
The Mission


Gian Villareal or also known as Dave Villamayor was carefully studying the map on a computer screen in front of them and while giving instructions to his men, he was staring vigorously to each of them.

“The building is 100 meters away from the warehouse. Each one of you must position at the four corners of the building. Greg right, Ryan left both of you on top, Esiah at the front and Vince at the back on the ground. Some of Mr. Mondragon’s men will be stationed at the exit point preparing in case of a double cross, and on the roof top of this same building. Eliminate them all.”

He turned to Greg, “Blow up the warehouse when the target is with me make sure that no one will be left alive! Vince after the explosion, proceed to the car and wait for us together with the target. ”

This is how Gian Villareal strategized and planned for this very important mission. “Wait for my signal,” he continued. Whatever happens, don’t hit the target, is that clear?”

“Sir, yes sir!”

“The Bravo Team will be our back up.”

As he was talking to his men, he stood up and said, “Men, we waited and planned this for a long time. We should not fail this mission. I trust all of you that we will make it!”

“Yes Sir!” They answered with assurance.

But then at the back of his mind, he is worried for his team because they are outnumbered, but that's what they need.

Few people, makes the mission possible.

They were the alpha team. It was their greatest job to be in the most delicate and important mission like this.

“Are you afraid Alpha Team?” he asked.

“NO SIR!” they replied with confidence.




“SIR YES SIR!” they stood up and salute him.


He acknowledged and started to turn off the computer. His phone rang. He picked it up.

“Villareal are you ready?” a voice from the other line.

“Yes Chief!” he replied.

“Alright, I’ll send the Bravo Team right away. I trust you Villareal, do your mission and come back alive! Understood?”

“Yes! Thank you, Sir! ” He answered.

He took a deep breath and hung up the phone.



Mr. Mondragon and his men came to the warehouse and at exactly 7:00 pm, the negotiation started with the Chinese National, while Gian Villareal is at the back door informing his men to get ready and wait for his confirmation.

He was about to leave the place when suddenly he heard footsteps coming towards him. He pulled out his gun from his waist. He heard a gun cock from his back and his heart pounded rapidly. He suddenly turned around, but the man aimed his gun at him, but then he was more ready because he pointed his gun to the man’s forehead.

"Traitor!" the man shouted at him.

“No!” He knew that this guy will to kill him anytime.

Luckily, Gian made the first move, he shot this man named Simon. He killed one of the trusted men of Mr. Mondragon without hesitation. He went back to his boss as if nothing happened.

Shortly, the five wing van truck started to arrive carrying the shipment they were waiting for. As he examined the items he was able to discreetly attach bombs in the trucks.

Moments later, the transaction has been completed. He and his boss hurriedly proceeded to the parking area. In his mind, whoever will be left behind will surely be turned into ash. As they stepped down the warehouse, the building exploded. This is the moment of truth.

The mission begins!

They proceeded to the parking area, but Marco has been already there who suddenly shot him in the stomach. However; Vince and Mr. Mondragon shot Marco leaving him dead on the ground.

The moment of truth came!

Gian aimed his forty-five caliber handgun on the boss' head that became a "target".

He put a duct tape on his wound to stop it from bleeding and tied both hands of the target so that he can’t escape. He figured out about what just had happened was too dangerous. He shook his head.

As they were travelling back to the safe house, they were silently observing the situation when suddenly they heard a successive gun firing from a vehicle behind them.

“Lie down!” he grabbed the head of the target and pushed it on the seat.

The target was so scared and tried to push himself under the seat.

“Bravo team, we need a back up!”

“Yes, sir!”

Shattered glass windows were coming all over them because of continuing firing from the group chasing them. Vince has to drive the car fast and furious just to escape from the bullets.

His jaw clenched. He aimed his gun in the car and started to fire back targeting the windshield and the wheel that made it uncontrollable. The back up team came just in time. They were able to escape.

“That was a real action, Bro!” Vince was teasing him after the intense incident.

“Nah! It was a real drama Bro! ” He replied. He clicked on the earpiece and said, “Alpha Team update?”

“We’re all alive, Captain!” Greg answered.

“Good job boys!” he replied and smiled.

