
Wanjie Chat Group: Ten Thousand World Chat Group In Mondaiji!

Here, is the world of Little Garden where millions of gods exist! Ye Luo, who came to Little Garden, was just about to work hard to revitalize the power of the community. But he suddenly received an invitation from Wanjie Chat Group Wakaba Hiiro: "You tell the worst god in the universe that she is not bad?" Narutaki: "I need powerful warriors to help me destroy that abominable decade!" Butterfly Ninja: "By the way, are humans really not the opponents of the ghost king?" Since then, new changes have appeared. Established a cooperation with the world of Food Wars to manufacture spirit soup and medicinal diet. In the world of kiva, he gained the power of the dark kiva and the sword of the demon emperor, and was mistaken for the ancient king by the blood-tooth ghosts, who ruled the world. Build an elite kiva series of knight hunters, bear the name of knights, and rebuild the Little Garden knight army! Plant spiritual plants, and cultivate the Qijera flowers in the Tiga world on a large scale to create gift items - life medicine, Featuring: High quality edit and Top-quality grammar! *** Author: Upsetting Editor: Peinace Pat reon: pat reon.com/peinace

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Privileges And World Traction Observation Cards

[Wakaba Hiiro (administrator): It's not easy, I didn't expect Ye Luo's little big brother to become the second admin in the group.]

[Wakaba Hiiro: My golden title of administrator is not fragrant all of a sudden.]

[Wakaba Hiiro: Woooooo.]

[Butterfly Ninja:...]

Eh, Butterfly Ninja doesn't understand, is the administrator okay, doesn't it feel the same?

On the side of Little Garden World, Ye Luo was also in a state of surprise.

In this way, he looked at his information, directly upgraded from a group member to an administrator, and unlocked a series of administrator privileges.

Good guy, it turns out that the administrator has a lot of privileges.

Wakaba Hiiro just didn't say anything, but did she enjoy it obediently and silently?

This sly woman!


Regarding these functions, Ye Luo glanced at them, not only the enhanced version of check-in, but also various discounts in the group store.

In the future, if you use the function of group identification, you can also directly enjoy the discount.

It doesn't cost much at all!

Damn, it's cool!

Not to mention the basic operation of an administrator like banning words, that is trivial.

Sure enough, it's nice to be an administrator.

And, Ye Luo discovered a small detail.

The previous group identification function was located in a relatively remote corner, and the surroundings were blank.

After the chat group was perfected this time, the function of uploading items to convert points actually appeared there.

Could it be that there will be new functions in that blank space in the future?

The chat group can continue to improve and upgrade?


"In that case, let's try this administrator version of the luxury sign-in first!"

"Sign in!"

[Ding, the luxury sign-in is successful, the first sign-in benefits have exploded, congratulations on obtaining a master-level swordsmanship, a world traction observation card! ]


Looking at these two items, Ye Luo suddenly understood!

Originally, the ordinary check-in of group members was used to obtain points and use various functions in the group. Now there is an item to convert points, and it will be more convenient for group members to obtain points in the future.

And the luxurious check-in of the administrator is not simple, it can actually get items!

Once a day, there is a chance to get an item.

If this is accumulated over time, how many things must be obtained.

This gap is not as big as the normal version.

Thinking of this, Ye Luo had to exclaim again.

Admin, it smells so good!

That master-level swordsmanship, Ye Luo used it on the spot.

Countless experiences in using swords, practice and fighting, from the beginning of entry, to entering the hall, and finally to the swordsmanship realm of Dacheng, all of them were transmitted to Ye Luo like a complete empowerment.

Let him master this skill out of thin air.

Picking up a branch on the ground, Ye Luo casually brushed a sword flower, feeling that he was in control.

It seems that he really spent more than ten years to develop such a swordsmanship and become a swordsman master.

"It's really good, I saved my time to practice this aspect of the ability."

After feeling it for a while, Ye Luo smiled with satisfaction, still feeling pretty good.

Not particularly strong, but not a rubbish ability either.

And another thing made Ye Luo a little confused.

What is the World Traction Observation Card?

When Ye Luo put his eyes on this card, he couldn't help exclaiming,

"My God, this is an artifact!"

[World traction observation card: You can pull the observed world, connect it with the world you are in, and master the authority of the world. ]

What does this mean? If there is a good world in the future, you can connect with the world of Hakoniwa where Ye Luo is located.

And use it as a fallback world or something.

Whether it is resource picking, new capabilities, human resources, for today's "NoName", it is a great thing,

The world of Little Garden is constantly expanding and absorbing.

Although it is now an amusement park for the gods, it was originally a higher-level world created to allow the outside world to develop correctly, that is, to observe the universe from a third perspective.

The Ganges River Russa, the endless world was observed and included in the scope of the big world of Little Garden.

The number of worlds is so numerous that it makes one's scalp tingle!

In fact, every once in a while, the number of worlds Little Garden observes is automatically increasing, but many of them are ordinary worlds.

The ordinary world is observed by Little Garden, and it will not have any effect.

Because the level and capacity of the small garden is too large, if any small world makes the little garden turbulent, then the little garden will become a joke.


That's not to say, however, that those small worlds don't have great talent.

That's why, many communities in Little Garden summon talents from the outside world from time to time to come to Hakoten.

In so many worlds, there will always be genius.

And there are some members of Little Garden who go to those worlds and bring familiar people.

For example, the leader of [Arcadia] made an agreement with his daughter Kasukabe Yō to take her to the world of Little Garden in the future.

Until that disaster came, he missed the appointment.

As for Ye Luo, he is very clear that there are actually many worlds that Little Garden has not observed and has not been included in the scope.

This is also a good opportunity for him!


It just so happened that he agreed to Narutaki's request, and now the world shuttle function is also turned on, which means that he can go to the world of those knights!

Although, most of the places where Monya go are the world of knights in the parallel world.

However, the knights of the parallel world are no worse than the genuine ones.

It's just equivalent to walking into another world where the time flow develops differently. Different choices lead to a fork in the road, and the world is different.

Otherwise, how could Monya, who gained strength through friendship with the knights of the parallel world, be able to fight against the genuine knights.

If his strength was poor, he would have been killed by the knights of the main world.

There is no back story.

And Ye Luo, who has stayed in Little Garden World for so long, is also a good choice if he occasionally goes to other worlds to hang out.

At least other worlds are much safer than Little Garden world, and he can act as he pleases more easily.


At this time, the chat group was also lively.