
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Livros e literatura
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297 Chs

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 88: On How to Make the Emperor Appear

   Bright golden light bursts around the planet,

   Like a flood from a dam that is about to collapse.

  A terrifying force is shaking the barrier between reality and illusion, and is about to break through into the real universe.

  The earth was shaking, and because of Magnus' spiritual energy, the black clouds forming a maelstrom shot out dazzling golden lights.

  The darkness was expelled, and even the dark clouds became golden.

  Accompanied by a series of visions, a golden figure appeared above the fortress.

   That figure is extremely huge.

   is like a golden giant walking among the stars.

  Just his face covered a large area.

  The face overlooking the planet, the light emitted is so bright, as if ten thousand stars were put together.

  The aura emitted by the golden giant pushed through the thick clouds, making its appearance clearly appear in front of everyone.

  Seeing the golden face, the demon screamed, and the humans shouted excitedly.

   That was the face of the Emperor.

  The golden figure didn't care about the different reactions of demons and humans.

   Those bright eyes stared at Magnus on the ground.

  The huge sense of oppression made Magnus's dusty memories keep emerging.

   "My son, the destiny of our people is to rule the stars. From today onwards, you will lead the Fifteenth Legion. Lead them to seize the galaxy for mankind and expel those enemies of mankind."

   "Magnus, the subspace is not so easy to explore, the dangers in it are extremely terrifying, you must learn to restrain yourself."

   "The power of the warp can no longer be wielded, that terrible knowledge will destroy you, Magnus."

   "I hope you can return to me. Horus has completely fallen, but there is still a chance to save everything. Magnus, as long as you stand by my side, everything can be saved."

  Countless memory images emerged, all of which were scenes of the Emperor talking to him.

"Do not."

   Magnus's face showed a rare fear.

  He couldn't believe what he saw.


   Absolutely impossible.

  The Emperor is dead.

  The Emperor is dead.

  Even if the subspace still has his spiritual consciousness, he is almost dead.

  Why would he possess such terrifying power to interfere with reality.

  This is not in line with common sense.

   "You have been sitting on the throne for ten thousand years, there is no way you will appear."

   Magnus roared hysterically, "You can't show up, you're just a liar."

  The golden giant was silent, and the light on his body became brighter and brighter. , the whole world was dyed golden.

   Those eyes, brighter than the stars, just stared at Magnus like that.

  This is only a small part of His infinite power.

  But the entire planet has been shrouded in light.

  Under the radiance of the golden figure, countless demons uttered screams.

  Those distorted demons cursed the damned curser with all the vicious words they could think of.

   They were panicked, looking for places to hide, to escape the terrible golden light.

   Light is irradiated, and it will cause unimaginable and terrible damage to them.

  Under the shadow of the golden figure, Magnus felt unparalleled oppression and pain.

  He tried his best to see the essence of the golden figure clearly.


  How could the emperor have such a powerful force to interfere with reality.

  Magnus took a huge risk and poured his power into the one eye, trying to pry into the essence of the golden figure.

  A child holding a skull, a man with a strong physique, and an old man with white hair.

  Thousands of faces, each speaking loudly.

   Trinity without origin and end.

  Either one is ten thousand, all beings are also the emperor.

  Countless souls shouted at the same time, echoing in Magnus's mind.

  Sorrow, death, devotion, countless voices, those souls shouted different words.

  Magnus felt that his soul was overwhelmed by looking directly at the Emperor's essence.

  In a trance, he saw Sanguinius, Ferrus, Vulcan, Corax, and Ryan.

  They also radiated light, standing beside the Emperor, watching him with icy eyes.

  Those faces were all making silent inquiries.

  Why betray them? ?

  Why do you want to turn your back on mankind? ?

  Why destroy everything you already got? ?

  Why push human beings into the abyss? ?

   "Father!" Magnus uttered the word trembling in pain.

   That is a word that has not been spoken for ten thousand years.

   The golden figure didn't have any answer.

   Just staring at him like that.

   Magnus had to turn his head, not daring to look directly at the golden figure.

  His body was shaking.

  Hidden in that golden figure is a power that can rival the power of Chaos.

  Just looking directly at it has overwhelmed his body and soul, as if he was about to be burned.

   "Repent before your father, traitor." Celestine's voice sounded, resounding throughout the planet.

  In the lighthouse core room.

  Clovis, who was rescued, looked at a loss.

  He doesn't know how he got here.

  In the last second, he had closed his eyes and was waiting to die.

   In the next second, it was already teleported here.

  Everything that happened in front of my eyes was full of confusion.

  Many state church priests and pious nuns sang the emperor's poems around Celestine.

  A large number of neural connection devices are connected to the saint-Celestine.

