
Chp: 18 Flying too close to the Sun

Adam scratched and beat at the hands holding him up in the air by his throat.

Skarbrand was quickly crushing his esophagus, blood working hard to enter his brain as he felt a heavy pressure build up in his skull.

Skarbrand landed, a wide gloating smile from ear to ear.

Gahaha, you thought you could escape Skarbrand, no skull escapes Scarbrand his voice grating like nails down a chalkboard.

Adam tried to say something but Skarbrands grip was too tight.

Your trying to speak boy, any last pathetic words

Skarbrand loosened his grip.

Adam coughed violently spluttering as he drew air back through his partially crushed wind pipe.

'Cough, Cough'

'Behind you'

A dot was slowly growing larger from the direction of Khornes throne.


'Look behind you'

Skarbrands smile stretched even wider.

You'd waste your final words on a distraction .... Ahah that is the worst last words I've ever heard, even worse than the usual drivel you mortals spout, oooooo Don't kill me, let my child live, aaaahhh my arm ... you don't have to do this, please just kill me. Said Skarbrand one after the other in a mocking tone.

At least your friends last words were surprising.

Skarbrands grin was now truly malevolent beyond evil swelling from the sadistic pride it took in its gruesome endevours.

The dot, was now clearly visible as another winged greater demon. But this one seemed massive even when compared to other greater demons wearing ornate shoulder armour, butchers nails spiking out of its head surrounded by a barbed colllar.

It carried a singular massive black demon blade it's guard the symbol of Khorne.

This daemon was screaming down like a stuker dive bomber.

Hearing a sound behind him Skarbrand finally decided to glance around, only to catch sight of the demon smashing it's massive blade into his head like a baseball bat.

I cast you ouuuuttt

Skarbrand with Adam in his hand flew through the air like a fiery comet. In front of them a dark red portal popping open into existence on the caverns ceiling.

Passing through the portal they flew over Khorne's realm and out into the formless wasters, then further as all vestitudes of form reverted into wild emotion and the deep currents of the warp.

Skarbrand with Adam still in his grasp hurtled through space until finally they felt a force, summoning, reeling them in guided by a faint gold glow, towards a planet unknown to the rest of the greater galaxy, far to the galactic south, far beyond the light of the astrinomicon and the range of any exploratory fleet known to the 41st millennium.


The daemon primarch Angron turned with a grin and flew back towards Khorne's great bronze throne, having upheld Skarbrands long exile.


40K LORE LESSON (Ignore if you know)

Taken from Scarbrands Wikipage:


Skarbrand was once the greatest of all Khorne's Daemons. An eternity of battle in the Blood God's name had brought Skarbrand victories uncounted.[1a]

It was he who tore down the gates of Slaanesh's first palace and visited ruin therein. It was he who led the eight Hosts of Murder to their triumph over the combined armies of the other Chaos Gods. In all the endless years of Khorne's existence, no other of his Daemons had piled so many skulls before the Skull Throne, or spilled the blood of so many warriors and innocents alike. Thus did Skarbrand enjoy Khorne's favour like no other, an honour which would eventually lead to his downfall from grace due to his sheer arrogance.

In all of history, there have been none to serve the Lord of Skulls as completely as Skarbrand. He has taken mountains and mountains of skulls for the Blood God, and filled vast oceans with gore. He has shaken the foundations of eternity with his wrath and left a trail of slaughter across existence, yet still Khorne refuses to rescind his hated decree barring the Bloodthirster from his home. There is little regret in the Blood God's black heart and he spares none for Skarbrand, who in tortured exile serves the Lord of Skulls more completely than ever before.

Alas, no being, even an immortal Daemon, could enjoy such triumphs forever, and so proud was Skarbrand that it was a simple task for Tzeentch to fan the embers of his hubris. One dark day, when Khorne's back was turned and his attention elsewhere, Skarbrand's fierce pride grew hot and, blinded by rage, he smote the Blood God a mighty blow. Powerful beyond measure was Skarbrand, and he had toppled cities with but one blow apiece, but even he could not pierce Khorne's brazen armour. Only the smallest of chinks was cut in the Blood God's armour, but even this was sufficient to draw the terrible fury of Khorne's gaze.

Incandescent with wrath, Khorne seized the Daemon by the throat. The Blood God cursed Skarbrand's name and choked all personality from him, leaving only the bottomless rage that had caused him to attack. Climbing the uppermost tower of the Brass Citadel in the Blood God's Domain, Khorne cast forth his arm and hurled the Daemon deep into the Realm of Chaos, banishing the Bloodthirster from his presence.

For eight days and nights Skarbrand plummeted, a fiery comet of ill-omen streaking across the unchanging sky. The impact of the Bloodthirster's landing gouged a canyon in the landscape and left his wings tattered and torn. Since that fateful day, Skarbrand has wandered the mortal and immortal realms, drowning his sins in the blood of the slain -- though he no longer has the wit to fully understand why.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I felt the story naturally ended there.

This marks the end of what can be considered Part 1 or the Preface to this story, which will be a bit more relaxed for the next ten or twenty chapters though I can promise 40k elements will gradually be reintroduced as the sorry continues.

Descentofpotentialcreators' thoughts