
The Confession


Gian went straight in a bar.

The liquid drawing in his throat was bitter, but he still felt even bitter.

He drowns himself in that drink to somehow washed away the pain he is experiencing.

He knew the liquid was already affecting him, but he doesn’t care!

When he felt drowsy, he lay down on the sofa and sleep.

"Sir, wake up, you're the only ones left here, we're going close at dawn," the crews shook him.

"Uhm..." he moaned.

He knew they took his phone, but no longer cared as he was too sleepy.

"Bro, please find a number to call and help with this."

"Oh here it is, the boss is in it, it's definitely a man so it can take him."

"All right, go ahead and call him."

The crews both left, but after a few moments they returned.

"Sir, someone is here to pick you up."

"Who's that? Is that you Vince?" he asked while his eyes closed.

He felt heavy and dizzy because of the headache.

But that man did not say a word and instead lift him up to get out of that bar.

He felt they were already inside the car.

"Vince brother, I don't think I can do this anymore, I'm leaving.

It hurts like hell, it hurts to see that she's dating someone else.

It hurts to bring her for different men.

It's like I'm going to explode, but I can't do anything because it's an order of don Jaime. "

He took a deep breath. "But even so, I can only risk my life for that woman, bro. I thought we couldn't survive.

Bro, it's a good thing because if not, you might visit me in my funeral.

Bro, it hurts to think that even with your last breath the person you are going to save doesn't even have feelings for you.

I don't know what to do."


"Bro, I'm in pain, it's just a hopeless pain because she thinks I'm just a bodyguard. Brother, she doesn't know me, she doesn't know I just followed don Jaime's wishes!

Even though I feel bad I still can’t afford to refuse when it comes to her.

Because it's my job to protect her, what if someone suddenly gets hurt again?

What if she gets hurt again and I'm not there?

Am I still doing it right bro? Is it right that I'm the one who's hurting? "

He clasped one hand and slapped his own chest.

" Why? Aren't what I've done enough? Why can't she see? Is it because I'm just a bodyguard ? She thinks maybe it's really my job to watch over her.

I’m just an idiot who overstepped the limit.

She doesn't know bro, she doesn't know that while she was happy I am in pain.

Help me bro, I don't want this, I don't want to be hurt.

Help me forget her. "

The young man took a deep breath.

But, suddenly he heard a woman's soft sob.

His chest throbbed automatically.

" Who's that? "

He asked nervously and forced his eyes open. He was sure that voice came from a woman!