   Obviously, the golden giant outside is controlled by her.

  Fourth company commander Ventris of the Extreme Battlegroup stood aside.

   Silent, watching all this.

   The confusion in Cloven's heart became more and more intense.

  Why did I never know that the other party was in the fortress? ?

   "What the **** is going on??" Clovis' eyes were filled with astonishment and confusion.

   What Celistine did was clearly projecting the power of the Emperor.

   How on earth is this done!

  In the city, Li Ji and many imperial soldiers also saw the golden figure.

  She didn't dare to look directly at that figure, for fear that the terrifying light would ignite her soul.

  A large number of people and soldiers knelt on the ground because of this miracle.

   They were weeping, chanting the Emperor's name and various prayers hysterically.

  Tears flowed wantonly down their faces.

  The pastors were so excited that their bodies were shaking, singing and praying with all their strength.

  Under Magnus' fearful gaze, the golden figure raised his hand.

  A golden long sword appeared out of thin air in the hands of the golden figure.

   Enough to cause the entire galaxy to be lifted up by silvery golden flames.

   In the cold, dark void.

   The millions of crew members on the Imperial Fleet all watched this scene dully.

  How majestic.

   What a shock.

  How incredible.

  A galaxy starts with a diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

   But now, it was illuminated by a figure.

   "Forgive me." Magnus cried, feeling the terrible oppression of the Emperor.

  The golden figure remained silent, and the flame of the golden long sword became more and more intense, as if trying to burn up space and time.

   Seeing this scene, Magnus did not dare to have any arrogance.

   He burst out with all his strength, trying to escape from Pharos.

   If you stay any longer, you will really die.

  He ordered people to interrupt the sacrifice, reversed the witchcraft teleportation that spanned half the galaxy, and wanted to escape from the imperial sanctuary and return to the wizard star on the dark side of the empire.

  The golden figure slashed at him, and the flames rushed to where Magnus was.

   At the critical moment, Magnus reversed the witchcraft with the help of the nine silver towers obtained from the Lord of Change and escaped.

   However, the golden flame burns all the tracks of fate.

   Soon, Magnus's shrill screams echoed in the subspace.

  Wizard Star and Unnamed Star Field were also affected.

   Sharo and many other wizards were backlashed by powerful witchcraft, and were also burned by golden flames following the traces of fate.

   After just a few breaths, he was burned to ashes.

  Wizard Star is even more terrifying.

  A golden light fell, purifying half of the planet.

  Countless demons died amidst screams.

  The same is true for those heretics. Under the bright golden light, even their souls were completely purified.

  The wizard star is divided into two.

  Half of the planet still exudes a strong atmosphere of chaos, while the other half of the planet exudes the aura of cursers that is disgusting to demons.

   Magnus escaped and survived.

  He fled back to the Wizard Star in a panic.

  Half of the body was tattered and scorched black, even the armor was melted, and one wing was even bald, turning black.

  The same is true of Magnus' face, half of which is still intact, while the other half is scorched black, looking extremely hideous.

  His greatest reliance, the nine silver pagodas of the God of Conspiracy, even showed scorched black cracks.

   These are all the prices paid for saving lives.

   Magnus, who fled back to the Wizard Star, looked extremely ugly.

  The part of the body that was burned by the power of the emperor did not recover as before, but remained scorched black.

  No matter how he uses the power of ether, it is difficult to restore that terrible scar.

  And there is a burning pain in the scorched black place.

   This pained Magnus.

  Guilliman attracted a blast of the emperor's psionic energy near the planet Pharos, just like his psionic communication 10,000 years ago, it directly penetrated the subspace and hit his origin.

  This means that these burned places will never heal.

   This is not a superficial burn, but an injury to the source, which is manifested on the body.

  The searing pain will torment Magnus for a long time.

  Let him be in pain all the time, unable to get a moment of peace.

   "Guilliman!" The voice of Magnus, who had only half of his face left, was full of hatred.

  His plan failed completely, and was plotted against by Guilliman.

   "I won't let your Guilliman go."

  As the emperor became holy, the offensive formed by demons and traitors was quickly defeated.

   With the help of the Legion of the Damned, the imperial army quickly won the victory.

   Before the future had time to cheer, the heroes of the empire gathered in the core room of the lighthouse.

   They desperately need an explanation.

  Why would the Emperor appear here? ?

  Why did Lord Guilliman know that Magnus was coming? ?

  Why do you know that Magnus is coming, but you don't want to tell them? ?

  Why is Ventris in the fortress? ?

   They fought an extremely difficult battle without knowing the cause of the war.

   This is undoubtedly very annoying.

  After listening to everyone's confusion, Ventris smiled slightly.

