
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Livros e literatura
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297 Chs

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 158: Tyrian's Death

   "Blood is sacrificed to the blood god, and the skull is sacrificed to the skull."

   "The false emperor is dead, and the blood **** shall stand."

  A man let out a furious growl.

  Behind him, a dark group of people were also roaring, responding to the man.

   Roaring, roaring, countless voices sounded together.

   The same voice resounded throughout the hive.

  They wield a variety of crude weapons, and their bodies in tattered clothing are smeared with the hateful runes of Chaos.

   Gather together and launch an attack on various important buildings in Terra.

   Shadows of the Inanimate lurk among the thugs, baring hideous fangs and spikes.

   Prey on those soldiers who are loyal to the corpse emperor.

  The sky is shattering, the earth is burning, blood and fire are spreading.

  The voice that was once ignored turned into fury, venting its roar to the world.

   Nava isn't dead, but he isn't alive either.

  His body was torn apart, wriggling flesh tentacles and numerous bone spurs replaced his original human body.

   What supports him is infinite anger, and what supports him is hatred for the injustice of this world.

   Destruction, destruction, endless destruction.

   All that remains in his heart is the endless meaning of destruction.

  In this world, even the dignity of beggars would be deprived and trampled upon.

   Then destroy, completely destroy.

  Those high-ranking nobles, those meat-eaters who claim to be of noble birth, those powerful people who claim that the bottom is just their pawns.

  They will taste the bitter fruit of their own brew.

  Death and killing spread, and gradually spread, submerging the nest.

  Nahua ran in the crowd, and the artillery fire fell near him, and he was "lucky" to dodge every time.

  The thug next to him was blown away by the roaring artillery fire, and the body depicting the profane runes also became fragmented.

   Not long after, a group of thugs were wiped out by artillery fire, and the mutilated limbs were scattered all over the ground, shattered. Such a scene was really **** and cruel to the extreme.

   But Nava crossed the blockade of firepower and landed in the corpse emperor's army.

  The soldiers screamed, and they raised their guns and fired at Nava.

  The beam of the laser gun hit Nava's body, but it had no effect at all. It was directly absorbed by the wriggling flesh and blood, leaving no trace on his disgusting body.

   But Nava's attack was too deadly for ordinary soldiers.

  He waved his arm, and the sharp spikes pierced through the bodies of the soldiers.

  The bright red blood melted into his body along the spikes.

   Along with the killing, his breath became more terrifying.

  In just a short moment, the defense line with hundreds of people stationed was slaughtered by him.

  The thugs rushed through the gap he opened, and stormed the most sacred building of Terra, the palace.

  Nahua turned into a **** figure, and rushed towards the army loyal to the corpse emperor.

   Claws tearing and teeth biting, wherever they go, blood is splashed wherever they go.

  Demons earned their right to descend upon Terra for their slaying.

  The dead life turns into a bridge for the inanimate to reach reality.

  The subspace roared continuously, and the ether storm became more and more severe, causing more and more severe oppression.

  The curtain of reality is almost completely broken down.

  A more terrifying will oppresses Terra and is about to descend into the real universe.

   They're coming.

   They're coming.

  The psyker cried out in agony in despair.

  They felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

   Terrible nightmares haunted them.

   Blood will soak Terra, everything will be completely destroyed.

   An unbearable and terrifying existence is about to come.

  Destroy, destroy, everything will be destroyed, utterly destroyed.

  Death, disaster, despair, sadness, everything will be completely destroyed.

  Everything has come to a moment of reckoning.

  No one can escape.

  The noble will be drowned in blood.

   The vile will also die in despair.

   Everything will be destroyed.

   will be destroyed.

   Valyrian in golden armor stood on the wall of Lion's Gate, weapon in hand.

  He watched as the flood of enemies broke through the defense lines and rushed towards the Lion's Gate.

   mighty, like a torrent of water.

   Overwhelming, destroying everything.

  Any Loyalist force that tries to stand in their way will be utterly destroyed.

   Drowning in the tide of despair, all will be lost.

  Those thugs, some of them human, were inscribed with various Chaos runes, and those runes ensured that they would not be harmed by their allies in the warp for a while.

  At least, until the power of chaos achieves the set goal, they will not be harmed.

  The other part, they have mutated, and the pollution of the subspace has made them neither human nor ghost, like monsters covered with bone spurs, or redundant organs such as eyes.

