
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Livros e literatura
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297 Chs

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 24: You are late

  Guilliman is victorious wherever he goes, and no enemy can stand in his way.

  The majestic Primarch's body is invincible, and can easily destroy all hateful enemies, stepping on the skulls of enemies to announce the arrival of the empire.

  The armor of destiny and the halo of the Iron Cross blocked all enemy attacks for Guilliman, and the explosive bombs or malicious melting rays were all blocked by the powerful force field.

  Those terrible impacts and energies are either eliminated or diverted.

   A plague warrior was ruthlessly beheaded by him. His fat body gushed out foul-smelling mucus and maggot-filled flesh like an explosion.

   After falling to the ground, there was a bang, and a golden flame burst out.

  The rotten and fetid blood burned on the battlefield, and the golden light was so bright that even the filthy soul was completely purified by the Emperor's will.

   Seeing the arrival and strength of the Primarch, the other plague fighters roared angrily. They tried to gather together and use the numbers to defeat a Primarch.

  The Glory Guard guards the Primarch firmly, never letting the Primarch fall into a situation of fighting alone.

  Wearing Terminator armor, they formed a battle circle with Guilliman at the center.

  If you want to besiege the Primarch, you must pass their level.

  This made the plan of the plague fighters go bankrupt before it even started.

  Every member of the Glory Guard is a veteran of the Ultramarines, with incomparably rich experience in warfare, and also wearing a huge and heavy Terminator armor.

   Wanting to break through their defenses and besiege Guilliman is undoubtedly a dream.

  Even if they could barely break through the battle circle formed by the Glory Guards, the Plague Warriors would suffer heavy casualties and be harvested by Guilliman at will.

  The traitors could only watch as the Primarchs slaughtered their companions like a tiger entering a flock.

  The cooperation between Guilliman and the Honor Guard is invincible. In front of them, the defense line built by the plague warriors is as fragile as white paper.

  Under their onslaught, plague warriors continued to fall.

   Due to the power of the Primarch, the Plague Warrior's defense line keeps shrinking, and they are about to be completely annihilated.

  At this time, Sicarius also came from the periphery of the ruins, becoming the last straw that crushed the enemy.

  He led the team to destroy the enemy's air defense and long-range firepower, and provided a safe place for the Astral Army, Titans, Knights and other war units to land.

  The addition of Sicarius and others made the plague warriors defeated faster.

   It even turned into a unilateral massacre.

  The Empire is steadily gaining victory, and the defeat of Chaos is inevitable.

"The time has come, traitor." Seeing a plague warrior who stood up from the trench and tried to stop the loyalists with a bolt gun, Sicarius looked angry, and his voice came from under the helmet, resounding all around , he ran on the battlefield, rushing towards the plague warrior who kept shooting, the power sword in his hand sizzling.

  The cultists along the way were wiped out by his superb sword skills, and the body covered with cursed runes was chopped to pieces under the power sword.

   The plague warrior who was trying to stop him cut Kong Kong, but was slashed on the leg by his sword.

  The thigh was cut, and the plague warrior lost his support and fell to his knees.

  Sicarius put the bolt gun on the opponent's helmet with his other hand, and with a sentence, "Repent for your crimes." He blew the enemy's head off.

  Looking around the battlefield, he quickly found his next target, who was shooting with a melta gun. The upper body of a loyal space soldier was directly melted, leaving only half of his steaming body.

  Sicarius ran again, he wanted to avenge the dead comrade.

   Soon, the plague warrior was also beheaded.

  Sicarius didn't stop any longer, but continued to fight.

  The battlefield has become the swordsmanship show of this heroic warrior, and no enemy can escape under his superb swordsmanship.

  His eyes were like the judgment of the **** of death, and the rebels who were targeted were directly pronounced dead.

   A plague warrior was slashed by Guilliman's sword, and his whole body turned into a golden torch, falling to the ground and crying in pain.

  It used its last strength to beg for the salvation of the loving father.

   But in the face of the emperor's will, even the God of Darkness had to retreat three feet, its flesh and soul are destined to be burned to nothingness.

   "Sicarius, how is your side?" Guilliman asked on the communication channel.

   "Everything is going well, my lord, the traitors are in defeat, and victory is coming." Sicarius said.

