
Chp 36: Fools Gold

Location: Hogwarts Library

Date: November 2nd 1991, 1 pm

Adam sat in the library two days later, the cold winter sun streaming in, staring at a book intensely searching for any reference to the items and, or ominous note he had found in the ruin.

So far he hadn't worked out much apart from where he was. A book titled 'Ranroks Goblin Rebellion' detailed the location as Carrow ruins, though all the other books he could find on the history of the valley, were entirely absent of any mention of its existence.

The book describes how during the 1890–1891 school year, Rowland Oakes was held captive at the ruins by members of Ranrok's Loyalists, where after his niece Adelaide Oakes petitioned the new fifth-year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to look into her uncle's disappearance and help rescue him as needed.

It was surely an exciting tale but it told him nothing about how the items got there or what they might mean or symbolise, only that the ruin was a ruin even before 1890.


Adam closed the book in protest his mind having shut down from trawling through the bland history books for hours on his Saturday.

'Well, that's a dead end, any thoughts Calcifer'.

'Let me sleep it's the weekend' groaned Calcifer sidestepping her normal use as a personal assistant, 'So ... So bright ... Mmmm sleep'.

'Do Daemons even sleep' said Adam dismissively.

Piling up the books to return them to their shelves, Adam saw Morag walking into the Library.

"Hey Adam, heard you played quite the hero, saving a fair maiden from the troll".

"Uh ... why thank you (Takes bow), it is merely what a gallant knight like me would do" said Adam jokingly with a slightly sarcastic undertone.

" It was really impressive, how fast you moved," said Morag fishing for a response.

"Look bird" said Adam pointing out the window.

"What bird, where?" said Morag, being quite the bird enthusiast in her spare time.

"I was sure I just saw a Capercaillie fly past" said Adam lying through his teeth knowing it was a bird Morag rattled on about wanting to see, saying a thankful prayer to his lord and saviour Kaldor for his detailed life advice.

"Wow no way, oh no I can't see it," said Morag searching desperately before unhappily returning to the table.

"So what are you working on," she asked seeing all the books.

"Well a couple of days ago I was going for my usual run and took a little detour and came across some castle ruins nearby ... and inside I found this" said Adam pulling the red glinting soul stone out.

"Wow that's beautiful, what is it?" asked Morag.

"I mean I'm not one hundred per cent sure what it is, but more importantly I want to work out how it ended up in the ruin, none of the books I, found shed any light on the history of the ruin".

"It ... could be in the restricted section" responded Morag quizzically.

"Shush" hissed someone from across the room.

Adam turned only to see Hermione mouthing sorry to him, after realising who it was.

"The restricted section what's that," asked Adam.

"You really don't listen do you" sighed Morag.

"It's the section students don't normally have access to, I've heard you can get permission slips to access certain books at NEWT level but otherwise the sections entirely restricted to students".

"Where is it," asked Adam looking around.

Morag pointed to a section cordoned off with a rope at one end of the library.

"Thanks, I'll check it out at some point".


"Ms McDougal keep it down or I will have you removed," said Madam Ponce looking up from her desk.

"You can't ... wait a minute you already broke the rules, there are no ruined castles on Hogwarts grounds".

"Guilty-y, now will you tell me how to get in there" replied Adam through his teeth.


It turned out getting into the restricted section wasn't as easy as one may have thought at first glance, having been directed to Hogwart's two resident troublemakers.

"Why, why an ickle firstie wants to get into the restricted section eh George," said Fred.

"That you are Fred".

"Say George hypothetically we could tell the firstie how to get into the restricted section, but the firstie would have to make it in our interest to do so".

"Uh, yeah ... so how much" said Adam getting a slight headache from the pair whose speech pattern reminded him of a certain oracle of Tzeentch.

"It's not how much, it's what for, we need you to do something for us" said both of them in unison.

"What's that" said Adam hoping to move along the conversation that looked from a distance, suspiciously like what would result in an impromptu trip to the crown court.

"We have acquired certain information that suggests Filch patrols the grand staircase and the corridors surrounding it throughout the night, now we the cunning and skilled wizards that we are would usually be able to avoid him, but for something we're cooking up we need more time, time to move a large object, now we were going to give up on the idea, but then you a willing co-conspirator came along, we need you to distract him, lead him away optimally far away on a chase away into the upper sections of the school".

"And then you'll tell me how to get into the restricted section".

"That you are Adam".

"How on earth do you expect me to get away".

"We heard, down the Hogwarts beanstalk that you're pretty fast ..." said Fred.

"Going for runs every morning disappearing off into the morning fog we're sure you could get away from old Filch " said George.

The twins each held out a hand crossing them over a wild smile of each of their faces.

"Deal," they said glancing at each other and then back at him.

"Deal" said Adam awkwardly crossing his own arms over to shake right hand to right hand and left hand to left hand.

Chp 38 is out on patreon.com/DescentofPotential

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