
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Livros e literatura
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297 Chs

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 64: You don't want to be censored, do you?

 The oppressive feeling of the orc boss made all the Primaris Space Marines who entered the control room look solemn.

  The opponent picked up a huge ax hammer from the ground.

  The weapon was larger than the Primaris Space Marine's body.

   Just picking it up is already terrifying, let alone wielding it for combat.

  The orc boss was able to dance without any effort, and there was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and those orcs who were accidentally injured were either killed or injured.

  Beside the orc boss, there are a group of orc guards who are taller than the orc warriors and better equipped than other orcs.

  The weapon in his hand also looks decent.

   "Damn shrimp." The orc boss walked towards those primordial space warriors with heavy steps.

  The orc guards also shouted excitedly, and followed the orc boss to attack.

  Outside the gate, orc warriors kept coming, and the two sides fought together again.

  The green beast swarm quickly covered the location where Korwu and the others were.

   During the melee, a fighter rushed forward, trying to confront the orc boss.

  I saw the opponent's heavy weapon swept away, and the soldier slammed into the wall of the ship with a bang.

   Tried to stand up several times, but failed.

  The opponent knocked out a Primaris Space Marine with one blow.

  Korvu heard the pained groans from the communication, and ordered others to deal with the orc guards and orc warriors, and rescue the wounded soldier.

  He came to fight the orc boss himself.

   "Stupid Shrimp."

   With a few teeth missing, the orc boss grinned ferociously.

  Korvo didn't speak, but calmed down, allowing his body to absorb the power of Guilliman's heart.

   This powerful and mysterious organ endows Primaris Space Marines with unimaginable strength and resilience.

  As long as the faith is not lost, they can stand still.


  The orc boss ran up and rushed towards Korwu, waving the weapon in his hand, and those orcs who were avoiding him were smashed away by the waving weapon.

   "For the Lord of Ultramar, for the Holy Emperor. Die, alien."

  Korwu also roared, and charged forward with a power hammer in his hand.

   There was a huge collision sound, and a wave of air visible to the naked eye was churning, centered on the two of them, sweeping away in all directions.

   Such a savage collision formed a terrible reaction force.

   Both sides were forced back a few steps by the reaction force.

  The orc's red eyes revealed a terrifying fighting intent, like two fires burning violently.

   "Go to hell, shrimp."

  The orc raised the heavy caliber fire system, and with a bang, it fired a series of bullets.

   Two unlucky orcs were affected, and their armored bodies were instantly shattered.

  The bullet also hit Korvo, most of it hitting his armor, where it bounced to the ground, gouging the armor and scraping off the bright blue-and-white spray paint.

   One or two bullets penetrated the gap between the nail plates and shot into the flesh and blood.

  Pain swept through his body, and Guilliman's heart quickly took effect.

  The flesh and blood wound quickly grew granulation, and the strengthened muscles discharged the bullet, allowing his injury to recover within a few breaths.

  Before the opponent pulled the trigger for the second time, Corvo rushed over and jumped up.

  He completely discarded the bolter, grasped the hammer in both hands, and smashed it down on the orc boss like a mountain top.

  The orc boss raised his weapon, trying to block Korvu's attack.

  The dull sound caused by the collision resounded across the battlefield.

   Even though he was wearing power armor, Kelvu felt that the tiger's mouth in his palm had been split open.

  The strength is too great, and the backlash alone is enough to be unbearable.

  The orc boss was also uncomfortable, and he let out a painful roar.

  The heavy weapon slashed on his body due to the reaction force, causing him to stagger back a few steps in a row.

  Korvo didn't care about his pain, he seized the opportunity and continued to attack. The shining warhammer was very conspicuous in the dim control room.

   Breaking through the opponent's weak defense, he swung his warhammer and slammed into the opponent's heart.

  The power field attached to the warhammer easily tore through the thick armor of the orc boss and hit the opponent's chest.

   "WAAA." Before the orc boss finished shouting the last slogan, his heavy body knelt down, his head drooped, and he lost his breath.

  When the orc boss died, the orc boy and orc warrior who were still extremely excited all showed panic.