   This team is huge in size. Although the weapons and equipment are simple, it gives people a huge sense of oppression.

   Valyrian is also very clear that this is just the beginning.

  As the riots continue, food shortages will make more and more rioters out of control.

  Terra has a population of hundreds of billions, and there are several large hive cities in total. Once there is a full-scale riot, the consequences will be disastrous.

   With the riots of these thugs, the warp and the curtain of reality are becoming more and more fragile.

  He had a premonition that something terrible was about to happen.

   "Get ready to fight them off," Valyrian said.

  When those thugs and demons approach the Lion's Gate, the battle belonging to the Forbidden Army will officially start.

  For the outside of the palace, the Forbidden Army does not pay too much attention.

  They just need to defend the outer and inner courts and defend the Holy Emperor.

  The defense in the palace is extremely strict.

  Even if part of the troops were taken away by the high lords, it was still the most heavily defended place on Terra.

  The high-walled fortress began to spray shells and plasma non-stop after the thugs entered the shooting range.

  Every wall and tower is built with automatic turrets and defense arrays.

  The dense firepower instantly tore apart the mob who wanted to attack the Lion's Gate.

  Even demons were torn to pieces by such violent firepower.

  Varerian watched a mutant among the thugs charge left and right, overturning several positions in a row. Frowning, he turned and walked towards the takeoff and landing platform.

  His golden presence comforted the terrified defenders, letting them know that they had not been abandoned.

   "My lord." The short but strong man trotted over.

   "Stick to your post." Valyrian didn't pay much attention to him, and walked straight past him, the war halberd in his hand began to dance with plasma arcs.

   "My lord, where are you going?" the man asked.

  Varerian ignored him, but slowly accelerated and began to run.

   Custodians are the creations of the Emperor, and each one is built in a special way.

  Loyalty and strength are synonymous with them.

  Varerian was very calm in his heart, and he stared closely at the monster covered in squirming flesh and spikes.

  Under the gaze of the blood god, this warp-distorted monster grows stronger as it kills.

  If you let it go, I'm afraid it will cause more damage.

  Nahua's only remaining **** eyes stared at the golden man rushing towards him.

  He let out a deafening roar that resounded throughout the battlefield.

  The mortal soldiers trembled at his roar, and the raised guns trembled.

   Nava brandished his **** spikes and rushed towards the opponent.

  Go to hell, servant of the corpse emperor.

  Infinite anger emerged in his heart, and he no longer had the mentality of awe of these noble golden men in the past.

  1 Only killing.

  There is only total destruction.

  Varerian's combat skills are superb, he is a leader in the blood game, and he is always working hard to defeat these shameful traitors who betrayed the emperor and turned to chaos.

   When he was about to get close to the opponent, he bent down suddenly, and the acceleration caused him to form a roll, successfully avoiding the attack of the hateful monster.

  Varerian swung his combat skills, and the weapon surrounding the plasma arc easily tore apart the opponent's flesh and blood, and stabbed inside.

   Inch by inch.

   Then pulled the trigger inside the monster.

   There was a loud bang, and half of his body was blown to pieces.

  Nahua howled in pain.

  He underestimated the strength and skill of these golden men.

  But the endless rage in his heart drove him to move on, launching an even more violent offensive.

  Varerian responded calmly, waving the weapon in his hand, seized an opportunity, and struck out fiercely, beheading the opponent's head in an instant.

  Nahua's roar disappeared.

  The huge body also became fragmented, and finally fell down.

  At this time, fifty heavy-duty Starcastle machine slaves came with heavy steps.

  They are painted with the mechanical emblem of the holy Mars.

  The muscles injected with chemical agents for a long time are abnormally strong, even reaching an unbelievable level.

  They are equipped with terrifying firepower, enough to destroy all obstacles to their heart's content.

  The torrential rain of shells illuminated the parade avenue like daylight, and every laser light could cut off the mob's limbs.

   Energy cannons and plasma weapons shot out little suns one by one.

  The fire dragon flew out from the muzzle of the flamethrower, devouring pieces of targets.

   Roaring heavy bombs and dark jets bring down mobs one after another with their violent killing.

  Thugs fell one after another, like wheat under a sickle.

   Some were smashed into pieces by the dense rain of bullets.

