
When I Was Reincarnated As a Goblin

After getting hit by a truck, A 30 year old Shut-In gets reincarnated in another world, hunting for food, fighting hard to beat monsters, and humanoid creatures that despise goblins.

thelazywriter_3wq7 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Dying and reincarnating as a goblin.

On a Sunday afternoon, middle aged otaku Narumi Iwatani ( Iwatani is his first name) was playing MMORPG's as usual. "I need something to eat". He thinks to himself. He then walks toward his mini fridge and opens it. "Its empty, I guess I do need to buy some groceries".

He then walks to a convenience store, before he makes it, he sees a greenish man. "What the, I must be hallucinating, I did not sleep for seven days." He then goes Inside the convenience store. " What was it, some instant ramen, some eggs and some meat". As he was remembering his list, the supermarket shelf falls and crushes him to death.

" Huh, what happened. I suddenly can't feel my body. Wait a second, am I dead!?". He then was able to look around. "Wait a second, this isn't the supermarket! Where am I and why am I here ?". He then looks at himself, he realizes he's no longer a human, but a small, smelly goblin.

"Is this another world!? Did I just get Isekaied!?". ( Isekaied means been transported to another world ). He then calms down and assesses the situation. He sees that he's in a cave with Forty or more goblins, of all ages inside the cave.

He tries to speak but couldn't. He then tries to move, but it was like he was in concrete. "It seems I'm still a newborn baby, the worst situation to be in". He then fakes a smile and sighs.

"Hmm, looks like another goblin has been born". An old looking goblin says to himself. "I shall name you " Goranu " The name of a warrior ". The old goblin then leaves. " It seems like my new names " Goranu " now ". Iwatani thinks to himself. he then falls asleep. " Why am I a goblin though ". He thinks before he fell asleep.

Hello everyone, thank you for reading my new book and I apologise for ending my previous story before finishing it, honestly, I was just being lazy and coud'lnt think of anything for a new chapter so I just gave up.

A second chapter of my new book is coming, just wait and see for yourselves, and if you like my first chapter, tell your friends and family about this book so I would be more motivated.

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