
Wandering Intruder

I was suddenly transferred in another world without realizing, I thought I could return to my former world when I asked Syldrya but turns out to be impossible. After a very long time, she revealed to me that I was a former god of this world, she also said that I once sacrificed myself to save this world from it's destruction. I don't if she tries to prank me or what, suddenly talking that I'm a god, that's just ridiculous. I still don't believe it since I always have this thought in my mind that tells me that she's just joking. Welp, let's just pretend to accept it, she's a goddess who can't afford to be kept in the dark. A notorious goddess since ancient times, she helped me adjusting in this new world for my everyday life. She's a very important person in my life that's why I would sacrifice everything even myself just to save her and what she holds dear.

RDA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Servant VII

She didn't finished what she's about to tell when Aorey pointed her magic circle against Uera's neck.

"Don't repeat it again, or else you'll die. Who told you about this thing? Knowing this secret also means that you don't need everything anymore, even the tiniest fragments of your soul and memories."(Aorey)

The air around Aorey changed so fast than a while ago, just hearing those information made her feel threatened and acted instinctively as if her life depends on it.

"I..It was the dragons from the Edge of the World, they didn't told me their names..but..but I know that they are siblings, one is the Emperor and the other one is a warrior."(Uera)

Aorey's killing intent slowly faded after she grasped what Uera's answer is.

She calms herself firsts before she responded Uera, she felt certain when she heard Uera mentioning the two dragons.

"I now understand, if those dragons let you know that secret, I have no more questions."(Aorey)

Surprised of what she just heard, Uera can't believe Aorey and asked her in exaggerated way.

"Ehh? Do you believe? I mean, my answer was abrupt and simple, also there is a possibility that I was lying to cover my secret and save my life, and for you to believe me that fast is.."(Uera)

"Do you doubt me? There's no need to asked me more than that. I believe in you, after all, there's no one besides me in this area knows the existence of those two dragons, that's why don't ask me anymore about these matters. Just thinking about it makes me shivers in fear, for goods sake, what were those two thinking letting you know this secrets."(Aorey)

She's so curious that she's already walking back and forth infront of Uera.

(Why did those two dragons let Uera know this crucial secret? Were they gone insane?! This is not good, I can't let this girl travel without me anymore, I need to accompany her just to keep the secret. Those idiots, they really put me in some trouble this time. So careless they didn't even accompanied her with her journey! I need to put this dispute to end quickly.)(Aorey)

"Tha.. that's a big surprise, to think that you also know those dragons made me feel assured..."(Uera)

"Don't get a wrong idea, I just happened to know them but we're not that close with each other. Also, it is I who was so surprised after hearing those words came from your mouth. It was a very bad idea to tell anyone about those matters as you pleased you know. I thought I'm going to die. So please, I beg to not tell anyone even if it costs your life, atleast it can help you save your soul and memories from disappearing."(Aorey)

Uera were confused from what she heard from Aorey's response.

"What do you mean by telling me about my soul and memories will disappear?"(Uera)

"You didn't know that? Those two really are idiots. They didn't even warned you about the outcomes?"(Aorey)

"They did warn me but they didn't said those things like my soul and memories will disappear, they said that if I tell anyone about the secret, I will cease into existence, that's what they told me."(Uera)

"That's it, they also proves that they are also useful sometimes. It is true that you'll cease into existence if you tell anyone about the secret."(Aorey)

"Do you mean, I will die?!"(Uera)

"No, it's far more worst than death, your soul will also erased into it's existence and all the remaining memories of you will also disappear."(Aorey)

After listening to Aorey, Uera fell in the floor as she trembles in fear and despair.

"Sonna..the disappearance of the soul was so cruel already, why would be my memories will also disappear?"(Uera)

"The disappearance of your remaining memories was meant to erase your whole existence, the very evidence that you existed. In other words, it will made you look like you didn't existed since the beginning. If there's even a tiny part of your memories that remains in someones mind, this tiny memories will prove that you existed, but if those memories were to vanish, that means that you're no longer exists."(Aorey)

It was hard to believe but Uera now understands that there's nothing for her to do anymore, she needs to be more careful with the secret from now on.

Uera was nailed to the floor, she can't think clearly, her thought pattern were completely messed up because of those informations that she cannot believe to be true.

No, it's not that she cannot believe it, instead it was hard for her to believe that it was real and not just a dream.

"It's decided, I can't leave you on your own anymore. Mattaku,(Jeez) why do I ended up with this turn of events, this is the reason why I can't stand those two idiots."(Aorey)

Her mind cleared a little bit when she heard Aorey's thoughts.

"What do you mean by that?"(Uera)

"You need to find that being right? Well I know where to find this being that's why I will help you get to where it is, and also I don't want somebody get this information from you just because they asked you about your goal. I need to watch this until the end. Just keep it in your mind that we shares the same date here, it's either we live or die, that's up to our decisions."(Aorey)

"Uh.. I understand.."(Uera)

"Don't mention it. It seems that you're already in a good state, thanks to your guardian spirits power, you managed to escape your death this time. Be more careful with your self next time if you can."(Aorey)

"I understand, please forgive me."(Uera)

"We will set tomorrow morning, prepare yourself then."(Aorey)

She was confused as to what Aorey just said.

"Prepare for what? Where do we go tomorrow?"(Uera)

"It's obvious, we will go to the place where that being resides. Just to tell you ahead of time, it's not that easy you know."(Aorey)

She said with an evil grin in her face, she left the room after some more instructions.


"Is that so? That's so sudden, are you sure about that?"(Kapel)

"Yes, I just can't leave her no her own after seeing her collapsing because of fatigue and hunger."(Aorey)

She remained silent and didn't told Kapel what happened between her and Uera, she only said that she would accompany Uera in her journey.

"But she doesn't regained her strength yet, is she going to be okay? Traveling in her current situation is a bad idea."(Kapel)

"Don't worry, she have this great spirit inside her which serves as her guardian, I'm sure she'll going to be okay. Also, there's me, who she can rely on in case something bad happens, I will watch over her, that's why you don't need worry about her that much."(Aorey)

"If you say so, please take care of her and also yourself. Wish you luck."(Kapel)

"Aa, leave it to me."(Aorey)

"That's right, please give it to her."(Kapel)

He took the box from his house and handed it to Aorey.

"Nothing at all, but I'm sure it will become handy in your travel."(Kapel)

"What a sneaky fellow, maa, I won't pry with your business anymore."(Aorey)

"Aa, may the spirits of the nature protect you."(Kapel)

"You too, take a good care of yourself. Uera, everything ready now?"(Aorey)

After she received the box, she went outside of the house where Uera is waiting for her.

"What is this?"(Aorey)

"Yes, I have prepared everything I needed."(Uera)

"Is that so? There's something that Kapel send for you, I don't know what it is but better to thank him first before opening that thing."(Aorey)

"Jisan? What was it? I wonder. Oii!! Jisan!! Thank you for everything!! Take a good care of yourself!!"(Uera)

"Yes!! Please take care too!! See you again!!"(Uera)


Aorey blew her whistle to call her familiars, the Griffin birds, a giant birds with a height of 10 meters. These birds can carry anything in their back and claws.

"Enough for the godbyes, just hop to the Griffin now, don't worry, they were tamed and trained by me, you can feel assured when you ride them."(Aorey)

"Uera was shocked when she saw the Griffins land infront of them, she thought the Griffins would attack them.

"I..is that so?!! I was surprised..then.. will hop to him now."(Uera)

"Go on.."(Aorey)

After the two of them mounted the Griffins, they began to fly towards the land where the "Lost god" is.