   "My lord doesn't know about Magnus' attack. If he knew it was him, he would definitely take more targeted measures to ensure that the demon primarch cannot escape from the trap."

   "Then why did Master Guilliman leave the words about Magnus ahead of time, isn't it because he foresaw the arrival of the other party, so he stayed?"

   Clovis' tone was full of confusion. Obviously, Ventris' statement did not convince him.

  If the arrival of Magnus had not been foreseen, how could Master Guilliman leave the projection in advance.

   Ventris did not explain this, but clicked a few times in a pop-up holographic window.

   As he worked, Guilliman's voice filled the core chamber.

"Hey, Mortarion, long time no see. I hope Typhus hasn't changed from your son to your father. After all, he took your legion and sent you fool to the God of Plague. I hope he He won't be so ruthless to let you be his son, that would be too embarrassing."

"Hey, Fulgrim, it's been a long time. In fact, I have held back a sentence for ten thousand years. You are ugly and smell bad. To be honest, Mortarion's scruff who doesn't bathe Better than you, your aesthetics is just like that of a rat man, if you are wrong, even a rat man is better than you."

"Hey, Lorgar, long time no see. Let me tell you, I am now the spokesperson of the emperor, and the Law of the Holy Word has been written according to my intentions. Even the pope of the state religion was supported by me alone. It's embarrassing to listen to them singing about me and erecting sculptures for me every day. They burned your city back then, and now they're here to take your place."

  Guilliman's voice resounded throughout the hall, and he left one for every traitor primarch.

  Amarich: . .

   Clovis: .

  Many senior generals:..

  For a while they didn't know what to say.

  In order to ridicule his brother, Lord Guilliman deliberately left a sentence for each Primarch.

   "The situation is like this. My lord has left a sentence for all the traitorous original body. No matter who comes, they can choose the matching words from it to play, so as to achieve the effect of deterring the other party."

   Ventris explained.

  These recordings are pre-recorded.

   Guilliman will not predict this kind of thing.

   Besides, in this universe, it is not very reliable to predict such things.

   It's as if a certain undead claimed to be a prophet, but turned out to be cheating by relying on time skills.

  As long as the final result does not come true according to his prediction, he will use time technology to backtrack to ensure that the result conforms to his prediction.

  Its methods include but are not limited to assassination, bewitchment, deception, doing it yourself, and forcing others to follow his predictions.

  It can be said that this prophecy of the universe is just an observation of the infinite future.

  It may or may not be realized.

  Prophecy is completely unreliable.

   Recording problem solved.

   It wasn't that Guilliman was unwilling to tell them that Magnus would come, but that he himself didn't know which traitorous principle would come.

  Ventries answered people's confusion one by one.

  This trap plan is just a random trick to deceive traitors.

  If the enemy is fooled, he will be fooled, and if he is not fooled, he will not suffer.

   "Then why did the emperor appear here?" Clovis asked the key to this matter.

   "Sage Regula needs to answer this question. The answer is related to the operating principle of this alien lighthouse."

   Ventris threw the question to Regula, the mechanical sage, and asked him to answer the question for everyone.

  All eyes were on Regula's metal body, they all wanted to know the root cause of the Emperor's manifestation.

  The emperor's manifestations in the past were very random.

   But this time, Guilliman was clearly prepared.

   That is, Guilliman has the ability to make the Emperor appear holy at any time.

   Rui Gula stretched out his detailed mechanical fingers, and clicked on a huge holographic projection.

  Projection shows a very complex spatial structure model to everyone.

"The operation principle of the Alien Lighthouse is very special. This set of equipment works by inducing the principle of quantum entanglement between particles. It can adjust the basic elements of the universe in a certain way, and it can be repeated repeatedly between different objects and places. Resonates at a distance in space to transport matter and guide ships."

"Lord Guilliman once used this device to guide ships sailing in the subspace. With the help of this alien lighthouse, those ships could ignore the storm in the subspace and reach their destination directly. In times of crisis, the personnel who controlled the lighthouse tried to go far. The distance brought the two Primarchs from Macragge to the Pharos, and the teleportation, according to records, was instantaneous."

"After Master Guilliman, Mechanic Sage Caul, and many Mechanicus Sages deduced, this lighthouse has another function, which is to magnify a person's synaesthesia. With this device, we can magnify the saint Celestine's devotion to the Emperor then used this devotion to distort the laws of reality and establish a coordinate for the Emperor's projection."

"When it comes to the emperor's projection, we need to briefly explain the relationship between the subspace and the real universe. The two are interdependent. It can even be said that the subspace is the real universe, and the real universe is the subspace. The essence of the two is the same. Evolution is very different."

  Sage Regula used his mechanical fingers to slide the holographic projection screen, showing a complex spatial structure diagram.

