
What!? I am a pet!?

Escaping the abusive home they have come to know, this adventurer finds a world that has been hidden underneath their nose this whole time. What mysteries will unfold as Rowan discovers the truth behind reality while they twist in the grasp of a rather astonishing man.

Ez_at_eightteen · Fantasy
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10 Chs


~"Well, my hopes are we meet many times more, Wúmíng." With a nod of his head, he vanishes in a cloud of smoke, leaving the smell of tiger lilies to dance in my nose.

"What the £uck!?"~

He vanished into thin air!? How is that logically possible!? I leave the elevator in disbelief as the smoke settles, the scent billowing behind me. I walk through the lobby and out the door. My pace quickened after the fresh air pulled me from my trance. It seems like today is going to be a rough start to fix my broken life. I sigh, the adrenaline rush fading as reality kicks me hard.

"What to do?" I whistle as I walk down the all too familiar road to one of my many jobs. "Hopefully, Kirako won't mind if I crash at the store tonight." I turn the corner to the convenience store I've worked at for the past five years. "It's been a while since I've had to come here on a day off." I walk through the door and the first thing I see is Kirako on the phone with the Manager right beside them. "Oh, no!" I instinctively run out the door with my bag in tow, if he already called here then he must have called all of the places he knows I could go. Between my different jobs and where I volunteer no one is gonna let me in. Where am I gonna go?

"W-wait, stop right there!" I hear Kirako shout behind me, as I take the nearest ally away from their line of sight. It starts to pour as I rush down the endless twist and turns before I dash into the employee entrance of some sort of club.

"Oh, dear. Who are you? Why are your clothes so torn and dirty? Your soaking wet!" A woman's voice bellows before me. "Here change into this." She stuffs a uniform into my arms and drags me to the nearest bathroom. "Wash up your pretty face Deary, then we can discuss why you're barging in my club when you don't even work here yet."