   Their power dropped drastically and they fell into chaos.

   Harvested like grass by Primaris Space Marines.

  Outside of space, the orc fleet, which was still maintaining a crazy offensive, also fell into chaos.

   Several warships were destroyed by the WAAAGH force field, fell apart, and were engulfed in explosions and flames.

  The imperial fleet rushed forward like a pack of wolves, using efficient and cold tactics to harvest the orc fleet.

  In the cold and dark space, one after another orc warships exploded silently, and the flames engulfed the remaining hulls.

   After a while, the void was full of burning orc warship wreckage.

   A large number of orc corpses were thrown into the cold space in a silent explosion.

  Korwu led the remaining fighters to slaughter the orcs on the main ship, and before the battleship exploded, he returned to the position of the assault boat and escaped from the orc main ship engulfed by the flames of the explosion.

   "The fleet is divided into two parts, one part pursues the remaining orc warships, and the other part supports the surface. We need to completely expel those **** orcs."

  Corvo issued orders to the entire fleet from the assault boat.

  Steel Ball Star, the most important foundry world in the Charadon sector.

  This is also the meeting point of the subspace waterways of the nine foundry worlds in the Charadon star region, and its strategic location is very critical.

  The subspace is boundless, if you are not afraid of death, you can drive in any way.

   But if you want to reach your destination safely, it is best to take the fastest and safest route.

  Especially now that the astronomical torch is gradually dimming, the existence of the channel is extremely important.

  Guilliman's flagship Macragge's Glory is parked above the orbit of the Steel Ball.

  Before officially fighting against the orcs and the Necrons, he had to integrate the imperial forces in the Charadon sector.

  As an important industrial star area of ​​the empire, there are not many troops stationed here.

   Allegiance to the steel ball star foundry general - Keren's cathars, intelligent control legion, and knight family.

   The Imperial Navy stationed at Solari Anchorage in the Steel Ball system.

   Star Guards all over the planets.

   Battle Sisters and Space Marine Chapters that roam the stars.

  The first thing Guilliman did when he came to the Charadon sector was to integrate these forces and promote his own reforms.

  Those reforms can not only enhance the military power of the empire, but also enhance its own strength.

  After overthrowing the long-standing corrupt aristocratic rule.

  The support of the people of the empire has reached a fanatical level.

  These beliefs amplify his strength again, making him stronger.

  In the reception room.

  The founding general of the steel ball star-Kelen is meeting with the original here.

  Kron's mechanical body is very large, almost like a super heavy tank.

  He can only use the platform made by the gravity engine, mechanical prosthetic limbs and other servo tools to drag the bloated mechanical body around.

  The mechanical craftsman who ruled the steel ball star has systematically replaced most of the flesh and blood tissues and organs in the past seven centuries.

   Only a small piece of brain tissue and a few gold-plated spines were left inside the mechanically wrapped body.

  The founding general's body is so huge that the large Primarch's reception room seemed a bit crowded after he entered.

   "My lord, this knowledge does not have the STC standard manufacturing template to support them. If you use it rashly, I'm afraid it will attract opposition from Mars. Moreover, your reform has violated the sacred dogma left by the great Omnissia, and I cannot follow it."

Guilliman looked at the casting general in front of him, knocked on the table a few times, and then said: "Then let's change the subject and discuss whether you have violated the red line of hating intelligence and technology research according to Omnissia's request. "

   "I will apply to the mechanical priest on Mars to conduct a comprehensive review of the steel ball star. I believe they will be happy to do this."

  Kelen was stunned for a moment before speaking again, "My lord, this approach is very inappropriate. Please don't meddle too much in the internal affairs of the Mechanicus."

"Karen, don't fool me with the trick that fooled the supreme lord of the empire. I only give you two ways. The first way is to reform according to my order. You will gain those technological knowledge and continue to retain the power of the general who forged you." Location. For the second way, I will order people from Mars to come over to review, then Steel Ball Star will probably have to change to a foundry general."

  Guilliman stood up from the wide chair dedicated to the Primarch, staring at the bloated Karen, "I think you don't want to be censored either, Foundry General."