
The Invasion

At 8:00am in the morning I woke up and looked at my three best friend in the whole world. They slept-over in my house last night, my mum finally consented to what I have been longing for over the months. I have never had an opportunity to sleepover in friend's house before, so this is my first experience. And it was awesome, we had so much fun. I stood up and looked at my self myself in the mirror, my blonde long hair was so scattered with few popcorns in it, I looked at my friends' hairs and theirs were the same. I just thought of an idea so I decided to wake my friends up.

"Maya, Belle and Maddie" I shouted "wake up sleepy heads"

And they all stood up scared

"Why did you wake us up like that?" Maya said

"How many times do I have to say that my name is not Maddie but Madison"  Maddie reacted.

" Yeah,yeah, whatever" I said"by the way I was thinking that we should all make breakfast to surprise my mum, so that we can still have a chance of another sleepover soon"

" Sounds great" Belle said

"What do we cook?"Maya responded

"We are gonna make pasta" I said, smiling.

"Ok? But are we sure she is not awake yet?" Belle said

" That is left for me to find out" I said and went outside the room,

everywhere was quiet but suddenly I heard a sound, and it's sounds like its

coming from downstairs. My friends heard it too and came outside, we all rushed downstairs together, only to meet my mum holding her neck and it seems like it's paining her. I wanted to come closer to her but she said

"Cassie, don't come close to me"

"But mum I ---"

"Cassie I don't know how much time I have left but you need to know this, vampire zombies are invading the world and you and your friends are the only people left, they came into our house but before I could be able to chase them out they had bitten me. and bitten me. So, my children you need to quickly get out of here in time because I will soon turn to a vampire zombie. But before I do, I want to tell you something very important, and that is you and your friends are. . . ."

Before she complete her sentence, two of her front teeth started growing longer than the others. I ran to take garlic, subsequently, her body started turning pale.

"She is turning into a vampire zombie" Maddie observed.

" Everybody grabbed a garlic. Cassie reminded her friends about the vampire movie , just like the  movies where vampires were said to be afraid of garlic".

" This is not movie but real life" Belle said.

However, Cassie encouraged them to do it"

They all picked a garlic and kept in their pocket. We were about to leaving home when Belle reminded us about our phones.

"But there's no one left to call"Maddie proclaimed.

"Yeah, I know that, but just in case we get bored"

"Let's hurry and get out of here" I said " am really becoming scared " We all ran upstairs to pick our phones.

"Now time to take our leave" Maddie said

We all quickly ran out of the room and went downstairs, then we saw mum who had already turned to a vampire zombie

"Oh, no"

"She is coming towards us" Maddie said

"Aaaaaah" we all started screaming