
What!? I am a pet!?

Escaping the abusive home they have come to know, this adventurer finds a world that has been hidden underneath their nose this whole time. What mysteries will unfold as Rowan discovers the truth behind reality while they twist in the grasp of a rather astonishing man.

Ez_at_eightteen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


~"I made it!" I huffed as I pounded the button for the lobby. I was just about to lean against the wall when a shiver ran down my spine.

"What are you running from, little cub?"~

"I asked you a question, did I not?"

"...." I was speechless, whoever this person is did not sound aggressive yet I still felt this weight hanging in the air. I turned towards the voice.

"Are you there, little cub? Hello, are you okay?"

I stood there gaping like a goat. Who the hell was this man? He stood around 194 cm and towered above my scrawny height of 155. His dark hair was tasseled in a mess on top of his head. He waves his hand in front of my face, grabbing my attention. "What are you staring at?" I looked up dumbfounded by his words.


"You know what I don't usually invest myself in strangers but you seem interesting right now. Out of breath, dumbfounded, and a total $hit show. You seem like someone who needs a helping hand." The nerve on this guy just oozed overconfident @$$.

"I just need to get to the lobby, nothing more sorry for bothering you." I turned around and stared at my shoes. I bend down fixing a loose lace.

"Well, my name is Hǔ Bǎihé, what's yours?" He replied as if it wasn't completely awkward.

"My name is none of your business, considering we will probably never meet again." We finally reach the lobby and the elevator slows to stop.

"Well, my hopes are we meet many times more, Wúmíng." With a nod of his head, he vanishes in a cloud of smoke, leaving the smell of tiger lilies to dance in my nose.

"What the £uck!?"