
The Encounter


Ellah's steps were heavy as she walked into the VIP room reserved for them.

She was very upset with her grandfather because he couldn't understand her.

She approached the man standing while looking at the glass window.

She stared at his outfit.

He was wearing jeans and a leather jacket and rubber shoes as well, his get up was like her bodyguard, far from being tuxedo men.

Her first impression went wrong!

Ellah asked herself if is this the congressman's son?

He was talking to someone on his cell phone.

"This is bullshit! She's half an hour late! Who the hell she thinks she is! If she won't come, she would have informed don Jaime.

I looked stupid here!

Too important! What! Going here?

Does that mean she's already inside? Or maybe she's coming?"

The man turned around and saw her sharp gaze.

" Fuck! Have you been here a while ago?"

"No, but I heard all your insults and I'm leaving!"

She turned around to leave, but the man held her by the arm.

In an instant her palm landed on his face. His eyes stared at her sharply, but she doesn't even care and walk out!

"Where do you think you're going fucking lady!" Holding her arms tightly and pulled back in the room.

"Ah! Shit, it hurts!"

She was looking for help but no one was going through the hallway, she kicked his ass!

"Ah heck! You'll really get hurt if you don't get along well!" He started dragging her, but she resisted and kicked again on his leg.

"You're tough, huh!" with full force he pulled again.

Her back hit the hallway wall.

"Aw ... shit!" she groaned as she felt the pain at her back as if her bones were cracked.

"You should know me well, ugh!"

Suddenly he fell in front of her.

"Fuck! Who's that?" He hissed and turned around to see a man covering his face with a cap.

Ellah cannot explain her emotions upon seeing her bodyguard.

"You're the one who kicked me!"

He tried to punch him, but the young man quickly escaped, took off his hat and used it to slap the man's face all over again.

"Ah fuck! Fuck!" The man dodged quickly, but Gian's hand was faster so it hit the congressman's son again.

Ellah's eyes widened when the congressman's son suddenly pulled out a gun and pointed it at the bodyguard.

But in an instant Gian grabbed the gun, dropped the magazine and broke it apart, for a moment the gun shattered in front of them.

The congressman's son seemed to stun.

Gian picked up the magazine.

Ellah held her breath and blink twice.

When the man recovered, he attack a strong punch, but caught by his bodyguard and kick him in the chest.

"Fuck!" the man laid down on the cold floor and before he could get up, Gian grabbed his nape and squeezed that made him unconscious.

"Let's go Ms.!" Gian pulled Ellah by the arm and quickly ran out of the restaurant.

She was terrified as she ran with her bodyguard.

They were in the basement when suddenly someone spoke.

"Where are you going?"

There were almost ten people surrounded them and she was sure they were the security guards of the congressman's son.

Suddenly someone pulled out a gun and shot them!

" Shit! " The young man pulled her hand and quickly hid on the side of a big pole.

They are hiding but still not safe as the men keep on shooting them.

Ellah almost fainted, she covered her ears in fear.

" Oh my God! "

" Ms. no matter what happens, don't leave here, do you understand?" Gian whispered hardly.

She could only nod.

He pulled out a gun.

He was about to leave when suddenly someone kicked him in the back.

The young man stumbled on the cold floor, but still holding the gun.

His cap fell off and at the same time they heard a gun cocked.


They both looked at the hat.

Ellah just glanced at it, but Gian was staring.

The young man tried to stand, but the gun pointed at his forehead.

Ellah's eyes widened, but she couldn't scream.

The young man closed his eyes as if his death was only an inch!

Ellah closed her eyes.

The gun fired.

But when she opened her eyes, she saw them scrambling with the gun.

The young man kicked the man's leg and punched him in the face over and over again until it fainted.

He quickly picked up the gun and when he's getting up the hat, the security guards of the congressman's son fired at it, the young man quickly hid in the pole where Ellah was.

Ellah did nothing but pray as she bursts into tears.

Gian fights back while glancing at the fallen hat.

"What are you doing?" she desperately asks him to think he would pick it up again.

But Gian ignored her.

She knew he would get the hat no matter what!

"Gian please!" she held his arm.


