)

My thoughts were soon interrupted by the loud ringing bell.

"Oh no! I am so late!"

Once more, I broke out into a light jog even though my legs were already like jelly from before. The class had already started by the time I reached the door. I tried sneaking my way in, but since I am so horrible at that, I obviously got caught by the teacher.

"Asuna! You are 5 minutes late!"

I got a lengthy lecture from him, and the touch of the students' laughter was enough to trample on my morning. The lesson was finally over. I buried my face in between my crossed arms as I slumped on my chair. Unlike yesterday, Raizo didn't even talk to me once. I wondered it being a bit unusual but got no answer in the end.

(Maybe I should try talking to him? I need to apologize for ignoring him as well...)

For some reason, the way I treated Raizo yesterday sort of didn't sit right with me - I just couldn't blame him after all. I simply mustered up the courage and headed his way.

"Um, hey Raizo!"

As soon as he heard my voice, Raizo hastily got up in a panic and made a beeline for the exit door.

(Wha--? But... why?)

Somehow it felt like Raizo was the one avoiding me now! I was so confused. This was turning out to be a really bad time. Everything was just fine until I came to this school. And the moment I learnt about my dad's secret. I just hate this irritated and sad feeling knotting my stomach!

The same scenario kept on repeating for the next few days. It was official; Raizo probably hates me now... Why else would he continuously avoid me every time we crossed paths?

(No, no, there must be a reason! I really don't think he's that kind of a guy...)

Shaking my head to banish the seething doubts, I vowed to myself that I would get to the bottom of this beside the pale moonlight that made sharp streaks on the wooden floor.




As much as the troubles I was facing, today was the day for me to join a club. Surprisingly, I got a lot of requests from my classmates for joining their clubs. That just made it all the harder for me to make my proper decision.

(Guess I should just check the clubs' board for myself...)

I went up to the board to find that there was a variety of clubs: Chess, Cooking, Music, Sports, Dancing, Arts and craft, Drama and... wait... ACTION CLUB?!

(What in the world do you do there? I've never heard of such a club!)

......To be honest, I was actually a little curious as to what this club was about.

"Hey Asuna-chii! Check out any of the clubs yet?"

"Oh, it's you Inori... Uh, I am thinking about it."

Inori was actually the only good friend I made in the past couple of days. She is pretty nice although most people get annoyed just from being around her, but for some reason, I actually enjoyed her bubbly company. Inori was always brimming with energy - she was always on the positive side of things and most of all, she never stopped talking! That did allow her to always be there to cheer me up though. Maybe I can jot down a thing or two from this girl...



"You know, you should totally join the Dance Club with me! We could turn out to be stars! Just imagine that!"

While she was making her statement, Inori grabbed my shoulders and arced her hand in front of me in a straight line, as how people do to 'show' the future or something. That one moment, her face was full of determination.

"Umm... Actually, I was thinking, could you tell me what the students do in the Action Club?"

"Eehhh?! What makes a girl like you be so interested in a thing like THAT? Not to mention, you are a girl! You're not meant for training to fight and all the other boorish stuff!" Inori was completely bewildered by my sudden interest.

"So, they fight in that club? Is something like that even allowed in this modern age...?"

Inori backed off a few steps and continued, "Um, actually... That's true. Students get to train and go on field missions and whatnot, but you don't like that type of stuff, right? Only guys are into that, and point to note, they are even better suited for it!"

Now I was actually starting to get interested in it.

"Hmmm... You know, it does sound kind of fun! Maybe I should check it out."

"What-- Seriously Asuna-chii?! ........Well, I won't stop you from choosing, but still. The Dance club is waayyy better for you than a club like THAT! Oh and, and!!!" Inori pumped her chest with a boasting tune.

"Thanks for being considerate Inori. Well, should I sign up for the Action club right now?"

She nodded before clasping my hand and running off to who knows where. "We should go directly to the Action Club meetup room! Come on!!!"

(Hah?! But just seconds ago, she was so opposed to the idea!)

Well, Inori was known to change her mind in a flip of a switch...

"O-O-Okay! *pant* *pant* Inori, isn't this a tad too fast?!"

We were practically bolting towards the place.

"Nah! This is my usual pace~" Inori just kept up her big smile.





We finally reached our destination. There was a big sign on top of the door scribbled with 'Enter and Join the Cool Heroes: Action Club'. Now that I was in the very moment of standing in front of the door, the more I thought about it, the more nervous I was feeling.

(What if I am really not cut out for this? But... I did take karate lessons when I was small and even reached the black belt right when I was 6... so it can't be all too bad, right?)

Nodding once, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door after Inori hugged me and whispered, 'good luck'.

"Come in!" A loud voice spoke from the other side.

"O-Okay... Here goes..."

I opened the door gingerly only to find some very familiar figures.




"What?! A-Asuna? What are you--"

"Raizo?! YOU'RE in the Action Club?!" I was knocked over with surprise.

Even so, Raizo wasn't the only one present in the room. He awkwardly trailed away while I, on the other hand, saw this as the precise opportunity to start questioning.

(Perfect! Now I can finally ask why he was ignoring me for the past days!)