
The Proof


Saturday 7:00 pm.

Date schedule of the heiress.

No matter how big her responsibility in the company, how stressful is, dating different men every weekend is part of it like now.

They are going to the venue for her date while his boss is talking on the phone.

"Mr. Villareal please hurry, please," said the lady boss while looking at the phone.

"Yes, Ms." He was about to speed up when suddenly, they stuck in the middle of the highway.

It was dark and there were almost no passing vehicles.

"What happened?"

He went out and looked at the wheel.

"Ms. I think the tire is flat?"

"What? I can't be late! Change that tire now!"

He checked again. " I think it's not just the tire," he whispered.

"What?" Ellah is starting to annoy on her bodyguard.

He noticed she pulled out her cell phone. She was probably calling her date. He seemed to know what the boss was going to say.

'I'm sorry Mr. Ramirez, but something came up, the tire was flat and that we're stuck on the highway '

"Hello, Mr. Jude!"

He suddenly turned to the boss with wide eyes.

"Get me here ... what are you doing?" Ellah frowned when he quickly snatched the cellphone and off it.

"It's okay Ms. it's not flat, I just thought it was!"


Gian did not think Ellah will call another driver, and he might be blamed for lying.

He wanted to hit his head on the dashboard upon realizing what he had done.

What a lame excuse!

When they were at the venue, Ellah's phone rings.

She answered it immediately.

"Yes Mr. Ramirez?"

"Ms. Lopez, I am so sorry, but there is an emergency, my mother collapsed, I can't make it, I am very sorry. Can we move on another day? Next Saturday maybe?"

Ellah took a deep breath.

"I understand what happened this time Mr. Ramirez, but you're not even sure next week, I'll tell you this is for sure..."

"What is it?"

"We won't meet anymore." Then she hung up.

Ellah turned to her bodyguard.

"Shall we go home?"

She shook her head, close her eyes and keep quiet in the car, trying to calm herself as she is irritated at what happened.

For other women, dating is happiness, but for her it is a sacrifice.

Then she started thinking about the meeting yesterday.

"The chairman should know how irresponsible his granddaughter is!"

Clenching her fist she said.

"He won't come, he has faith in me."


Ellah knows it is her fault and this is her responsibility.

"Then don't lose our faith in you." The Vice President said.

"Give me one week, I'll find the culprit."

"If it's not the manager why did you fire him?"


"Then you should step out in your position as this is your negligence too." The Chief Operating Officer said.


Then someone talked.

"Why you keep on blaming her?"

She turned to see who said that, it was the President who's looking at them.

"Instead of ranting, let us help Ms. Ellah, do not forget she is still the heiress. Without them, we are nothing!"

That made them all shut their mouth.

Mr. Santos said it was all planned by Mr. Valdez, and it seemed true as Mr. Go has no intention in ruining the company.

Now, how will she find the truth?

One week is not enough to find the evidences and searching for proof.

Private detective cannot make it with a short period of time.

She opened her eyes and see her bodyguard staring at her.

"Are you alright Ms. Ellah?"

That question seems like the clue for her to open up.

"I don't know what you did to make the contract three percent," she stared at him. "But can you help me finding the culprit? I had one week ultimatum, and if I can't make it, it's another failure for a useless woman like me."

Her bodyguard looks at her eyes as if to say it's not his obligation.

"Ah, never mind, it's not your job." She waves her hand.

Then he responded.

"One week is long, one day is enough."

Ellah's eyes widened.

"Give me 24 hours," Gian look at the clock on the car it is 8:00 PM.

"Tomorrow at exactly 8:00 PM you will know."

Ellah's mouth hangs open.

How could it be?

Gian asked. " Home?"

Shaking her head, she said. "Let's date."

Gian was stunned.



While watching movie together Gian did not mention anything about work.

They choose horror.

Sometimes, Ellah screams when the scene is suspenseful and clings to his arm. He looked at it, but, she was focused on the screen, and he was staring at her.

"Ahhh!" Ellah's grip on his arm was even tighter.

He simply moved closer to feel her even more.

The lady boss is terrified as he is excited. Her mouth gaped as he grinned.

He carefully stared at her.

