
Water Bending In Marvel

Jared Parker, an assassin from a different world, finds himself transmigrated into the Marvel Universe. Instead of becoming a familiar face, he has been inserted as an unknown character, specifically as the elder brother of the fan-favorite Peter Parker (Tom Holland). With his new identity, Jared embarks on an exciting journey full of action, adventure, and self-discovery. This story promises a unique blend of sci-fi and fantasy elements, all set in the ever-expanding Marvel Universe. Experience the thrill of the Marvel Universe through the eyes of a newcomer, Jared Parker, in this captivating NO HAREM tale.

lazarus898 · Filmes
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39 Chs

PPEB: A Rather Interesting Day

Extra Chapters on P@treon


I also have another Fanfiction going on Webnovel.com 'Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon' which has close to 390 chps. Do check it out as well.


As I was trying to remember where I had seen that face, we reached Target. Me and everyone else stepped out of the car while Ryan's father accompanied Elise to park the car. 

"So do we have the entire list ready?" Derek asked as he looked at Maya and Ryan and they both nodded as Maya said "Yes…we also received an additional list for his Aunt May's recipe." 

As we were talking, Ryan looked at his father's car which had stopped midway and said "What are they doing stopping in the middle? Weren't they going to park. As he was about to walk toward's the car, Elise peeked out from the window and shouted "Ryan, Jared…can the two of you come here?" 

Ryan looked at me wondering what it was about but I was clueless myself so I just shrugged and we started walking toward the car. As we were walking, Ryan's father stepped out of the car and shouted "Maya…you and Derek go inside for shopping. We 4 need to do something else…we will be back in an hour or two. Maya and Derek felt it was a bit odd but they didn't question much and went inside. 

As I and Ryan reached the car, I asked Elise "Is something the matter Miss Elise?" 

Elise nodded and said "I will tell you on the way…for now get inside…we are going to the precinct." 

"The Precinct?" Ryan asked with a shocked expression but his father assured him "There is nothing to worry Ryan. The two of you have done nothing wrong. Get inside the car for now…I will tell you on the way." 

Without wasting much time we got in the car and the car drove towards the precinct. After a few seconds, Ryan's father turned back towards us and said "Do you remember the man who you and Jared almost got in a fight with outside your school?" 

Ryan nodded and said "Don't tell me that guy filed a police complaint because I was riding a motor cycle?" I was a little relieved to hear this and expected the tense atmostphere to become a little light but Ryan's father still had a serious expression on his face as he said "No Ryan…the man was found murdered just a few minutes ago near a construction site. Now, I am going to the crime scene to investigate while you two will be going to the precinct to give a statement. Tell everything honestly as it happened…it is just procedure since we are the last people who saw that guy alive."

"WHAT???...Murdered?" Ryan and I were both shocked at this. The boring day that I was complaining about since the past few hours had just gotten interesting but it seemed like a overkill now.

"How did it happen?" I asked curiously to which Ryan's father shook his head and said "I don't know much for now…I can't say anything without investigating myself." He then looked at his partner and said "Drop me at the intersection Elise…I will go from there…you take the kids to the precinct." 

Elise whose eyes were on the road the whole time nodded and said "Don't worry about them…they are my responsibility. The case will most likely be transferred to some other detectives since we have obvious conflict of interest here. I'll take the statements from these two and then drop them off at your house. Call me if you need help." She then parked the car to the side of the road. 

For the next few minutes, there was absolute silence in the car…Ryan looked a bit shaken up after hearing the news. For me all this was an everyday thing so I didn't react much. 

As we reached the precinct, Elise instructed something to a cop standing outside. She then looked at us through the rearview mirror and said "He will take the two of you inside the precinct and get you two settled down. I will be up in a few minutes. Gotta have a word with the captain." 

We nodded and followed the cop up to the 3rd floor. On the way in the lift, I nudged Ryan and asked "Are you alright?" to which he nodded and said "Yes…just a bit shaken up…the man was alive and arguing with us just half n hour ago and now he is dead? And that too murdered…I wonder who did it." 

Seeing that the matter wasn't as serious as I thought it would be, I patted Ryan's shoulder and said "Don't worry your father and Miss Elise will find the culprit soon enough." This reassured Ryan as a smiled returned to his face and I could also feel him becoming less tense. The cop who was instructed to escort us also looked at us and smiled. 

"Your friend is right…your father is one of the best detectives in the city." 

As we got off on the 3rd floor, the cop guided us to the cafetaria. The place had a small sink, a fridge, an expresso machine and a vending machine. The cop got two cans of cold drink from the vending machine and sat in front of us. 

"Since you two are under the age of 18, you both have the right to give the statement in the presense of a legal guardian or a lawyer. Do you two want any of those? I am sure that both your families have already been informed by now and by that I mean your guardian." The cop said as he pointed at me since Ryan's guardian was a detective himself here. 

Me and Ryan looked at each other and said to the cop "No…we are ready to give the statement." Just as we were talking, Elise walked in the cafetaira with 2 people wearing suits and a badge hanging on their neck. It was just like Elise and Ryan's father had with them.

"So you are Mathew's son Ryan? He talks a lot about you." One of the detectives said as he sat in front of us. The cop who escorted us nodded at him and left the cafetaria. 

"Yes I am" Ryan said. The second detective sat beside his partner and said "Ryan and Jared, right? We just need your statement about that man. Take your time and tell us everything you remember. Even the small detail can help us out. Don't worry too much about it and take your time." 

Seeing that the atmostphere was friendly and the cops weren't trying to play anything me and Ryan iterated everything that had happened. As we were talking, the cop who had escorted us here came back and approached the detectives "Detectives, Special Agent Sophia Thomas from the FBI is here about the case you are investigating. 

"The FBI? Why are they interested in this? Alright bring her here." One of the detectives said. 

The cop nodded and went back…he returned after a few seconds with a woman. As everyone looked at the fbi agent, Ryan could help but say "Wow". The two detectives were also stunned for a second as they looked at the woman. As for me, my heartbeat shot up the sky and that's not because how beautiful she was. 

The woman smiled and greeted the two detectives. She talked to them for a few seconds and then sat down to talk to us. 

"So can you boys do me a favor and repeat what you told these two?" she said in sweet tone. Before I could even form my words, Ryan started speaking like a literal parrot. He described the entire situation in such detail that even I was shocked. 

"Can I know why the FBI is interested in this case?" Detective Elise asked. She didn't have any problem with the case going to the FBI since the case was not hers from the start but she wanted to know if the man was someone the FBI had an eye on.

Sophia smiled and said "We believe the victim was a part of group we are investigating for terrorism activities. Since most the information regarding this organization is highly classified, is it obvious for the police database to not have any information on it."

It did seem a little suspicious to Detective Elise but she decided not to dig any further since she didn't have any knowledge about the crime. 

"My partner is currently at the crime scene investigating, he will be here any minute." Elise said to which Sophia looked at the two detectives and said "Please take the statement given by the kids in writing, and kids if you remember anything , just give me a call on this number." Sophia said and pulled out two visiting cards from her pocket and passed them onto us. 

Me and Ryan took a card each and nodded. We just had to repeat everything the 3rd time to one of the cops who wrote everything down and then we left the precinct with Elise. 

"I will drop you two at Mathew's home for now. He will come soon as well…it's the twins' birthday afterall." Elise said as we entered her car. We also saw the FBI agent Sophia Thomas get into her car as well and we bid her goodbye.

3rd Person POV

As Elise left with Jared and Ryan, Sophia entered her car and pulled out her phone.

"Hello…its me."

[What have you got for me Agent Romanoff?] 


Extra Chapters on P@treon
