
when I was a demon queen

she was from demons clan and a leader of it, she used to be so powerful than any beings till a day she was betrayed. She died but not her souls now she is born into another form and her fellow members want to help her returning her memories with other souls which can help her to regain her powers. will she return when now she learned many things from mortal world especially love.

Christina_2745 · Fantasia
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6 Chs

She changes.

It's a noon time many students are doing their plans but Yang Fei decides to go to the library to find a book to read. She goes where there are many books in a proper arrangements, she starts searching if she can find a book she wants to read then someone follow her "what kind of book do you wish to read so desperate that you are looking for it for such a long time I can help you!".

"oh! Wang min.. are you here too,am just looking for a book I don't even know how to explain it for what kind of book am I looking "

"I know some kind of good books but for now am reading this book" he is showing her a book which he is holding"it is about a tale of a dark queen who existed about centuries ago...if you like It i can borrow you!"

"I was looking for a book like this one a story about that dark queen I just feel want to know her better! but if there are other books like this one in this library you can show me so you can remain with your book!"

"There are many of them but this is a true story of that dark queen because my grandmother told me a story of her, it is a same with a story written in this book !"

"thank you...when I read it I will return it back to you!".

Yang Fei return back to her room but Jung ji is not inside a room 'Many times Jung ji goes somewhere I don't know..I wonder if there is something bothering her '. Yang Fei sit at a certain small chair inside that room which in front of her there is also a certain wooden table ' Thousand years ago there existed a very powerful demon which was a female, she was so powerful that no one ever succeed in defeating her. Because of how powerful she is mortals given her a name dark fairly as she was so beautiful and powerful as a fairly. She lived many years without aging as she possess seven souls which can help her to survive, she was a great demon at demon realm among of all demons as she was capable in everything even giving someone a power of not ever aging. Because of how powerful she is human started being fearful to her as she might control them so they planned to kill her '.

Yang Fei stop reading when she Sense someone is coming "oh! Jung ji!"

"Yang Fei what are you doing all alone!?"

"reading some books.. what about you where have you been?"

"home! my grandfather is sick!"

"am so sorry about that!... one day he is going to be fine"

"I also wish that!"

"that's why sometimes I don't find you for a whole day...now I understand!"

"am going to rest for now!"


After Jung ji falling asleep Yang Fei continue to read that book , she reads it a very long time till a time she starts feeling so much pain at her chest. she starts feeling unwell that she can't do anything she decides to close that book so she can rest for a while at her bed , but she loose conscious while trying to sleep.

It's a night time Xiao lan sleeps inside his room, while sleeping he starts having a dream that he is sitting down while holding a certain woman on his arms. that woman who have red pupils is touching his cheeks while her hands are very covered with blood"why you of all people?...you were the one who tought me what love is....I was leady to leave everything behind so we can start our own world....why it has to be you..". Xiao lan open his eyes" ah! what a bad nightmare of people who I don't know!". Xiao lan decides to go outside to get some fresh air so he can clear up his mind. "it will be better if there's a wine!" Xiao lan starts going to a kitchen if he can find any wine he stop walking when he sees someone familiar is walking "Yang Fei? ...is she a sleep walking?!".

Xiao lan starts following Yang Fei from behind "what if guards sees her it will be so embarrassing I should stop her!."

Yang Fei reach at a certain small garden inside that sect "Yang Fei!" calls Xiao lan

Yang Fei turns around only when he heard Xiao lan voice Xiao lan is looking at Yang Fei and found out now she have red pupils"Yang Fei?!..what is ..!"

"Wei Yi!"

"Wei Yi?...have you gone mad? what with your eyes? did you receive some magical powers wow after those years.."

"Wei Yi did you ever missed me?!" asking with many sadness in her eyes

"what kind of magical powers did you receive? what have you done to yourself!" Xiao lan goes near her he starts waving his arms near her face "what gotten to you? wake up!". suddenly Yang Fei is grabbing Xiao lan hand "what with my..!". His words cutting off when suddenly Yang Fei give him a kiss on his lips a thing which he didn't expect to happen.