
Unexpected Siblings?!

"Hey, was it this girl we were supposed to keep away from?" The maroon-ish haired twin asked as he tugged on Raizo's sleeve, breaking the brief veil of silence enveloping the clubroom.

(Excuse me, what?!)

"Shush! She is standing right here Natsu! Idiot!" The other young twin warned as she jerked 'Natsu' by his collar from behind.

(Wait a minute... These were the twins that knocked me over on the first day!)

"Uhhh, what exactly does he mean by that? S-Should I leave, because it really feels like I should!" I questioned with an awkward smile due to this unwelcoming and bizarre impression I was feeling.

Raizo was the first one to halt my backstep. "He, ah-- He meant nothing by that! Yeah! Nothing at all hahah... Seriously, i-it's nothing for you to worry about! Right guys?"

He was clearly shaken, hinting out another red flag. I sighed in a low voice. My being here was only starting to get more and more uncomfortable. Raizo looked behind him for any hint of support. On the contrary, none of the others said a word, not even trying to justify what Raizo just said.

The senior guy and the girl, the two twins and Raizo were present in the compact clubroom, staggering to meet my gaze.




I finally couldn't hold it in anymore. All these stacked up emotions were threatening to expose my passive mind.

I had so much to ask, so much to say.




"You can't just expect me to understand all this! You've been acting really strange lately! Every time... Every time I come up to you...! Why won't you talk to me?! Is it because I eavesdropped? Just tell me what I did wrong already!"

I ended up practically yelling at him which I didn't mean to.


"And don't even think about dodging it now! I just...! I just wanted to apologize...! All this time!" My interruption made Raizo step back a little more. I, myself, could practically feel my head fuming by now.

"Asuna... I think you're misunderstanding a few things."

"...Huh?" I was puzzled after what Raizo said.

"I was avoiding you, but not because I was angry or whatever. It's really nothing you did, but..."

"But...? Geez, just spill it already!"

"...Haaa... ...This girl is that serious, huh?" Now it was the senior guy joining in as he exhaled in disgust.

"I say we just tell her and get over with it." The boy twin chimed in, to which the girl twin added, "Mmm, I kinda understand how she feels... No use hiding it any further I'd say."

"Ok then, very well. We will explain it all to you, but I'm pretty sure you might not take this shock so well. I mean, you're only finding out about it now - it would be a natural response."

The senior girl spoke firmly. From her tone and appearance, I could make her out to be responsible and strong-willed.

"...Your old man's name is Kurashina, right?" I was caught off guard upon hearing my dad's name out of a guy who I don't even know.

"H-How do you know his name?"

The senior guy looked away from me. There was another brief silence until Raizo's mouth parted to say, "You may not believe this, but... We are actually your brothers and sisters."








(Whaaaattt??!! T-This can't be!)

The senior girl continued, "If you are THIS surprised, then I don't suppose you know that your dad is also a vampire?"

"Ahhh, I-I do know that, but...... this is all too much to take in..."

"Another thing, we're also not really humans. Well, half-humans to be exact. This was the biggest reason why our parents never told you about us. It was all to make sure you, unlike us, live your normal life without any danger... But guess things got kind of complicated ever since you joined our school." Raizo explained while scratching his red hair.

"So... You're saying that you all are my... are my siblings? So, I have been living a life of ignorance this entire time...? I... That can't be... I don't believe this..."

Even though they talk without it being such a big deal for them, I, on the other hand, can't just right out accept it like some robot. It's too much in such short time and it was hard for me to swallow the truth. I always thought I was an only child, but now--

The senior girl rested her warm hand on my shoulder and spoke softly, "You better believe it, our little sister."

She then hugged me. I was stunned in place, unable to even blink.

"Finally, I wouldn't have to avoid you anymore! We've been dying to chat with you!" The young boy mentioned in relief approved by his twin's nod.

They all then looked at me smiling.

"Huh? Why are you crying Asuna?" Raizo asked wide eyed.


I never did notice my tears rolling down until Raizo pointed it out. They felt hot, just like my inner turmoil right now. I wasn't happy or sad. It was, rather, an unusual beating of my heart.

"Oh, come on! You should be happy that you aren't the only daughter now, right?" The young girl exclaimed.

I still didn't know if I was supposed to be delighted or disappointed. Disappointed by the fact that my parents kept such an important information to themselves, I mean, wasn't I old enough to know all that? A part of me was fighting to believe in their goodwill, but the unconvinced sentiment was also welling up.

(Can I really accept this kind of family who aren't even humans to begin with? I am delighted, but... still...)

"I... I don't know what to do. A lot was discovered, and I just can't take it all in..." I, at last, forced out a reply with a shaky voice.

"Come on Asuna, cheer up! You've got us now! You're not alone anymore, which is honestly a big win-win in my book." Raizo beamed as he patted my back.

"Mmm, I guess..."

At least now I know the source of why Raizo was avoiding me all this time. It was just to keep them a secret. I had to swallow the fact that he's now my brother - no, that now they all are my brothers and sisters.

......Can I be relieved?



A few minutes later...



"So, you're saying that your name's Mizore and you have ice powers?" The senior purple haired girl nodded as she hovered a few icicles for a display.

