
Wanjie Chat Group: Ten Thousand World Chat Group In Mondaiji!

Here, is the world of Little Garden where millions of gods exist! Ye Luo, who came to Little Garden, was just about to work hard to revitalize the power of the community. But he suddenly received an invitation from Wanjie Chat Group Wakaba Hiiro: "You tell the worst god in the universe that she is not bad?" Narutaki: "I need powerful warriors to help me destroy that abominable decade!" Butterfly Ninja: "By the way, are humans really not the opponents of the ghost king?" Since then, new changes have appeared. Established a cooperation with the world of Food Wars to manufacture spirit soup and medicinal diet. In the world of kiva, he gained the power of the dark kiva and the sword of the demon emperor, and was mistaken for the ancient king by the blood-tooth ghosts, who ruled the world. Build an elite kiva series of knight hunters, bear the name of knights, and rebuild the Little Garden knight army! Plant spiritual plants, and cultivate the Qijera flowers in the Tiga world on a large scale to create gift items - life medicine, Featuring: High quality edit and Top-quality grammar! *** Author: Upsetting Editor: Peinace Pat reon: pat reon.com/peinace

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18 Chs

Do You Compare The Blade Of Ghost Slayer To Little Garden?

[Ye Luo:...]

[Nakiri Erina:...]

[Nakiri Erina: Sister Wakaba, don't talk nonsense! We're just talking about food.]

[Nakiri Erina: Look at you, your thoughts are too dirty!!!]

Seeing Wakaba Hiiro's joking, Nakiri Erina was a little annoyed, and sure enough, when she cut it open, it was all black.

On the surface, Sister Ye looks like a big sister, she knows everything and can talk to you for a long time no matter what field it is.

This also made her admire.

However, when it's time to tease others, Sister Wakaba will never let go!


She, Nakiri Erina, is still a big girl. Not someone easy to be teased!

[Wakaba Hiiro (administrator): Oh, if you have a lover, you don't need a sister. It's uncomfortable and aggrieved. I'd better not disturb you for now. It's not good to be a light bulb.]

[Nakiri Erina: Climbing! Sister, you are dead!]

They don't know why, but Nakiri Erina, who is obviously very calm, is always laughed at by Wakaba Hiiro. She is really a naughty sister.

If it goes on like this, it will embarrass her.


[Narutaki: If you say that, the newcomer's world is not that kind of powerful world, right?]

[Narutaki: Oh, when will we find a powerful warrior?]

Looking at the chat group, in a certain world, Nautaki looks up to the sky for a long distance, and is full of sorrow.

In that dream, he saw the end of the world. In the countless firelights, an endless army of monsters ravaged the world, and the world was on the verge of collapse.

Broken one by one.

And standing in the very center is a mysterious knight exuding purple light.


It's that guy who will destroy the world!

Therefore, in order to save the world, Narutaki, who made up his mind, also embarked on a journey to find powerful warriors, heading towards one world after another.

The chat group was also a surprise for him.

The world is so magical, and it is normal to encounter even the most mysterious things!


On Ye Luo's side, seeing Ming Taki's words, he almost wanted to beat him up.

What a joke!

The Little Garden world he was in was not a powerful world?

The strong fly all over the sky!

The so-called group of gods is calculated in millions. The gods are very powerful, and ordinary people are not as good as dogs!

Worse than weeds!

The general existence is also Chinese cabbage, as many as you want.

Otherwise he would have such a hard life?

It's difficult to join a big force, and those who can't join is going to live a tough life.

But even some big forces can be destroyed in the blink of an eye!

Little Garden is a paradise for gods and Buddhas, but at the same time, it is also a hell for the weak.

[Ye Luo: @Narutaki, I think I need to correct your words. The world here is not only powerful, but also a very advanced world!]

[Ye Luo: But at the same time, because of this, it is very dangerous!]

[Ye Luo: But if you want to beat that one, I'm willing to help you. In exchange, you have to let me get some resources.]

[Narutaki: What? A mighty world?!!]

[Narutaki: Okay, no problem, as long as you can defeat the guy who destroyed the world, I'll get you whatever you want!]

Narutaki, who gritted his teeth and said this, felt that this was just a trivial matter, as long as he could protect the world and sacrifice something.

As long as this newcomer isn't too evil, that's fine.

He didn't want to lose to decade, and then another terrible guy would appear.

[Nakiri Erina: A powerful world? Could it be the kind of world with unusual powers like Sister Butterfly?]

She and Butterfly Ninja shared information about their respective worlds with each other before.

She heard that in Sister Butterfly's world, there is a creature called a ghost. It has amazing healing power. It has physical strength and lethality far beyond that of humans. Even if the body is cut off, it can automatically recover.

And among the powerful ghosts, he can also master the extraordinary ability of blood ghost art.

Feed on humans.

Very scary!

At that time, Nakiri Erina sighed, fortunately, there is no such thing in her world, otherwise she will be scared to death.

And Sister Butterfly Ninja is the swordsman of the ghost killing team who fights this kind of ghost!

But today, Sister Butterfly Ninja seems to have been chatting for a while, and then has stopped chatting. She must be busy.

Unlike these peaceful worlds, as the owner of the ghost killing team medical facility "Butterfly House", Sister Butterfly Ninja has a lot of work.

Take care of the wounded, research antidote, and make emergency mobilization in case of emergencies.

It's her daily life.

So there is not a lot of time to talk in the chat group.

[Ye Luo: Butterfly Ninja? The creature called ghost, I would like to see it when I have time.]

[Nakiri Erina: Boss, you sound like a boss when you say this, remember to bring me some of the food that has been passed down for thousands of years!]

[Ye Luo: No, in my world, I'm just an ordinary existence.]

[Ye Luo: The community I am in has suffered a terrible war and is on the verge of collapse. All I can do is continue to collect resources to re-strengthen the community.]

[Ye Luo: Hopefully, it can give those remaining children a good environment.]

[Ye Luo: So Narutaki, you don't have to worry about my bad intentions. I just think that helping you is actually helping me.]

You don't need to make up lies to brag that you are an omnipotent immortal and fool the members of the group.

Ye Luo has the confidence to become a strong player in Little Garden.

He also firmly believes that he can change the now unknown and depressed scene. Naturally, he will not cover up his situation very much, and he thinks it is ridiculous that he dare not speak out.

Many strong people are only weak at the beginning!

To a large extent, it is the heart of the strong that determines success!

[Narutaki: I see. Is the so-called war in your place so cruel? Even so, you still insist on taking the remaining members to survive in such a world.]

[Narutaki: You earned my respect. I believe in you, that your situation will get better!]

[Nakiri Erina: Is that so? If you have any difficulties, you can come to me. For example, food and other things, I have no shortage of things here.]

Listening to Ye Luo's words, Erina Nakiri imagined an image of a leader who was struggling to survive in that world with his children.

She also have a more favorable impression of Ye Luo.

What kind of person would such Ye Luo be?

She really want to see it.

[Ye Luo: Food? It's okay, I often go out hunting to make the children's lives better.]

[Ye Luo: In addition, because the world level I am in is a bit higher, the ingredients I eat are in a state of absorbing spiritual energy for a long time, and the quality is very good.]

[Ye Luo: Just now, I hunted some beasts. I'll send you a deer. You can study cooking it and you'll know.]

[Nakiri Erina:"Really? Even if it's delicious, can it be better than what we have here?]

[Nakiri Erina: Impossible?!]

[Ding, Ye Luo sent a red envelope to member Erina Nakiri.]

[Ye Luo: You try it.]