
Wanjie Chat Group: Ten Thousand World Chat Group In Mondaiji!

Here, is the world of Little Garden where millions of gods exist! Ye Luo, who came to Little Garden, was just about to work hard to revitalize the power of the community. But he suddenly received an invitation from Wanjie Chat Group Wakaba Hiiro: "You tell the worst god in the universe that she is not bad?" Narutaki: "I need powerful warriors to help me destroy that abominable decade!" Butterfly Ninja: "By the way, are humans really not the opponents of the ghost king?" Since then, new changes have appeared. Established a cooperation with the world of Food Wars to manufacture spirit soup and medicinal diet. In the world of kiva, he gained the power of the dark kiva and the sword of the demon emperor, and was mistaken for the ancient king by the blood-tooth ghosts, who ruled the world. Build an elite kiva series of knight hunters, bear the name of knights, and rebuild the Little Garden knight army! Plant spiritual plants, and cultivate the Qijera flowers in the Tiga world on a large scale to create gift items - life medicine, Featuring: High quality edit and Top-quality grammar! *** Author: Upsetting Editor: Peinace Pat reon: pat reon.com/peinace

Peinace · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs

One Of The Totsuki Ten Elites, Erina Nakiri

[Nakiri Erina: Okay, thank you first, and when I'm done cooking, I'll let you taste my craft!]

Not to mention, after hearing what Ye Luo said, Erina Nakiri was really interested.

According to this statement, the animals that have absorbed the spiritual energy and grown up have very good meat quality?

Different from the animals in their world?

With the same craftsmanship, the dishes cooked like this are not the same as the former ones.

As an excellent chef, when she thinks of this, she can't hold back a bit.

Want to try it now.

The chat group has some basic functions, such as stuffing items into red envelopes and sending them to friends.

But it has to be a dead thing, otherwise it can completely stuff people in, isn't it messed up?

And Ye Luo is very quick to get started with chat groups, and some functions can be used at a glance.


[The world of the spirit of eating halberd]

Because of the reason to deal with the ingredients, Nakiri Erina came to her personal kitchen at this time.

As one of the ten elite of Totsuki, she has a lot of freedom.

An exclusive zone like this is just one of her privileges.

After clicking to receive it, a deer with a decent size suddenly appeared in front of Nakiri Erina, lying here quietly.

Because Ye Luo had dealt with it, and worried that Erina Nakiri couldn't control the live deer, Ye Luo killed it and stuffed it into the red envelope.

Even if this is just an ordinary deer, he grew up in the Little Garden world anyway.

Ordinary people can't really hold it down!

"Tsk tsk, this color, this hair, and the feeling of this meat. It really is of good quality!"

Nakiri Erina kept sighing as she rubbed her hands together and looked at the deer that was brought over.

Indeed, the condition is much better than the deer she has seen!

What did this deer eat to grow up?

No wonder people didn't care much about the ingredients she sent, it turned out that she was making a joke!

But what shocked Nakiri Erina even more was still to come.

When she raised the kitchen knife and chopped it down, she didn't cut it, the kitchen knife sank directly into it!

The toughness of this deer is amazing!

According to her strength, the general deer can be cut directly, and then the next step can be processed.

I didn't expect this deer to be so different.

After pulling out the kitchen knife forcefully, a black line appeared on Nakiri Erina's forehead. If she cuts like this, she won't be exhausted to death?

It takes too much effort.

Thinking of this, she rolled her eyes and showed a sly smile. She thought of a good way!


In two minutes!

In the place where Nakiri Erina was handling the venison just now, a different person was already there.

Hisako Arato.

Her personal secretary was working hard on the venison with a bitter face.

"Miss, where did you find the ingredients? It's too difficult to handle!"

At first, Hisako Arato was quite happy that the young lady asked her for help again. This shows her role. It is her greatest happiness to be kept in the heart by the lady at all times.

In the end, she was about to cry without tears.

It turns out that she has become a tool person for the young lady!

This deer is too hard!

However, despite the intractable shortcomings, the quality of this venison also surprised her.

It was very good.

In the venison she used, she can definitely stand at the top, even too much!

Where is it cultivated, such a good quality will appear?

Miss is worthy of being a miss, she has such a good channel.

This time, she is also looking forward to what kind of delicious food she can make.

"Well, yes, your meat cutting skills are getting better and better. As expected of you, Nakiri Erina's personal secretary."

"Since that's the case, let's show off our skills!"

"Look at the finished product, what it will be like!"

Commenting on the processed ingredients, Erina Nakiri is very satisfied.

It's comfortable to have a tool man.


So, in this place, the two started a vigorous cooking around the venison from Little Garden World.

With such high-quality venison, if you give it to an ordinary chef, it would be a tyrannical thing, and it is completely impossible to dig out all the deliciousness of the meat.

Ingredients of this level can only be cooked to perfection by top chefs!

And precisely, the level of Nakiri Erina is among the best in this place.

Her personal secretary also has a good standard.

After their hot production, after a while, a very, very strong fragrance also wafted out from here, filling the place.

"Hey, it smells so good!"

"There are not many spices used, but such a rich and superb fragrance can be wafted out!"

Looking at the fried meat and a bowl of broth prepared in front of her, Erina Nakiri's expression was a little intoxicated.

For the ultimate food, chefs have no resistance, this is the field and goal they pursue.

"Miss, try it first."

Hisako Arato, who was a little drooling when she smelled this scent, should let her young lady taste it first.

As her young lady has the tongue of God, she can better analyze and evaluate a delicious dish.


When Nakiri Erina took a sip of the broth with a spoon, her eyes instantly lit up.

As if the scene in front of her had changed, she came to a green forest full of fresh air and the fragrance of plants, surrounded by incomparably beautiful scenery!

And she ran freely in this place, feeling the rhythm and beauty of nature.

The gentle sunlight shone down, allowing Nakiri Erina to enjoy the relaxation from inside out, as if the pressure on the whole body was gone.

This shocked her.

How, how can it be?!!!

Are the ingredients of the high-level world so amazing?

This is more than a small gap, she felt that this kind of meat nourished by spiritual energy has formed a dimensionality reduction blow on the flesh of their world!

What 5A-level meat, are all younger brothers!

Can't compete with it at all!

Looking at the performance of the young lady, because of curiosity, Hisako Arato also tasted a mouthful, her eyes suddenly widened, and she cheered in surprise:


The fried venison on the side also brought another kind of feeling to them.

Holding chopsticks one by one, they ate quickly.

The two resting on the sofa are very happy, this is the best food they have eaten.

It's a pity Ye Luo didn't know about this scene, or he would have to sigh, this is just an ordinary beast, if it were replaced by a higher-level creature.

You can't eat it?

After the rest, Nakiri Erina began to improve and add materials to the remaining venison.

After all, she will give it to Ye Luo to taste.

She is also a girl who does what she says!


E/N: So, this chapter has MTL stating the secretary of Nakiri Erina as "Shinto Hishako" and "Shinto Hiizako". Because of that, as someone who hasn't watched Food Wars, I didn't know if that was her real name or not.

Fortunately, I am not lazy to the extent that I won't do a quick google search.

So yeah, I will maintain high quality "translation" or what I call as "editing".

Therefore, as someone who can't read chinese let alone translate it, I dare not call myself as "Translator". So you can refer to me as "Editor" or "Peinace".