
Werewolf Bond

Ethan was one of the least you could ever imagined was a full blooded werewolf. A clumsy ass, a nerd, a dump, all about a loser, with many health problems and he is also an orphan. He was never the bold type. Rather he was very shy and tends to play a dump type. But what happened when he found out that his grandfather was death right in their house. His heart ripped off. With pain, agony and grief, he tried to fight through the pain, he was bullied, harassed, and called all such of names. His hearing device was destroyed by his classmates in school, he was like not from this world. But what struck him the most was that, he was told about his family and his root, like that wasn't enough, he comes to know a lot more o what he can take about his family, crossing over to the werewolves world when he was forced to be an only Omega and rejected cause he was seen as a weak being. However all the werewolves race were completely endangered with the prophecy pending, the hero was already been prepared right from birth, at least the only person they thought was their hero. But little did they know the moon goddess had her eyes on someone else. Someone they really least expected. A complete nobody. But cause of some traumatic experience will the chosen one ever conquer his fears and finally let his werewolf speak or would betrayal and abuse quench the only hope of their goddess Luna! or will another hero be chosen for the ultimate battle of the prophecy. Warnings, that contains sexual assault, abuse of minor, disturbing scenes for only those who are strong enough to go through that particular adventure through pain and Victory.

Abdulazeez_Garuba · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 3


Curled up on the couch, holding this feet closely staring at nothing. That was what Ethan did.

He was still in his black suit, the one he wore for his grandfather's burial. The cause of his death was still unknown, but it is suspected to be homicide. All he could recall was the deadly sight when he had opened the door.

Flashbacks of neighbors running in at his hysteric screams. Them pulling him away from his grandfather's corpse. The questions of the cops, the paramedics and his funeral.

His warm tears hit his fabric cover thigh. He couldn't help but feel guilty for sending his grandfather off to his device.

"Hey honey". Teresa called, as she sat by his side drawing circles on his back trying to soothe him.

He collapsed her chest, hugging her as he was full on sobbing. "It was my fault! It was my fault," He muttered over and over again. Feeling like a part of him was been ripped and buried along with his grandfather.

"Shush Darling, is not". She ran her fingers in his dusty black hair.

"Grandma, I shouldn't have let him go alone, I shouldn't have allowed them to smashed my device, I should have told him the truth" He choked

She signed, raising his chin so he could look her in the eye. " You are not to be blame, the cop will get hold of whoever did it and put them behind bars!"

But now, I am lonely, I don't have parents, he was all to me, it hurts so much " He continued sobbing. Resulting in a hyperventilation as the thought of him been all alone with nobody scared him to death. He was only fifteen not fifty.

Teresa helped him with his inhaler which after she laid him on her lap to get him to calm down.

"I'm here with you, you are not alone". She said. " I'm your grandfather's best friend since childhood, he automatically becomes a relative and I see you as my grandson, I will never let you get hurt. I will be here for you". She whispered to him as he squeezed her hand tightly.

His sobs had quieted and he was peaceful dossing off poor boy she thought while taking off his glasses. His mother died, and he was fatherless. Now he has loss his grandfather. Why is life so unfair?

The low ding dong ' of the porch bell was what brought her to the door after he had carefully placed Ethan's head on the pillow.

All their visitors were long gone and it was getting to midnight, who could it be?

She flipped the door opened staring at the men on the porch.

"Thomas, this late? She said to the younger boy while staring at the mysterious young man in black.

"Sorry ma'am but he wanted to know your new address" Thomas responded

"Hm, help with the kid on the couch " she said to him go in

"Long time Maria Teresa " The man in black said and immediately she recognized him.

"E- will?" She stuttered batting her eyes multiple times. "What are you doing here?"

"Where is Gregory?" The man in black suit and sunglasses asked.

"Why do you care?" She responded pretty aggressively.

"Tell me where the fuck he is or I fucking burn the house down ". His tone was monotonous but the seriousness was more than clear.

Teresa's gaze dropped to the floor, as she whispered " He died yesterday "

Williams took off his glasses as she let him in and narrated the incident about Gregory's death.

"Right now Ethan is all alone?" He asked.

"Not at all, he is with his grandma. Me. " She said defensively.

"He has stayed here enough, he is coming with me" William said

"You don't want this William. I don't need you to sympathize over your own son. The one you made a choice over and abandoned".

"Is not an option Teresa. Ethan will be with me as from now on". He said

"What will I tell him? Huh?"

"Whatever you want. I will come pick him tomorrow" with that William stood up and started for the door.

"And you will take him down far from me?"

He paused in his tracks, his back turned to her. ", His security is our priority, that was what Brian and Gregory had wished." Like that he left disappearing in the dark darkness of the night.

Teresa sigh while gripping her chest and stroking the old family photo with her free hand. A tough decision.

Ethan got up with a terrible headache from crying so much the previous night. He craved out of bed reluctantly and took a shower with memories of his grandfather, it make him only grim and moody.

Once he was fully dressed in his white button down, and a red sweat vest with a black trouser. He grabbed his new device having a flashback on when he had seen it on the table.

He closed his palm and held it tightly while going to put it in his secret box under the bed, as he wiped the tears off his face. He could be partly deaf for one day other than have Dan smash it.

He went down the stairs walking straight to the door.

"Ethan honey" Teresa called.

"Gregory?' he responded in a soar voice.

"Breakfast. She helped the cookies up for him knowing it was his favorite. And her lunch box which he gratefully grabbed.

He glaced at the warm delicious cookies, but his stomach was in such a knot. "I'm I-late". He wiped his nose.

Aw, come on , just one for me?" She urged him

He reached for one waving her off but again she stopped him.

Ethan? We need to talk after school" she said. He got anxious, having to talk was always never good, he almost never had talks except when it came to serious business with his grandfather, like his lack of progress in sports. Or his constant zone out in public, or his mental and medical health, just maybe when his little secret were revealed.