
Wanjie Chat Group: Ten Thousand World Chat Group In Mondaiji!

Here, is the world of Little Garden where millions of gods exist! Ye Luo, who came to Little Garden, was just about to work hard to revitalize the power of the community. But he suddenly received an invitation from Wanjie Chat Group Wakaba Hiiro: "You tell the worst god in the universe that she is not bad?" Narutaki: "I need powerful warriors to help me destroy that abominable decade!" Butterfly Ninja: "By the way, are humans really not the opponents of the ghost king?" Since then, new changes have appeared. Established a cooperation with the world of Food Wars to manufacture spirit soup and medicinal diet. In the world of kiva, he gained the power of the dark kiva and the sword of the demon emperor, and was mistaken for the ancient king by the blood-tooth ghosts, who ruled the world. Build an elite kiva series of knight hunters, bear the name of knights, and rebuild the Little Garden knight army! Plant spiritual plants, and cultivate the Qijera flowers in the Tiga world on a large scale to create gift items - life medicine, Featuring: High quality edit and Top-quality grammar! *** Author: Upsetting Editor: Peinace Pat reon: pat reon.com/peinace

Peinace · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs

It Turns Out That You Really Have The Gift Of Food?

[Nakiri Erina: Why did you jump to the management position without a sound? Did it fail? Obviously we were the first batch to join the group.]

[Nakiri Erina: @Ye Luo, just say something. Why are you ignoring me.]

[Wakaba Hiiro (Administrator): Hmm, it looks like an old scumbag.]

[Nakiri Erina:...]

[Ye Luo (Administrator): Cough, I'm not, obviously I'm still single right now!!]

After researching the general functions, Ye Luo had a good idea, and he also took a look on the group of stores. It seems there are not many things in the store as it just recently opened.

Just showing level 1 stores.

However, there are still a lot of useful things in it. After the group members upload the items one after another, it will be more abundant.

Yes, after the items uploaded by the group members are exchanged for points, the items will automatically go to the store, and you can use the points to exchange.

And now the store also has a lot of categories, life, resources, treasures, props and so on.

Ye Luo plans to save some points first, and then change some resources to sort out "NoName".

After all, the administrator privilege is so cool, as long as you save points for a period of time, you can exchange a lot of items!

It's cool to think about it!

Seeing that Wakaba Hiiro was acting weird again, he hurriedly came out to explain.

After coming to Little Garden for so long, he is obviously still single, so why is he a scumbag?

[Nakiri Erina: Then why did you become an administrator, remember to fly with me.]

[Ye Luo: Cough, it's a coincidence, it's no problem to fly, we will cooperate in the future, it will be very effective!]

[Nakiri Erina: By the way, why is your administrator's title not golden, but green? This is too cool.]

Looking at Nakiri Erina, her eyes were hot for a while, how could she not have such good luck.

So infuriating!

[Wakaba Hiiro (Administrator): No one stipulates that the administrator must be gold, darling.]

Sitting at the computer desk, Wakaba Hiiro was thoughtful, and she didn't care about the administrator.

On the contrary, it seems that the world that the kid named Ye Luo lives in was not bad.

Anytime is good to go and play.

This universe is so boring.


[Butterfly Ninja: If the world travel is opened, then can I go to Nakiri Erina to play?]

[Butterfly Ninja: I'm excited to think about it!]

[Butterfly Ninja: Another world completely different from ours, a place without ghosts!]

You don't need to be like them, carrying a bloody vengeance against ghosts, to be able to live happily.

Those experiences had turned into nightmares that had tormented her over the years.

About how her sister died.

After that, Butterfly Ninja lived like her sister, smiling all the time, and being gentle with everyone.

However, the emotions hidden behind this did not disappear.

[Nakiri Erina: Welcome! If you come, I will definitely treat you well. I will make delicious food with ingredients from Ye Luo's world. I will definitely satisfy you, hehe.]

In this group, Nakiri Erina and Butterfly Ninja have a very good relationship, just like sisters.

And Wakaba Hiiro acts as a big sister, often answering various questions.

Let everyone deeply understand that this person is definitely not a high school student!

Can high school students have such deep life experiences and insights?

Tsk, really treat them like children!

But no one will say it out loud, they just treat it as entertainment.

And watching the other group members discuss the world where the world travels, Narutaki couldn't sit still.

[Narutaki: Ye Luo, do you want to come over and clean up that abominable decade for me, I can find a way to get you whatever you want.]

[Ye Luo (Administrator): Don't worry, Uncle Narutaki, I will definitely do what I said. But I have to wait for me to go back to the community and tell my friends.]

After all, there are still these picked fruits, so let's send them back by the way.

If you don't say hello to the black rabbit, you will disappear, and the black rabbit must not die of anger and worry.

Right now is when their community is at its most vulnerable phase, and it cannot stand any blow.

So let's go back first, then activate the world shuttle function and go to Narutaki.

I don't know which world Decade has come to now,

Although Ye Luo knew the story of Tsukasa Kadoya and clearly understood that Tsukasa Kadoya had amnesia, Ye Luo also wanted to see how his strength was now.

It's time to have a physical fight against monsters!

Besides, the reason why the worlds of the knights had problems was really related to Tsukasa Kadoya.

Because of the ability of his dimensional wall.


After returning his attention from the chat group, Ye Luo also tidied up his things, and the water on his body was completely dissipated by shaking it.

At this time, the group is still chatting, but only Tony Stark is not active.

I guess he's still working on it.

Free yourself from your destiny as a woman.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a large menu this time."

Ye Luo also returned the same way. Regarding the chat group, he became an administrator just like that, and he also received so many benefits.

The plan really can't keep up with the changes.

However, in this way, the days in the future will be much better.

He is also more confident in making the community stronger again.

There is no need to be like the original history. After Arcadia was destroyed, it was completely stunned. In the end, "NoName" even reached the end of its total collapse, and there was no way out.

The pressure on the black rabbit is too great.

Fortunately, this time, he came.


After returning to the community, Ye Luo also distributed the fresh fruits to the children amid the cheers of the children.

It is distributed by the senior group.

And those carefully cooked delicacies from the world of the spirit of Food Wars are also placed on the table, so that everyone can take a deep breath of the aroma and be intoxicated.

Really, I haven't smelled such a delicious dish in a long time,

For a time, everyone was in high spirits, and Jin Russell was also very happy, and organized everyone to put food.

Only Black Rabbit looked suspicious and complicated, and pulled Ye Luo aside.

"Ye Luo, is this your gift?"

"You really are not easy!"

"Is this the legendary gift of food? No wonder you always run into the forest."

"Pfft!" Ye Luo almost choked in one breath.