They succeeded and they’re back. Everyone is safe, though they are wounded, but alive.

This is his job. Pretend and deceive just for the mission.



Inside the medic room, five men were all lying down on their assigned beds. Everybody was busy scrolling their cellphone except him. The target is already at the safehouse. Suddenly, somebody came in and they straightly stood up.

“Congratulations Alpha Team!”

“Thank you chief!” they replied and simultaneously made a salute gesture to the superior.

“Carry on,” the chief acknowledged.

“Captain Villareal,” the chief tapped his shoulder and said, “You're the best asset Captain, you never failed to amaze me! Anyway, do you want a vacation? You can take a leave for at least a week?” The young man smiled genuinely and replied, “Thank you, sir.”

“Alright men, take a rest.”

“We envy you Captain, but you deserved it!”

Ryan said and they laughed altogether.

After the mission this men are now hanging out and having some fun, not minding their own wounds.

This is the life of a Policeman.

“Bro, come here! I’ll show you something!”

Gian turned to Vince who was staring seriously on his phone. “What’s that?”

Out of curiosity he checked the phone and he was surprised of what he saw. In the video, a hundred of men standing and falling in line in front of a huge function hall of a hotel.

“What’s happening there?" he asked.

“The granddaughter of the most influential person in the city is looking for a husband!”

"WHOA!" The rest of the boys siege him. "Ninety-nine suitors in one day!" Esiah screamed in excitement.

Gian checked again the video but he saw only the back of a lady sitting in front of a small table.

"This is your chance, Captain!" Greg said provoking him.

"Who’s that girl?" he asked. All of them turned to him with a disgusting face.

"What?" he asked again.

"She’s the sole heiress of the multi-billion company owned by Don Jaime Lopez." Ryan explained.

"The sleeping Giant." Esiah added.

The video continued playing and he saw a big tarpaulin with a huge print and it says like this:


"Seriously?" he was shaking his head. The Captain was chuckling when one of the boys approached the lady who's an assistant.

"Miss, can you take my place? I really need to pee."

The assistant was so annoyed and disgusted, "Are you crazy?"

Everybody was laughing including him. He cannot imagine doing things like that.

Gian decided to leave the room.

"Hey Bro, where are you going?"

Their boss can’t stop from laughing. They were in disbelief that Captain Gian Villareal who is a very silent and serious person eversince they met him, is laughing so hard this time.

This is very rare !



Almost a hundred of gentlemen flocked the huge function hall of HG Hotel for an interview.

"Please fall in line boys," the assistant said.

"Do you have food here, Madam? I’m hungry already," one of the men smirked.

"No," the lady replied.

"Maybe you’re thinking of a festival, Bro," the other guy commented.

Everybody laughed, but they silenced when somebody shouted.


An annoyed lady shouted that made them stop from making noise.

She wants to finish her mission within the day.

While she was reviewing the resume’, one of the men came to her and was trying to get her attention but she ignored him.

Name: Liam Galves Status: Single Age: 25 Company: Chain restaurants Position: Owner Background...

“Ahem!” he faked a cough.

"How old?" she asked but still reading the resume’ she was holding.

"Twenty five," he replied.

The lady stared at him from head to foot.

"How old is your business?" she clarified.

"What? Why are you asking me with that kind of question?" sounds irritated.

"Disqualified, next!"

"Bullshit! I thought you’re looking for a husband?"

"Mr. Galves, I’m looking for a smart husband."

"What? I can't believe this!"

"Then believe it! Another thing, you have a lousy business. Sixty branches within thirty years!"

The man closed his fist and about to attack her but her bodyguards prevented him.

"I never thought that this is going to be an interrogation about my investments. Maybe you’re not looking for a husband, but an investor instead, Ms. Lopez!" he aggressively stated before he left.


When the next guy was about to approach her, she quickly aimed her hand and said, "Let’s have a break first!"

"Ha? We haven’t been official yet and suddenly you wanna break up with me?" he humorously commented.

She simply smiled of what she heard.

"What’s your name?"

"Hi! I’m Zyrus Martinez."

"I am Ellah Lopez, you must be so lucky, Mr. Martinez! At least somebody like me just broke up with you today!"