
What!? I am a pet!?

Escaping the abusive home they have come to know, this adventurer finds a world that has been hidden underneath their nose this whole time. What mysteries will unfold as Rowan discovers the truth behind reality while they twist in the grasp of a rather astonishing man.

Ez_at_eightteen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


She stuffs a uniform into my arms and drags me to the nearest bathroom. "Wash up your pretty face Deary, then we can discuss why you're barging in my club when you don't even work here yet."

I stand in the bathroom, dazed at the unfolding of events since I woke up this morning. I drop my bag and look at the attire she gave me, It consisted of dress slacks, A white long-sleeved button-up, and a simple gray vest with thin black lines embroidered on the sides and back. I heard a thud on the door, and scramble to change my clothes. When I peek out there are a pair of black dress shoes with socks. I trade them out for mine and run my hand through my mid-length hair. "What now?" I scan the hallway, not a soul in sight. I walk back the way we came, hoping to find the woman in charge. I pass a few doors when I hear people talking around the corner.

"Did you see the human?"

"The Madame seemed to have been expecting them."

"Do you really think the prophecy is going to be fulfilled soon? I didn't think they would be so fragile, let alone a human."

Their voices fade as they walk down the hall. I try to follow them, in hopes of finding more information. Before long, I've lost the gossiping duo as well as what direction I came from.

"Wonderful, I'm lost and I haven't seen anyone for ages," I mutter to myself, the air around me quiet and cold. I bring my hands up and rub my arms through my sleeves, dispelling the goosebumps that prickle my skin. A feeling of Deja vu engulfs me and I stay still in my tracks. A familiar scent fills the air and I scan my surroundings. Standing a few feet away is the man from the elevator this morning followed by the woman the Staff referred to as The Madame.