"And Raizo... is a reaper?!" Raizo simply smiled in stark contrast to my bewildered face.

(Wow...! Didn't see that coming! His personality doesn't even suit his, uh... form?)

"And the twins: Natsuno wields wind and Nikki... fire?"

The twins eagerly nodded their heads when I turned my attention away from Raizo's shock. While slowly surveying the two, my eyes caught a glimpse of a skull shaped necklace around Nikki's neck, among other items of course.

"Oh wow! Cute necklace. Do you like to accessorize by any chance?" I questioned when I realized Nikki was actually the only one amongst us looking 'extra' stylish.

"Ah, yeah, I do~ But, the necklace isn't just a fashion statement. It was actually a memento given to me by my sensei. Oo-ooh, do you wanna know what it does?!"

I gave a quick nod.

"This skull here is like a black hole except that it sucks the enemy to the underworld instead of outer space. Pretty neat, huh?" Nikki explained with a smile.

(W-Woahhh... can technology really go that far in this era? T-Talk about a whole new world...)

"...And finally, Yuichi is a... wolf-hybrid? Really?!"

"I think it's a good time to also mention this: Yuichi is the only adopted one out of all of us." Mizore added in.

"Eh-- R-Really?"

"Yeah, but we don't really bother with details like that when he's still family in the end."

Having the spotlight directed on him, the silver head quietly nodded his head as he looked away.

(Hmm, he does seem pretty much like a wolf now... Wonder what's the complete story?)


I still couldn't wrap my head fully around all this, but for some reason, I was pretty laid back about THIS revelation, contrary to how I freaked out when dad revealed his form. If I just paid closer attention to all the 'signs' I sensed, I probably would have accepted it better... Like how he always hung around at night and wore a black hoodie in the mornings. I did find that pretty strange, just never dug too deep into it.



Now it's not just dad. They all have been part of an entirely different world than me - their confession made me wonder what else lied in the future. It felt pretty frightening from being ignorant, especially when we all had been sharing the same earth, the same sky. How many more people have abilities/forms like them? How many other worlds are there...? Do they also get to fight villains like in the movies? Up until now, I've really been living side by side with all sorts of who-knows-what ability wielders, and I was too caught up in my normal life to actually turn around and notice...


"Now that you know everything, you may be having second thoughts on interacting with us..." Mizore muttered a few minutes after I'd calmed down.

"N-No I don't... It's just still shocking."

"Well, just forget about all this! You initially came here to join the club, right?" Raizo spoke up, bringing liveliness to the drowsy atmosphere.

Exclaiming as I got up, "Oh, that's right!"

I had completely forgotten my sole reason for coming here in the first place!

"I am the one in charge of this club."

A cold voice suddenly rang from outside. I looked behind to see a really tall, strict man looking our way.

"Perfect timing, sir!" Raizo boomed while giving a thumbs up, but the man just spat in disgust.

(Why is he so... scary?)

I tried to remain composed as he walked my way though I was afraid to even think of what he would do or say.

"Do you think you have what it takes to join this club, huh?!" He was literally shouting at me like some big shot.

I shook my head as he kept on blabbering about how I look so weak and that I didn't have the potential to join this club. I was already doubting myself and he just made it all the worse.

"Sadashige sensei. Give her a chance instead of pushing her away!" Mizore declared from behind him.

"Yeah, cut her some slack will ya? She just got here!" Natsuno added.

Sadashige sensei made an annoyed look as he stepped back a little which gave me room for sighing in relief.

"Is she human? Or perhaps..."

"...She's plain human." Yuichi answered Sadashige sensei.

"Fine, then...... she's not worth it!!!"


Giving his blunt denial, Sadashige sensei was about to leave when Raizo spoke up, "We can't know for sure until you give her the test, right?"

(I never knew there was going to be a test! Is this even allowed?!)

I was totally against the whole thing, but somehow, that made Sadashige sensei think for a moment.

A LONG moment...




"Fine. I'll allow it. But it won't be my fault if she dies in the process!"


I couldn't help shaking slightly. At that moment, Mizore's hand touched my shoulder as she whispered, "It will be alright Asuna. It's not that hard."

"Yeah, you'll do great!" Nikki cheered with Natsuno.

"Thanks... I hope..."

And with that, I was escorted by Sadashige sensei all the way outside. It wasn't long until we reached the back of the building. Over in front, Sadashige sensei pressed a hidden button on a pillar and with a click, the whole scene changed in front of me.

The once looking wall was now replaced by a big, mysterious, and black forest. It looked so damp and eerie, a clear sign that one shouldn't step foot in it.

"You know! On second thought...!"

"There's no turning back now human. *chuckle* I can't wait to see the outcome now."

Sadashige sensei cut me short with his sinister smile and rude remark. I gulped before he deliberately pushed me inside. The moment I entered, the 'gateway' behind me distorted until it was no more. Turning my attention forward, it already felt like I was lost. There was nothing but trees and darkness around me. Everywhere I looked, it was the same as if being mirrored.

"How am I supposed to find my way out of here?!"

Just then, I heard a rustling noise from behind, followed by two fierce golden eyes.

(Eek! Now I'm done for!)

Goosebumps welled up on my skin from the fear that took over as our eyes met...




~To be continued...