
When I Was Reincarnated As a Goblin

After getting hit by a truck, A 30 year old Shut-In gets reincarnated in another world, hunting for food, fighting hard to beat monsters, and humanoid creatures that despise goblins.

thelazywriter_3wq7 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Dying And Reincarnating As A Goblin Part 2

After a couple of days later , Goranu grew up And is 4 ft. 5. "How did I grow up so fast!!?". He then stands up and and assesses himself. " A small, skinny, green body, no hair and a rotten smell, no one would wanna date me in this form, even when I was human nobody wanted to date me." He then goes outside and sees the forest and valleys in the background. His face filled with awe. " This world is beautiful, no cars, no smoke, no tall buildings, just nature." He says in awe. "Sate sate, I think I should get some food." He then goes into the forest and searches for something to eat.

After a while of searching through bushes and trees, he then finds a fat looking boar. " A boar! just enough to last me a couple of days." He then grabs a rock and climbs up a tree. as the boar was approaching the tree, Goranu then jumps down the tree and tries to hit it on the head with the rock he picked up, he misses and the boar slams him with its big body, as Goranu is riding along with it, He bashes it's head multiple times, crushing it. He then starts a fire and roasts the boar." Boar meat is delicious!" He says as he is bloodied up " I wish I could've ate this in my past life." Suddenly, text appeared in front of Goranu.

[Job: "Hunter" acquired. Skill: "Devourer" Acquired. ]

"What was that just now !?" Goranu says. "It was like a female voice that was in my head, this is turning out to be like a MMORPG." He then notices that it's almost dusk. " I should make camp here since the is long ways away." Goranu then picks up a bunch of sticks and small logs and makes a mini shelter. "It's done!" He says with a smile. He then goes inside it and rests. As he looks at the roof of his shelter, he says. "This time, it will be different, and I will be the strongest goblin ever!" He then falls asleep.

After he wakes up, he piles up the ashes of the fire last night, eats the remainder of the boar and packs up to go home. " I should take some plants and herbs home to study." He thinks to himself. He then picks up some plants and herbs from the ground home. After a long walk, he finally makes it home. " I'm home!" He says. The goblins are in awe. The goblin elder then approaches him and uses an appraisal skill.

"All Seeing Eye" The elder says and text pops up in front of the elder. "I.. Impossible! such high stats for a new born goblin." "What's wrong elder?" Goranu asks. "Level 10, strength 245, agility 257, defense 468, vitality 1064, stamina 500 and magic power 678. " Goranu is surprised on what the elder said. "Most goblins don't make it to level 3, yet you are level 10, what beast did you hunt out there?" The elder asks. "It was a boar." Goranu says. The elders face was filled with fear. "You mean that monster, the elder demon boar." "I think so, why?" The elder then grabs his arms. "That was a boar that no goblin, no, no hobgoblin could kill, yet a newborn like you killed it."

The cave was filled with terrified faces looking at him. He then walks to a corner of the cave where he could be alone and studied the plants. "To think I could kill such a monster, and with ease as well." He says. He then shudders that thought off. "Okay, just do the task at hand." He then assesses a purpule'ish plant that resembles rice, rubs it at his skin and takes a little bite out of it and spit it. " It doesn't seem poisonous."

[ Job: "Analyst" acquired. Skill: " Blind man's eye" acquired]

"A new job? I guess I can acquire one if I do a specific task." He then studies the other plants. After a while of studying plants, he makes a sling and a stone knife, he gets tired. "I'm tired, I should get some rest." He says. He then lays down and sleeps.

Another chapter after a month!

Thank you guys for reading my book/novel. Ive been working on this chapter for a while and I hope you enjoy It. And by the way, if you think that this book is familliar, its because I based it on a LN/Manga about an esper getting reincarnated as an overpowered and high IQ goblin.

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