   "Reality and subspace are interdependent, and can also squeeze each other. If the reality is strong, it will expand to the subspace, and if the subspace is strong, it will expand to reality."

  Amarich widened his eyes, looking at the various data and models on the huge holographic projection,

  I feel dizzy all over my head.

   Others are not much better.

  They are all like listening to heaven.

  In this era, there is no complete higher education.

  People generally engage in various occupations after receiving some basic knowledge.

  Amarich, Clovis usually either fights or studies the enemy's information. Where does he have the time to learn these advanced knowledge.

  This kind of high-level theoretical knowledge of time and space models is estimated to not be understood by many people in Mechanic Cult.

  Regula seemed to be aware of this problem, and in order to better explain the ins and outs, he changed it to an easy-to-understand term.

"The real universe is like the atmosphere of a planet, and the subspace is the void of the atmosphere. Both of them belong to space. The difference is that in the atmosphere of the planet, due to gravity, the gas is locked, and the gas is locked again. The temperature is increased, so that an ecological environment that is completely different from that in space is formed."

   "The same is true for the real universe and the subspace. Because reality has physical rules, it forms an ecology that is completely different from the subspace, and it also forms a world with order."

"This is just a simple statement, but the connection between the subspace and reality is more complicated, and the theory involved is something that ordinary people can't study thoroughly even if they spend their entire lives. This kind of statement just allows you to better understand the relationship between the subspace and reality. differences and the barriers that exist between them."

   "Psykers are special existences among human beings. Their souls penetrate the barriers between reality and illusion, and draw power from subspace, thus obtaining various terrifying abilities."

   Having said that, Regula looked at the think tanks of the battle group.

  The Librarians felt the eyes of the mechanical sages, but they did not respond.

  They know how to use their power, but they know very little about the source of their power.

  In their cognition, things like spiritual power are either born with it and wait to be activated, or they will never have it again in their lifetime.

   As for how it came about, few people would explore this kind of thing.

   Regula saw that the think tanks did not speak, nor did they pay too much attention, but continued to answer for everyone.

"Because of this characteristic of psykers, even if the emperor's physical body was fatally damaged and placed in the stasis field, his spiritual consciousness is still active in the subspace. The existence of barriers prevents the emperor from affecting reality , ordinary psykers can't look directly at him in the warp..."

"Because of this, for a long time, the emperor can only use some means to show his holiness. The emergence of the Great Rift has caused the number of psykers in the empire to skyrocket, which also means that the emperor's ability to interfere with reality has increased, which is why the Legion of the Damned frequently appears. main reason."

   "According to the available data, after the appearance of the Great Rift, the frequency of the appearance of the Legion of the Damned has increased significantly. This also proves that after the barriers between reality and subspace are weakened, the Emperor's interference in the real universe has increased."

   "So if you want to project the power of the emperor, you must not only be pious enough, but also provide coordinates to weaken the barriers between reality and subspace, so that the power of the emperor can enter the real universe."

  "When the gods project power, they often need large-scale blood sacrifices or plagues, or a stable subspace channel. Only when these conditions are met can the gods project their power. Otherwise, the gods of the subspace cannot affect reality."

  Sage Regula kept sliding the holographic projection, speaking out the research results of Guilliman and Caul.

   "After research, use the lighthouse to establish a stable subspace channel, so that the power of the emperor can smoothly interfere with reality. In this way, as long as the user is devout enough, a super-large-scale manifestation can be formed."

  Before the expedition, Guilliman asked Caul to study supernatural powers.

  A large number of books that had been banned by the Tribunal and the State Church were also found.

  Of course, this matter was also hindered by some old-fashioned forces in departments such as the Gray Knights, the State Church, and the Tribunal.

  However, Guilliman's tough attitude allowed the project to continue firmly, giving some clues to supernatural research.

  Repairing the Pharos Lighthouse later, thinking of its special ability, I tried a few times, and found that the Pharos Lighthouse can indeed provide subspace coordinates, and can also amplify the user's synaesthesia, connecting to distant but wanting targets.

  Some pious people can rely on this characteristic to leverage the power of the emperor during the test.

  Guilliman made a related plan, using the lighthouse to assassinate one or two demon primarchs who were about to murder him.

   Magnus simply bumped into each other, as a test subject.

   "The lighthouse can still be used? Or can the lighthouse be used to let the emperor talk to us?" Amariqi asked.

   The role of the lighthouse was written in the Pharos novel, The Unremembered Empire novel.

   I changed a little bit, but the ultra-distance instant communication and instant teleportation, and the overload lighthouse behind to kill the bats are all written in the book.

   If there is a conflict in the setting, refer to the book, not the campaign book and other materials.

   Three chapters updated, 18,000 words.