
Werewolf Bond

Ethan was one of the least you could ever imagined was a full blooded werewolf. A clumsy ass, a nerd, a dump, all about a loser, with many health problems and he is also an orphan. He was never the bold type. Rather he was very shy and tends to play a dump type. But what happened when he found out that his grandfather was death right in their house. His heart ripped off. With pain, agony and grief, he tried to fight through the pain, he was bullied, harassed, and called all such of names. His hearing device was destroyed by his classmates in school, he was like not from this world. But what struck him the most was that, he was told about his family and his root, like that wasn't enough, he comes to know a lot more o what he can take about his family, crossing over to the werewolves world when he was forced to be an only Omega and rejected cause he was seen as a weak being. However all the werewolves race were completely endangered with the prophecy pending, the hero was already been prepared right from birth, at least the only person they thought was their hero. But little did they know the moon goddess had her eyes on someone else. Someone they really least expected. A complete nobody. But cause of some traumatic experience will the chosen one ever conquer his fears and finally let his werewolf speak or would betrayal and abuse quench the only hope of their goddess Luna! or will another hero be chosen for the ultimate battle of the prophecy. Warnings, that contains sexual assault, abuse of minor, disturbing scenes for only those who are strong enough to go through that particular adventure through pain and Victory.

Abdulazeez_Garuba · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 4


"E- Ethan? How long have you been standing here?" She walked over to him placing a hand on his cheek.

"E- who are they?" He asked, glancing at the couples who were now staring at him.

"Let's go upstairs." She grabbed his wrist leading him away as he stared back at the weird looking couple.

"Sit". She pointed at the bed while pacing about finding the accurate sentence.

"W--what's going on?" He asked feeling the tension getting the best of him. He had never seen her so disrupted and worried in his life.

She signed and take in a deep breath." Do you remember what I told you this morning?" She asked going to seat by his side.

"About, my father? Don't worry I don't want to know about him, stop stressing. "He said quietly.

"But I have to. You know your father, is." She trailed off.

"Not a good guy?" He asked.

"No, he is just too cold." She finally said as she grabbed his both hands in hers.

"Don't worry I won't stay with him, I will stay here with you." He said, holding her hand even tighten.

"The choice is not yours or mine." She whispered, trying to repress tears. " He wants you with him."

"I don't want to leave, why should I be forced to?"

"You are not safe here. The truth is, we are not humans." She said. His eyes widen as he slightly begin to shake.

"I d-don't u- understand." He stuttered.

"We are werewolves, you know like the ones you read in the novels." She said.

His breath hitched and his heart beat skipped, before resuming in a rapid pounding.

"I know is a lot hell of information but I just want you to know, you have a twin brother and an elder brother in the other world. Your father is an alpha." Blurted using his state of shock in her advantage, the quicker he gets it the better he faces it.

He springs up, eyes darting around with a nervous hand in his hair. "O-other world? B-brother?" He slowly began hyperventilating as her words kept echoing in his head.

"E-ethar?" He heard her called before his vision were black and he landed with a faint hand in the floor.

"Ethan!" Teresa screamed running to the smaller boy. He seemed to have passed out from shock.

Robin and Dian bursted in going to check his pulse. Then Robin picked him up and took him down the stairs as Dian went to grab a bowl.

"He is just shock." Robin said." He is pretty fragile for a werewolf and I can't sense his wolf." He added.

"I know! He is not one, he is just like his mother, a human. That's why I don't think is necessary to take him, he will only get hurt by others."

"I think his werewolf is just retarded. After all is only a year since he had to shit, all hope is not lost." Dian walked to them with a bowl splashing water on Ethan's face.

He wrinkled his brows and squeezed his eyes, before whimpering.

"Ethan, dear., Teresa places a hand on his cheek.

He opened his eyes but saw nothing but blur, but he could still identify he voice.

"M-my glasses." He spoke in a fragile tone.

Dian held out the glasses for Teresa who reached for it and slip it on. Ethan sat up trying to get away from Robin as he was a pure stranger to him.

"Are they here for me?" He asked, looking petrified.

Teresa nodded. He gulped, " but I don't want to go" He whispered.

'Is for your safety, Ethan go pack your stuff is getting late." She said firmly. He slowly got up and disappeared upstairs.

"You are making the right decision, that's what is best for him. Who knows the cause of his wolf been retarded might be this human world." Robin said, his voice holding pure distaste.

"At least he is saved here both physically and mentally." Teresa retorted harshly.

"Look at him! He can't stand up for himself! Oh god help us if he happen to be the chosen one, but of cause is Nathan and he is just fairing well." Diana said.

The argument went on for a while till, Teresa decided to go check on Ethan out of frustration. She stomped in slamming the door shut then going to sit on the bed as she massage her temples.

Let him go. Her wolf said.

I know but...

She looked around only noticing how deserted the room was.

"Ethan?" She got up knocking on the bathroom door, but no sound, she twisted the handle and flipped it open but he wasn't in there, she checked around founding nothing.

Robin and Dian bursted in, "they are here! "Robin said.

"We need to go" Dian yelled.

"Where is the kid?" Robin approached Teresa dangerously.

"He is gone." She said furrowing her brows.

"Shit!" He hit the bed with his feet.

"The rogues are here, if they lay their hands on him he will suffer the same fate as Gregory" With that Robin sprang out of the open window landing as his wolf before darting in the woods.

Dian made her way for the door along with Teresa.

Ethan ran as fast as he could in the woods panting as the words echoed in his head. He is cold, he is an alpha, a twin brother.

The tears burn through his eyes are slip down his cheeks despite the cold windy air of the night he was able to feel the warmness of his tears on his cheeks. But he didn't stop running.

He was forced to stop when his feet collided with a rock and he fell face down. He whimpered and grabbed his now bleeding foot tears rolled down his face even more.

The movement in the bushes was what caught his attention. He starred in the blinding darkness, his heart slowly pounding. The noise had stopped but he could still feel some presence.

Then a low growl with hot breath made the hair at the back of his neck stand to attention. He slowly forced himself to look back as a shriek escaped his throat.

The black eyed beast slammed him on the tree trunk making him yelp, then it raised a clawed filled head wanting to strike as Ethan curled up in a ball.

But the strike never came instead a hug thump was heard as a brown werewolf more bigger than the rogue tackled it down landing severe clawed punches as beast fought back.

Ethan watch in horror cringing to the tree behind him. Another rogue bounced out of the Bush, trying to attack the defenseless boy but also got caught by the neck, by the brown wolf who bite down on his neck making it howled before it ripped his heat right before Ethan. The first rogue darted in the bush whimpering.

The brown werewolf turned around stomping towards Ethan who screamed out Don't hurt me!"

Robin shifted back to his human form in a green and black suit like super heroes Ethan thought. He grabbed Ethan by his arm yanking him up as he whispered from such a tight gripped.

I don't want to come with you!" He screamed trashing around.

Robin pulled the teenager out of the wounds to a relieved Teresa.

"Thank goodness he is fine," Dian said while getting in the car.

Robin shoved Ethan in the back seat despite his little protest.

"Thanks for looking out for him all this years on behalf of the Alpha," Robin said before getting in and drive away.

Ethan pop up on the rear glass banging hard and screaming for his grandfather. Who only waved sadly.

He felt ripped, and deeply hurt cause he was been cut off from his only family, he was scared and anxious about his new life without his human world. He was scared of the cold Alpha he had as father. Scared to be rejected like he had always been all his life. Scared of what laid outside his normal life without his protectors.