'Don't date Ellah, please be with me.'

But he can't say that, and she can't hear it either.

But like the movie their date ended.

"Let's repeat?" he said.

"Crazy boy!" Ellah laughed.

His boss's routine was always like that. Work and date. Meeting any man.



Sunday 7:00 PM

Ellah is ready for another date.

Wearing an elegant red tube dress above the knee shows the entire curves of her body, her red and black killer heels sandal fits the dress that makes her look elegant, with a designer red bag, she is ready to meet him.

Don Jaime said this man is special to him, but she doesn't know why.

She has to make him a good impression on her, maybe this man will be his husband someday.

"My dear, please treat well the congressman's son, huh?

You know the election is near, so that the Congressman doesn't have anything to say," Don Jaime said.

She nodded and kissed the old man goodbye.

"Yes grandpa, don't worry, I'll treat him as a king."

"And you're the queen!"

Ellah smiled.

"Gian, take care of my granddaughter," he added.

"Yes, sir."

Along the way, Gian and Ellah were silent.

Gian slowly shook his head, today her date is not a business man but a politician!

More dangerous than a businessman, more influential and...

More evil!

He was driving and she was looking at the phone.

Ellah checked at the email on her phone to see if there is any development in the investigation she had conducted.

Then check the background of the congressman's son.

He is wearing a tuxedo most of his pictures, just like the other suitors, he is good-looking too, but there is something the way he looks at you.

It's more like of a stealthy look.

"Ms. can we talk about work? "

" Not now Mr. Villareal. "

She heard him deep breathing.

" It's the case of the former manager, you fired."

What he said caught her attention, then she looks at the clock, it is exactly 8:00 PM!

Her heart beat races in excitement as she remembered what he said yesterday.

" D-did you find it?"


"Really? Then who!"

"But we have to stop at least at a coffee shop. "

" No, it's not the right time to... "

"Aren't you very interested who ruined your reputation? "

She was silent.

" Fine, why coffee shop? "

"I felt nervous on your date tonight."

"What?" Ellah was amused.

They stop at a coffee shop, and then he handed a small envelope to her.

She immediately opened it.

"What's this?"

"Proof." He put the USB in a table with his phone and started to play a video.

"Hear this."

She was dazed and nervous.

The young man took a sip on his coffee as they saw in the video the two men laughing inside the office.

"Congratulations sir! You are really very good! Who would have thought that you also had a plan! "

" Of course, they won't think it's me because I'm the one reported it."

" Now you're not a supervisor anymore! "

" I did my job sensibly but the manager sabotaged it without my knowledge. "

Ellah clench her fist, shut her eyes tight to remain calm after hearing it.

Now she knew the truth!

The video stop.

Then she faces her bodyguard.

"How did you do this? I mean, how did you know?"

Gian took a deep breath as he remembered what he did.

He has a strong suspicion that one of them or both of them have a plan to destroy the heiress, so he made a plan without telling her.

He remembered every details.

When there was a meeting, he executed his plan, for a job like him it's easy to tresspassed on their offices and put a spy cam recorder to the side of the cabinet.

The same goes for the former manager’s office.

But when he is about to leave, he heard footsteps outside.

"Is somebody here?"

Gian holds his breath while hiding in the back door.

"Did I forgot to lock the door?" The man murmured.

He thought the man would leave, but he entered in and close the door, Gian had no choice.

While the official is standing back on him, he walk slowly enough to attack, and when he is about to turn, he pressed the man's neck that made him collapsed.

After hearing it, Ellah sighed deeply.

"Humors spread it was Mr. Valdez."

"It's me."

"What you did is not good, but you got the right idea, now I think I know what to do."

"What ever your plan is, I trusted you Ms."

Ellah smiled.

"Let's go home," she said firmly and went out first.

When they are inside the car, her phone rings and don Jaime is on the line, she pressed the answer button.

"Where are you now?"

"Grandpa, you should know something about the company ..."

"Tomorrow, go first. Meet the Congressman's son, he was there earlier ... "

"But grandpa didn't ... "

"Do not disobey me Ellah!"

That made them both in silence.

The young man took a deep breath.

"No one can broke don Jaime's order," she declared.