
Walking on Destiny

Steam, transcendent, noble, shadow, perfect witch... Sir, would you like to have a supernatural medium given by the gods? This must be very crazy, Aha! I saw it, I saw the pore of fate, this is the arrival of a new era, or another beginning of the war between gods...! Madness is the style of this world, hunger is the daily routine of this world, praise, the hauncontrollable destiny

Chanjan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 40

Since he had just become an apprentice in the first stage of an elemental master, Kerens had already used elemental fireballs twice in a row.

He felt a sudden stinging pain in his head, and some cold sweat broke out on his forehead. This was a reminder and a warning that his mental strength was exhausted.

Kerens instantly thought of the activity of the elemental heart in his body, and Ron's words that seemed to be a warning or reminder just now, the word "out of control", as well as the word "tame" that Mr. Hayden said.

This allowed him to personally understand for the first time the potential danger of the Elemental Heart, a beast that will devour you when you are not in good condition.

Half leaning against the wall, Ron spent the last moment of his life looking at Krens opposite, who was covering his head. He was vomiting blood and said intermittently as if leaving his last words: "Then Hat, it will kill you, be well, live, Grams."

Then he hung his head feebly, and his breathing stopped instantly. Only his weak heart was still beating, but the frequency became lower and lower.

"Will it kill me?" Clutching the pain in his head, Clence listened quietly to the last words of this man who was extremely thirsty for life. Clence did not dare to believe everything Ron said, but he was cautious. He decided to be more careful about this hat in the future.

Just when Krens was about to squat down and check on Al and others lying on the ground, Ron, who was half lying on the wall and completely lifeless, raised his arms in a very twisted way, and also Make a banging sound.

"I'm going to wipe it, it won't stop", Kerens cursed, and then quickly stood up, guarding against Ron who was acting abnormally.

But the tingling sensation in his mind made it impossible for Kerens to condense the elements again.

Ron stood up straight, and a hoarse roar began to come from his throat, like a wild beast. A large amount of blood slowly dyed all his clothes red from the wound on his chest, and the bones on his body were rattling. the sound of.

Seeing this extremely familiar scene, Kerens immediately thought of the man in black robes he had encountered before. How similar the situation was. He sighed secretly, "There can't be any more ruthless people at this time." Come and save yourself."

Staring closely at Ron, who no longer made the sound of bone friction, and his figure that was staggering closer and closer, Kerens' heart couldn't help but sink a little, and he quickly took out the gun from Director Al's waist. He picked up the revolver, and six brass-colored bullets were lying quietly in the revolver. Just pulling the trigger lightly could cause huge damage.

Krens pointed the black muzzle at Ron, who was staggering by. Just when he was about to pull the trigger, the good-luck hat on his head suddenly left his head and floated towards Ron, who had turned into a zombie. .

"What's going on?" Clence, who was confused, muttered in his mind, but did not stop the movement of the good luck hat. The black hole of the wound was still aimed at Ron.

Ho, ho!

Ron roared in his mouth, and it seemed to be more interested in the floating good-luck hat. The arms stretched upward kept trying to catch the good-luck hat in his hand.

The good-luck hats were constantly floating in the air, trying to avoid Ron's palm. Everyone and one hat were in a stalemate. Seeing this, Kerens couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and then shrugged his shoulders and decided to help. The greedy hat was lifted, and his fingers gently pressed the revolver in his hand.

boom! , a sound, accompanied by the fire snake spurting out from the muzzle, and the powerful recoil caused by the bullet exiting the chamber, almost made Kerens, a rookie who had never fired a gun, almost let go of the revolver.

And this shot did not hit the position that Krens expected, but only hit Ron's stomach. But at this time, he had lost all the pain and did not care about Krens's rookie shooting skills.

"At such a close distance, I was clearly aiming for the head. Why did it miss so much? I really don't have the talent for shooting," Nannan said to himself as he doubted himself.

Bang, bang, bang!

Due to his previous experience, Kerens pulled the trigger three times in a row this time. According to the words of his own world, the quality was not enough, so he had to make up for the quantity.

Then only one of the three rounds hit Ron's head. The other two rounds and one actually missed the target. As the other side penetrated directly, a hole was left, and white and red liquid flowed along the hole. out.

Seeing this scene for the first time, the expression on Kerens's face instantly became much more exciting, and he felt like retching in his stomach.

Ron, who was struck in the head by a dead mouse hit by Cluns' blind cat, fell to the ground with a thud, and no longer had any reaction. The good-luck hat floating in mid-air could finally feel at ease. Enjoy your prey.

Kerens couldn't bear to turn his head away. Although Ron's madness caused by the Fallen killed many people, before that, he was still a good person, especially for orphans.

Looking up at the blue moon in the sky, the mysteries in Kerens's heart became more and more complicated because of Ron's death, especially what the voice he was talking about was.

After the good luck hat floated back to his head, Krens looked at the place where Ron had been lying before. Only a pile of clothes was left, and his body was filled with good luck as if it had never appeared. Top Hat ate it.

Looking down at Al and the other three who were lying down, Keren squatted down and tried to lift the other person up, but Al's body was too heavy. After two attempts, Keren could not help him up. Si had to keep tapping his shoulders and face with his hands, trying to wake him up.

But no matter how much Krens slapped him, Al had no intention of waking up. Krens was depressed for a moment, thinking about how to call Al and others. Then he caught a glimpse of the kettle on his waist and suddenly had an idea. .

Kerens unscrewed the lid of the metal kettle and gently poured the water into Al's face.

The cool water immediately made the unconscious Al slightly lift his eyelids and slowly open his hazy eyes. The pain from his body made him make a small sound like he was talking in his sleep.

"Mr. Al", Kerens gently pushed Al's shoulder to confirm his condition.

"K, Krens", Al opened his eyes and saw Krens squatting next to him at first sight, and then said in a low voice.

"It's me," Kerens immediately breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in response.

He quickly stretched out his hand to help Al, who was struggling to get up, but the weight that Director Al conveyed to his body through his arms really made him feel what it meant to be dead. Krens, whose face was trembling slightly, was I complained to the other person in my heart, "Mr. Al, it's time for you to lose weight."

After reluctantly standing up, Al looked around with a very wary look, but did not see that figure. Then he turned his gaze to Karens and asked in a deep voice: "Krens, Luo Well, it's possible that he was allowed to escape."

Krens shook his head expressionlessly and said calmly: "Mr. Al, Ron is dead. Then he raised his arm and pointed at the bloody ground with his fingers."

"He's dead," Al said to himself, who couldn't believe what Kerens said. Following the direction of Kerens's fingers, he saw patches of ground stained red with blood, quietly lying on the ground. Lying there was a set of shabby clothes and a clown mask, exactly what Ron was wearing.

Fortunately, the good luck hat doesn't eat clothes, otherwise it would be difficult to believe what he said. Clence cursed in his heart.

With a surprised expression, Al limped closer to the clothes lying on the ground. He squatted down and stretched out his hand to touch the damaged clothes. He felt the temperature coming from it and confirmed that it was not dream.

There was also a jelly-like white and red liquid next to it. With many years of experience, he could tell at first glance that it was human brains. Al believed in Krens's words and Ron was really dead.

But as for his body, I can't hand it over with his clothes. I will believe it, but as for those nobles, will they think that I am playing tricks on them?

Al shook his head, and briefly threw all the thoughts in his mind to the back of his mind. His eyes were full of sadness, and he looked at his dead police officer: "His name is Morris, a senior police officer, and there are also police officers at home. two children".