   "Very well, don't take it lightly. The traitor's rituals are very evil. Even I can feel the warp boiling. The endless malice is palpitating. Obviously, they are calling for something."

   "Don't worry, my lord." Sicarius yelled through the communicator, and said after a while: "I can see a tower made of corpses, and the traitors are shrinking their defenses and trying to defend there."

"Kill them, every heretic deserves to die, and then destroy those things that look abnormal." Guilliman's voice was very dull, full of strength, "Let the air force formation give you some support, smash their defenses with iron fists ."

   Empire founders are coming from all directions, and they are unstoppable.

  Gurlo, who was standing on the height of the ruins, could see clearly, and knew very well that if this continued, he would lose.

  The Empire is advancing much faster than it expected.

   "How long will the ceremony take?" Gurlo looked at his deputy and asked in a hoarse voice.

   "Soon, the subspace has responded to us, but it still needs a little preparation time."

  Gurlo turned his head to look at the battlefield, evaluated it, and then shouted, "Release the plague bomb, let them taste the power."

   Following Gurlo's voice, the flesh-and-blood demon engine was pushed out by the Plague Warrior.

  Some fat plague beasts were stuffed into the cannon of the demon engine, and they were thrown out.

  These plague beasts were bred by the power of Nurgle's loving father, and devoured countless terrible plagues.

  Ordinary people will be poisoned to death by the plague immediately if they touch it, and will be transformed into a plague walking corpse within tens of seconds.

   Bang, bang, bang!

   Several bloated plague beasts with tentacles and weird eyes were thrown over the loyalist line, and then exploded, and the diseased filth fell from the sky to the imperial troops.

  Many soldiers failed to dodge in time, and the filth splashed on their armor made the pottery steel bubble and hiss.

  The situation of the Glory Guard wearing the Terminator armor is not too bad, the absolute thickness of the Terminator armor and the protective force field protect them.

  The loyal warriors wearing standard power armor look a little bleak, the armor structure is corroded by highly toxic bacteria, and electric sparks are bubbling out.

   They staggered, and some made noises of pain.

   Only Guilliman was not affected in any way.

  The filth of the lesion was vaporized by the invisible force field before it touched Guilliman.

   This power is not simply from the defense of the armor itself, but also contains a trace of mysterious power, protecting him from the filth of the subspace

   "Badly wounded brothers fall back, get healed by the Chapter Chaplain, and the others seek cover. Let those guys bring the Titans over and crush this crap," Sicarius yelled, making impromptu tactical arrangements.

   The Plague Warrior was just happy to stop the empire's footsteps, but the next second, that bloated and corrupt face was dull.

  The earth was shaking, and the emperor-level titans known as the wrath of the gods came from a distance. These behemoths are the most terrifying weapons on the battlefield.

   Built-in giant plasma reactor, which is used to power the huge artillery like a building, and can defeat all fronts with a random blow.

The Plague Warrior was routed in front of the Emperor Titan, a beam of plasma several meters thick that released a deadly high temperature engulfed everything, nothing could resist such a killing, even if the Plague Warrior was once the most outstanding work of the Emperor, he also got the darkness God's blessing.

  But in front of those destroying beams, they were still destroyed like ants.

  Sicarius and others rely on the emperor-class Titans to advance, and launch the final charge together with the other astral troops.

  Guilliman was faster. Even without the support of the Titans, he relied on his own strength to easily break through the enemy's line and saw the tower made of flesh and blood.

  Those cultists surrounded the tower of flesh and blood, their faces fanatical and excited.

   "It is Entropy, the Great Father, praise him."

   "Hoo, merciful Father."

   "Wonderful life, wonderful."

   Passing over the excited cultists who had completely fallen into chaos, Guilliman saw the rebellious leader on the tower of flesh and blood.

  The opponent is wearing a horned helmet and a set of Destroyer Centurion power armor that only appeared after the thirty-sixth millennium and the age of apostasy.

   The interstellar warriors who rebelled not only came from 10,000 years ago, but also some were oppressed by the Terra Council, eroded by Chaos, or forced to rebel by the state religion during these 10,000 years.

  Guilliman's gaze contained anger, and the golden flame rising from the Emperor's Sword in his hand became more and more intense.

  Gurlo also looked down at the Primarch with complacency in his eyes.

   "You are late, son of the dead emperor, this world belongs to Nurgle, to the loving father."