
when I was a demon queen

she was from demons clan and a leader of it, she used to be so powerful than any beings till a day she was betrayed. She died but not her souls now she is born into another form and her fellow members want to help her returning her memories with other souls which can help her to regain her powers. will she return when now she learned many things from mortal world especially love.

Christina_2745 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

What is their true identity.

It's a morning now Xiao lan waking up from his room trying to remember what happened yesterday he remembers all things except his dream "this evil woman trying to steal my first..aah! I better not think about that".

Yang Fei is waking up having a headache but she doesn't remember anything which happened yesterday. Yang Fei looks at Jung ji bed she finds that she is not here "I don't even remember when she left!...oh dear am late for morning lectures how come I didn't hear that drum?!" Yang Fei start preparing herself

Xiao lan is looking at Wang min bed finds he is not there only he found out that he is very late for morning lessons he starts preparing himself so quickly. 'This bastard how could he leave me what a selfish man!....as if he didn't sleep here tonight!".

Wang min is returning to the sect trying to jump through a wall fence because he didn't sleep at a sect yesterday's night. Wang min is jumping to a second side, when he reaches down of the other side he become shocked when he found out there is another person besides him who was doing a same thing like him.

"Jung ji!"

"Wang min!"

"it seems you have so many secrets especially to your friend!"talking closer to her

"I don't hide anything from her, but it seems you are kind of those scary people... what is your true identity Wang min!?"

"I suggest we better hurry up so we can't be late for morning lectures!". Both Wang min and Jung ji start running towards a room which are supposed to be for those lessons now.

Xiao lan is also running towards that room before he reaches that room he sees someone who is also late and now is outside "it seems there are lot of students who like fighting with a blanket early in the morning hahahahahahah!"talking to himself while laughing that Master who is with that another late student sees him "hey you!..you better hurry up!". Xiao lan goes near that Master now he is looking for his fellow idiot"Yang Fei?!..you again!". Xiao lan remembers what happened yesterday night he looks at another side trying to avoid her, while looking at another side he is seeing other fellow students who are coming late"what the..Wang min!"

"Jung ji!" calls Yang Fei not believing what she is seeing right now "how comes she is late than me today?! hahahahahah! this is so funny!"

"Is this Wang min?! there's some worth being late today hahahah!" says Xiao lan. Master Liu who is a one teaching today's morning lecture allow them to enter inside but later on all of them should go to the kitchen to get their punishment.

They all go to the kitchen for that punishment after getting a lunch,they didn't take it seriously because they know there is nothing scary in a kitchen but when they reach at that kitchen found all dirty dishes which were used by students during lunch time are looking at them. "What is this about chief?!" asked Xiao lan who feels like he wants to run away

"Master Liu says you should make sure this dishes are clean!" replied the Chief

"All of them?" asked Yang Fei who her eyes are so sad.

They start washing those dishes like they were told sometimes provoking each other especially Xiao lan and Yang fei, while washing Jung ji takes those clean dishes so she can put them else where that can't get dirty again .A place where she is putting those dishes is near a certain very tall table which on that table there is a certain big pot Jung ji put those dishes so careful but while she's returning back that table shakes which lead that pot to falls down towards Jung ji 's head which is so dangerous to her. Wang min is seeing that pot before he does anything suddenly someone at higher speed kick that pot with a foot, a pot broke but inside that pot there's a flour. The way pot broke lead all flour to spread in the air, everyone use their inner powers to cover themselves so can't reach near them by making a certain protection like a wall for few seconds but not Yang Fei who just cover her nose by using her hand. Wang min is seeing something from Yang Fei 'She doesn't have any inner powers? Is it because she doesn't have the other six souls? but there's one soul inside of her....it means there is someone who know her identity and that person is so powerful that he sealed her inner powers who is he?' Wang min now is looking at Xiao lan remembers how he was so fast getting near Jung ji ' always he pretends to be so weak but I think he is not like the way he seems to be....who are you Xiao lan!' Wang min thinking many things.

"Xiao lannn!!!" shouts Yang Fei

"What! why so loud It's just a flour!"

"Thank you.....Xiao lan!" says Jung ji to Xiao lan

"it's nothing!" Xiao lan replying while going where Yang Fei is "are you alright? but it doesn't seem to have any bad effects!" Xiao lan asking Yang Fei.

"I know...that is why am going to take a revenge!" says Yang Fei while taking those dirty water which used in washing those dishes. Xiao lan starts running while finding a cup so he can take a water to take a revenge if Yang Fei do anything to him with those dirty water which now become playful to them which leads their friendship between Xiao lan,Yang Fei, Jung ji and Wang Min to becoming closer.