
Werewolf Diaries

Conner could be considered a delinquent, if your version of a delinquent was a random student who thrashed people who needed it. Conner was a sickly person who was picked on, even through he was sick, something in him wouldn’t let them beat him. So he fought, he fought until he completely reformed the school. He lived for thrill, now that it was over…What else could he do now.

Though_that_then · Filmes
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: 4 Quadruplets

Conner would be a bold faced liar, if he said "Who are you four? Do I know you?".

These four were the most popular girls in school

Aelia - Was the second oldest and the one who often showed alot of emotion. She seemed to always be happy or smiling. She was in fact the people that carried Connor to the infirmary after he fought a gang that heard about his reputation. She helped everyone and was a pretty nice girl from what Conner could see. She had bright golden eyes and light brown hair, her body was close to pefection.

Haith - Was the older sister of the four quadruplets. She gave off a seductive mature lady aura, despite only being in high school. She was without a doubt the most well endowed and most popular pick for the list the boys created, "Top 300 girls I would like to date, marry, have thirty kids with, and die with, before being reunited in heaven for our good deeds and actions!" She was pretty much the golden girl of the school. She had golden eyes with black hair, she in fact was the girl that helped Conner in a fight, he wasn't losing, but he still took the help.

Louise - She was a full…blown…tsundere at it's finest from what Conner could see with his twenty over twenty. She seemed very poud and maybe sadistic, she often walked around with her B tier chest and held higher than the clouds. She was was the third child of the four. Believe it or not she was actually in the top four in the ranking of top 300 girls. Louise and Conner met while she was sleeping in the classroom during the great time of lunch. She often sat in the classroom alone, Connor would sit in the room beside her…he just felt like it. She had brown hair and dark red eyes, maybe they were contacts.

Aera - Was the more quiet one, she seemed to always be reading something, she didn't have anything right now through. She looked rather…lacking of human emotion, however she did not lack in looks. She had black hair and dark red eyes, she had a above average body, it only slighty lacked when compared to the other sisters. She was actually number three in the top 300 rankings that the boys created. Conner met her when he was looking for a science related book, he couldn't find it, before the emotionless girl tapped his head with it. He read next to the girl until he learned everything he needed to know. The girl sometimes helped him when he needed it, she was a slient saint.

In rankings it was

Haith/Our mommy for number one

Aeila/Little sunshine for number two

Aera/Kuudere queen for number three

Louise/Stomp me tsundere for number four

Conner lightly coughed to get rid of the soda from his throat, he almost choked.

Aelia darted it over like a fly with wings and patted Conner's back. Haith just walked over and rubbed Conner's back, he had already stopped coughing.

"So…did you all have something to tell me" He said before taking another sip.

He was thrown a letter at the end of graduation by Aeila. She waved after him before running back. Joseph and Mary's eyes opened like a shell shocked fish out of water. They laughed while patting their son's back and told him to go, they would take care of this end. They raised their fists and pulled out their phones to brag while they crossed their legs in a arrogant manner.

They didn't really feel shocked at Conner's sudden gain of a letter, he looked pretty endearing after all he was their son. His grey hair and pale skin made him stand out like a sunburn on a person's body.

Back to the conversation

"Yes, would you like to become our pick for a recruit" Aeila said with pleading eyes with her fingers interlocked as if she were praying.

Conner looked over to the girl

"A job? Camp? College?" Conner asked, but what he really wanted to ask was "How did you move that fast, is it possible to teach me?" He however kept his thoughts to himself.

"Fufufu" The mature girl next to him, Haith laughed while covering her mouth and shaking her head.

They all began to shake their head

"Nope, We want you to be apart of our pack, as werewolves"




"That's what I said!"

Conner touched her head

"You seem to be fine" Conner pulled his hand off Aeila's head.

"Ehehehehe! If you keep touching me like that, I might assume you are attemping to court me. Not that I mind" She said the last part in a mutter

"…" Conner heard her

"Big sister. Stop trying to explain, just show him" The emotionless girl, Aera said while taking out her phone, she wanted to see if any books she liked got updated.

"Yes, Yes, show him!" The eldest sister said while putting her hands together.

"That could be a better and faster way, he's a fool after all." The tsundere said, however what she mean't to say was "Do it! It's easier for him to agree if you do that, he's pretty smart" She turned her head and pulled out her phone to snap a picture of the background…she even lies in her actions. She took a picture of Conner and put it as her home screen.

Aeila dusted off the rear of her clothing after standing up

"Watch and learn!" Aeila said before jumping up into the air and propelling herself off her own shockwave and burst of air she created.

The soda Conner was drinking sprayed like a cracked water pipe. Haith already moved away, she expected something like this.

He coughed, The tsundere slapped his back like a angry customer. While Haith gently rubbed it like a mother touching her baby in a rocking chair.

"Ouch" Conner said

Aeila came down with a smirking expression and a highly risen chest.

"So what do you think? Will you join?"

"Is it fun"

They all laughed, even the emotionless girl

"Of course."