He took a deep breath as she held her breath when the young man ran towards the hat while shooting the enemies as if it was his defense.

Finally, Gian got the cap and quickly ran back to Ellah's direction while the bullet chasing him, but it did not hit since he was covered by the vehicles.

The last bullet hit the post where they were hiding.

"That's almost ah?"

Ellah did not utter a word.

She has mixed emotions!

Fear and anger!

Later, they saw the guards of the restaurant approaching and started shooting at the enemies.

Thinking they're safe he said.

"Ms. we'll run to the car. Prepare yourself." Gian took her hand and intertwined their fingers he held her tightly.

Gian's hand was cold, but she felt the heat.

"I'll count," he firmly said.

She followed everything the bodyguard's order it's the only way to survive.

"One ... two ... run!"

They run together while being chased by bullets!

She screamed in fear.

Suddenly someone blocked their way, then her bodyguard shuts him on the chest.

The maiden trembled!

The shooting never stops even they're hiding in a vehicle.

"Ms. you run in the car, you run fast and don't look back, you understand? Don't ever look back!" Gian whispered firmly and handed her the key.

"Y-yes!" she accepted it as her hands were shaking nervously.

"You can do it." His bodyguard looked straight in her eyes while holding her hand.

"I'll count ..." he said then, slowly letting go of her hand.

"I'm scared!"

"I'm here behind you, trust me, I won't leave!"

Ellah took a deep breath and stand up.

"One ... two ... RUN!"

The woman ran away!

The shooting started again.

She's screaming as she ran fast with her head down while hiding in the vehicles.

She ran while being protected by her bodyguard, as long as someone tried to shoot her he quickly shot the enemy.

Until she got in the car and opened the door and rushed inside.

Holding the steering wheel, she's thinking of leaving to be saved and just let the guard go.

She turned around to leave, then she heard gunshots and saw Gian hiding in cars.

Without a second thought, Ellah turned back to where her bodyguard was.

Driving as fast as she could and opened the front door.

"Gian! Hop in!"

He entered quickly.

"Down!" he commanded.

Ellah duck her head down while driving desperately.

Gian closed the door and continue shooting the guards.

Finally, they got out of the basement!

The people outside were panicked upon seeing a car almost run over them, but Ellah controlled it.

It's only been a while since the car almost fly!

When the situation calmed down the bodyguard said.

"Stop the car."

Ellah stopped the car and suddenly Gian pulled her.

"Are you okay? Aren't you in pain? Aren't you injured?" He held her delicate shoulders.

"No, I'm fine."

The young man suddenly hugged Ellah.

He could feel her fear.

"Thanks God you're safe."

"I thought we're going to die," the maiden sobbing silently after realizing what happened.

The young man caressed her back.

"That won't happen as long as I'm with you."

The maiden returned the hug.

He winced and stiffened but just let it go.

There was silence until she calmed down.

"But why did you come back? You should have saved yourself and left me, what you did was very dangerous."

"I won't do that! I'll die in conscience if something bad happens to you."

"Are you still scared?" he whispered softly.

"Not that much, aren't you injured?"


"I hate you."

The young man let go of the hug.


"We're in danger but you've even managed to picked up your hat."

"You gave it. I don't want to just leave it there."

"So what! I can buy you more if you really like it. "

" There's nothing like it Ms. Ellah."

" Are you crazy? What if you were shut just because of that hat, don't you think how dangerous you did?"

" I wasn't hit. "

" And you're still reasoning what if you died just because of that?"

The young man smiled.

"You're worried, I want to think that you're doing that because you're afraid of losing me."

"You're right! I'm really scared! "

He turned to look at her.

" What do you mean? "

" I'm scared of losing my bodyguard! "

" That's all? " He assured.

" Yes, that's all. "

Gian sighed.

" Who is he? " he asked while driving back home.


"The guy."

"He's the son of a congressman in the other district. Their family is influential."

"His name?"

"Xander Dela vega."

"Xander, Dela vega" he repeated.

"It's a good thing they didn't chase us anymore."

"They can't do that, his father is a politician they will be scandalized."

"It's a good thing he's the son of a politician, so we survived."

"Don't worry as long as I'm your bodyguard no one can hurt you."