
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Livros e literatura
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297 Chs

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 34: State Church Madness 4/4

"The state religion has a lot of autonomy, and they may not be willing to obey the orders of adults." Fickris said with some concern.

  Guilliman smiled, "I will let them listen to me. I am the emperor's son, the emperor's best spokesperson. Even if he is a saint of the state religion, he dare not say that he is more qualified to be the spokesperson of the state religion than me."

   "What if they feel that their interests have been damaged and their attitude is tough??"

"Then tie those heretics to the stake." Guilliman paused, and looked at Phekris, "Speaking of the stake, you can ask the technical sergeant on the ship to weld some for me, maybe We need a few stakes to tell the bishops what will happen to them if they disobey me."

   "My lord." Phikris hesitated for a moment, "Is this really good?? It doesn't seem to conform to your previous style. Didn't you advocate that everything should follow the rules? Pursue rational thinking??"

"In the face of you, rational thinking is advocated. Everything must be done in accordance with the established box, because you are rational and know what is right and what is wrong. Rules can help you restrain your inner arrogance and slack, let You understand what you are doing for.

  But those fanatical believers do not have this awareness, they will only fanatically follow the beliefs in their hearts, and are willing to become tools of religion. "

Guilliman started to move around, sorted out his words before continuing, "What do you think is the success rate of my persuading them to give up their beliefs? Be honest, Phikris, don't pay me special compliments, just follow your previous understanding of the state religion. Let me know."

   "Let them give up their faith." Phikris fell into deep thought. He has not had little contact with the state religion, self-torturing ascetics, various tortures and killings of sinful people, and various crazy behaviors.

   After thinking about the behavior of the state church, Phikris got the answer.

   "The success rate is 0, and it is impossible for them to give up their beliefs. Faith is all they have. It is much easier to persuade those believers to give up their lives than to persuade them to give up their beliefs."

"This is the problem. It is impossible for me to persuade them to give up their beliefs, nor is it possible to ban the state religion with a ban. Then there are very few means I can take. Controlling them is the safest way. Just control them , I can carry out a new round of reforms to the state religion, limit the power of the bishops, and guide those believers to the right path just like reforming the administrative system and the imperial army."

"If I want them to accept my reform willingly, then I must have a proper identity, which can make the believers feel that I will be one of them. Only in this way, they will think that my reform is correct. Yes, the Emperor directed me to do so. Those who oppose are the enemies of the Empire, their enemies, the undercover agents of Chaos."

   "My lord, this is a bit too complicated."

"Fikris, you have to continue to study. Apart from fighting, you also have to learn other things. Only in this way can you help me better. We are not only facing the battlefield on the surface, but also those who cannot see We must win all the victories in order to save mankind, otherwise salvation is just empty talk."

"Chaos will interfere with us, traitors will deceive us, and those who are disaffected will also become our hindrances. Some of them are on the bright side, and some are in the dark. Use your strength to deal with the enemies on the front, and then use our minds To deal with those hidden enemies, only in this way can the empire be saved."

   "I see, my lord."

   "Understood, just go out, I need to be quiet. After ten minutes, report to me about other things."

   Phikris nodded and walked out.

  Guilliman stayed alone in the room, thinking about Espandor, thinking about how to control the state religion.

  The fanaticism of the State Religion is terrible, but not without its benefits.

  Guilliman can use this belief to help him promote the new system and fight against demons.

   Of course, this is just a stopgap measure.

  The state religion cannot exist forever, it can only exist temporarily.

   When all areas of the Empire burst into vitality under his new technology and new ideas, the belief in the Emperor will naturally die.

  In the Middle Ages, the dark age of church rule, the power of the pope was once very inflated.

  In the end, it gradually declined because of the Renaissance.

  Post-Renaissance people are more concerned with examining, criticizing and comforting God, rather than fanaticism and ignorance.

   In the Warhammer universe, it is unrealistic to deny the existence of gods.

  The status of humans and gods should be equal, and they should not bow down and flatter them blindly.

  Guilliman does not have the skill and courage of the emperor, directly kill all religions and tear down those temples and shrines.

  The only thing he can do is to draw it slowly, taking the method of boiling the frog in warm water.

  Under Guilliman's order, the fleet re-calibrated its course and turned to the mission world-Espandor.

   A week later, the fleet broke away from the warp and appeared outside the Espandor galaxy.

  There are evangelist communication satellites floating everywhere in this galaxy, sending out various coded poems and prayers of the Emperor at all times.

  These satellites are not only sent in the real universe, but also sent to the subspace using the auspicious instrument,

  The fleet received a large amount of communication information before entering the real world.

  After entering the real world, they were overwhelmed by ocean-like electromagnetic communication signals.

  The heads of the thinkers who processed the communication information showed pain, and the machine slaves who broadcast and used for calculations twitched because of the huge amount of calculations.

  The secondary system was jammed due to the huge communication traffic, and a loud and piercing warning sound was issued.

   Most of these communications are useless, nothing more than fanatical prayers and poetry of the faithful.

   This forced the fleet to choose to block most of the information, so as not to overload the cogitators and servitors.

   There are dozens of pilgrimage arks with a length of tens of kilometers in the Espandor galaxy, and they drag the sculpture of the emperor hundreds of kilometers high, cruising around the galaxy.

  The ark was full of prostrate fanatics and ascetics, who whipped themselves day and night to show the emperor's twilight.

   The Espandor system has two terrestrial planets.

   Planet Espandor 1 is the main population of this galaxy.

  On the surface of the planet, there are more than a dozen towering sculptures of the emperor that break through the sky.

  The atmosphere of the planet is full of the smell of incense, and devout believers can be seen everywhere in the giant cities, carrying incense burners and sacred banners.

   Among these believers, there are many fanatics.

  The way these fanatics express their piety is very extreme.

   Some wealthy fanatics are not only engraved with scriptures on their bodies, they are so crazy that they use the technology of Mechanicus to engrave scriptures on their bones.

   There are also some who whipped themselves with thorns and bruises all over their bodies, blood stains, and bones appeared in some places, and they were unwilling to stop, dripping blood dripping as they walked.

  In front of the Emperor's Church, there will be some iron cages hanging.

  Those iron cages house what the believers consider heresy.

  Those heretics were tied to iron pillars, and the bruises and bloodstains on their bodies indicated that they had suffered long-term torture.

   In the middle of the iron cage, there is a flamethrower, which opens with the screams of the prisoners.

  The high temperature melted part of the iron pillar, and the molten iron just flowed onto the heretics, making them cry out in pain.

   There are also some heretics whose throats were cut by zealots, and they fell to the ground and convulsed. Their blood soaked the land. Some believers smeared the blood on their faces and knelt on the ground to declare that they had cleaned up the enemies of the Emperor.

   It's a crazy world.

  This is a world that loses its mind.

  The scene captured by the radar array and the auspicious bird made Guilliman palpitate.

  The madness of the state religion is even more terrifying than he imagined.

   "I hope everything goes well." Guilliman thought to himself.

  As soon as Guilliman's fleet appeared, it was discovered by believers in the Espandor galaxy.

  The news of the Primarch's arrival spread throughout the galaxy in a few hours, and countless believers cheered it, taking it as a reward for their piety from the Emperor.

  The grand welcome ceremony was held an hour after Guilliman's fleet entered the Espandor galaxy.

  A large number of pilgrimage ships joined Guilliman's fleet to show his piety.

  Several bishops even expressed their request to board the Glory of Macragge and meet the Primarch.