   There are also some people who are still shouting the slogan of the blood god, and then they are harvested.

  The roar of the heavy tank came, and the tracks crushed the flesh and blood, making a living way among the piled up corpses.

  The gunfire sounded, and the mob scattered and fled.

   They cannot fight heavy tanks with flesh and blood.

  Even those demons can't help it.

  They are still weak.

   Coupled with the Emperor's power permeating Terra, they are in a weak position.

  The tank crushed them, destroying all the hard-fought flesh and blood.

   Soon the demons were expelled again in despair, and the thugs who flocked to the Lion's Gate were also defeated in the brutal strangulation and fled in all directions.

   Those who remained were either crushed to death by tanks or harvested by machine slaves.

   "My lord." A soldier saluted Valyrian, fear in his eyes.

  In the battle just now, Valyrian's performance can be called the God of War alive.

  Waving the weapon in his hand, everything he passed turned into stumps and broken arms.

  No one can stop his blow, and no one can stop his offensive.

   Valyrian didn't pay much attention, just nodded.

  He looked at the fleeing thugs with a stern expression. This was just the first time, a beginning.

  He knew those guys would come again.

   Valyrian looked to the sky.

  The blood-colored sky was burning, and everything was enveloped in it.

  The intention of the power of chaos has been fully revealed.

  They are going into Terra.

   Enter the holiest palace.

   Reich Chancellery.

  Tirion stood on the balcony of the Prime Minister's Mansion, watching everything drowned in the sea of ​​fire with sad eyes.

   The living are entrenched in it, devouring the flesh and blood of those ignorant.

  The upper echelon he works in is under martial law layer by layer, so far, it is considered safe.

   This is only temporary. With the spread of mobs, the crisis will eventually become bigger and bigger, and finally completely out of control.

   It is impossible for a group of mobs like that to cross the city wall on their own.

   But the problem is that they will overload the city and lead to a weakening of security, and then the necessary cleanup action will be taken.

   More importantly, the blood rituals performed by these thugs are weakening Terra's warp barriers.

  Everything is moving toward fragility and an unpredictable future.

   After the riots and warp storms, Tyrion could barely sleep.

   Mania can only be relieved by taking large doses of anesthetics.

   The air hissed with runaway energy, making true rest and contemplation impossible.

   Even a glance seems to reveal new fears in the dark.

  Every half an hour, Tirian would wake up crying from his sleep, his hands clutching the sweat-soaked sheets.

   Once, Tyrian adjusted his face in the mirror, but saw a devil's face smiling at me behind him.

   He had to break the mirror to get rid of the hallucination.

  Another night, he nearly suffocated in a dream as he dreamed that he was skinned alive by laughing butchers in long-winged helmets.

  Tirion is in a high position, but he is just an unlucky guy without spiritual power.

  Being able to encounter these is not a sign of his spiritual awakening, but a terrible crisis is coming.

   The riots in the warp caused ordinary people to be troubled too.

  Tirion is surrounded by countless protections, but he still feels panic and fear.

  How scared are the unprotected civilians

  Tirion felt bad, he should have protected those people.

   But, he didn't.

  Tirion felt like a coward, he ignored his promise.

  He stayed in his prime minister's residence as much as possible, gave instructions to various troops, and dispatched their support and evacuation.

   Performing his duties in an alternative way.

   But such days did not last long, Tirian thought that in such days, those small deeds he had done would be forgotten.

   However, no.

  One morning, when he finished washing up, he was ready to continue to preside over various tasks on Terra, trying his best to reduce the empire's losses in this rebellion.

   Walking into the hall, he smelled a faint smell of blood.

  The guards fell in a pool of blood, they all died without a sound.

  Tirion didn't run away, he knew it was pointless to run away.

  The opponent can silently deal with his bodyguard, and he can also deal with him silently.

  The reason why he didn't solve him silently must be because he wanted to see him and taste his despair and pain.

  Tirion tidied his clothes and walked in.

   "'Looks like you slept well, Tyrian.'"

  Irtu, the director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sat on the throne in the hall, looking at Tyrian who came in.

   "What do you mean?" Tyrian looked at Iltu who was sitting on the throne.

   "Clean up the traitors, Tyrian, your time of death has come."

  Irtu, the head of the Internal Affairs Department, took out a pulse pistol and pointed it at Tyrian, saying in a cold tone.

  (end of this chapter)