
Walking on Destiny

Steam, transcendent, noble, shadow, perfect witch... Sir, would you like to have a supernatural medium given by the gods? This must be very crazy, Aha! I saw it, I saw the pore of fate, this is the arrival of a new era, or another beginning of the war between gods...! Madness is the style of this world, hunger is the daily routine of this world, praise, the hauncontrollable destiny

Chanjan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 25 Opportunity and Purpose

Al, who was still doubting Krens' ability, heard him mention the remuneration Krens asked for, and then saw the non-negotiable look in his eyes. He nodded with a wry smile and reluctantly said: "I I will pay Kerens a suitable remuneration, but I hope he has the right abilities."

Hearing that the two of them seemed to have regarded themselves as commodities and that the price had been agreed upon, Kerens almost spat out a mouthful of blood and complained in his heart, "When did you agree? Mr. Hayden, are you not afraid that I will die suddenly?" Then I won't be able to repay your debt." Then an expression of rejection appeared on Kerens's face, and he immediately said: "I think the two gentlemen should ask for my opinion?".

But only Al turned to look at him, and Hayden seemed not to hear what Clence said. After a few words of greeting, Hayden asked Al to go back first, and Clence would be responsible for helping tomorrow. he.

With a little anger in his eyes, Krens only heard Hayden say to himself lazily: "This is to allow you to repay the 8.5 ksu you owe me for the 2005 Sochi as soon as possible. Alas, I really don't know. How long will it take?" After finishing speaking, Hayden rubbed his brow with a painful expression.

"What?, 2005 Sochi is 8.5 ksu, why is it so much? What's going on with 2000 Sochi?" Krens, who was a little frightened by the price mentioned by Mr. Hayden, thought anxiously in his heart.

This huge amount of debt made Krensi think about running away, "Yes, I have to run away, and then let my debt go to hell, hahaha", but suddenly he remembered what he saw last night With that kind of ability of the other party, it must be very easy to find him, and the other party has no obvious malice, which is not necessarily the case if he really escapes. This made his sudden thoughts extinguished in an instant, and he suddenly became a little depressed.

With a decadent look on his face, Krens pursed his lips and then asked, "Mr. Hayden, what's the 2,000 Sochi?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. This is why I chose not to let you choose to help Al until tomorrow. For some reasons, you need to learn something today." Hayden, who was reminded of Clence's question, snapped. He seemed to have thought of something and responded.

"Learn something?", said Krens with a puzzled face.

"Yeah," Hayden nodded, looking at the empty door with distress, and then ordered Clance to close the two poor shop doors first.

Clence agreed, and although he was still very confused about what he wanted to learn, he still followed Mr. Hayden's instructions and put the two doors up again, barely blocking the curious eyes from outside.

Da da da!

The sound of Hayden's footsteps on the stairs made Kerens look up in confusion.

After walking to the door of Hayden's own room, he took a deep breath, and the weight in his heart seemed to lighten a little. He turned his head and motioned for Clence, who was looking downstairs, to follow him.

As he walked up the stairs, Krens thought to himself why the things he wanted to learn were in Mr. Hayden's room. After all, he had told him that he did not need to clean everything in this room by himself. Combined with the other person's identity, it gave people a sense of responsibility. The feeling of great secret.

Click! , the sound of a door opening.

Hayden slowly opened the door to his room. What came in front of him was still many messy books, which made the small room seem a bit crowded. Then he ordered Clance behind him to close the door later. , just sitting at a simple desk minding his own business.

When Karens stepped into this mysterious room, he saw only a variety of ancient books densely packed, and he could see many kinds of words at a glance. The secrets he imagined did not seem to appear, and then he sat down on a table with a sea view. He climbed onto a simple stool diagonally across the street and waited quietly for the study he had mentioned.

"Krens, the so-called 2000 Sochi is an elemental heart, but it is in your body at the moment," Hayden explained to Krens with a serious face.

"In my body?, elemental heart?, what does this mean?" Kerens, who was a little surprised by this unfamiliar name, asked curiously.

"You can think of it as a medium that drives some powers that ordinary people can't understand. It's also a key that allows you to control some mysterious powers, like me." After a pause, Hayden summoned from the air A fragile key is condensed from a water balloon and then floated in the air, looking beautiful.

It was the first time for Krens to see this kind of power so close with his own eyes. He was more or less shocked in his heart, but Krens, who was almost sacrificed by John Randall's black mist, felt now. It was just a shock, after all, the good luck hat on his head was not an ordinary thing.

His eyes quickly moved away from the water-condensed key, and then he frowned and asked tentatively: "Then why did you give the elemental heart to me? I don't understand." Kerens did not ask the other party. Either he smelled the smell that John Randall once said about him, or that smell didn't exist.

Hearing Kren's question, Hayden shook his head with a smile. His blue eyes looked directly into Kren's black pupils, and he said indifferently: "In exchange, I will give you this opportunity, and you will help me." achieve a purpose".

"Opportunity? Purpose?" After hearing Hayden's explanation, Kerens's pupils shrank, and these two words kept ringing in his mind, which made him guess in his heart, "If opportunity refers to what he said, This elemental heart has such a purpose. The other party seems to be planning to use it to accomplish something." Kerens clenched his fists and asked very nervously: "What is your purpose?"

As if he felt that the atmosphere was a little too tense at this time, Hayden smiled at Krens and then explained: "Don't worry, I don't want to sacrifice you to a certain existence like John Randall. If In this case, why should I give you this elemental heart? It's such a waste of money. After all, an elemental heart definitely costs more than 2,000 sochi."

John Randall, when he heard the other party mention this name, Krens suddenly stood up from the stool. The nervousness and a trace of fear in his eyes were written on his face. It was really the same as that at that time. The feeling of powerlessness left a shadow of doubt about John Randall in Krens's heart until Hayden mentioned the name, which made Krens subconsciously feel that the other person was related to John Randall.

Krens suddenly stood up, adding a dead silence to the already tense atmosphere in the room. Hayden looked at Krens with his blue eyes and explained with a smile: "John Randall is affiliated to a company called The Church of Dawn is a group of degenerates who prefer dark professions, but due to certain connections, John Randall had defected from Dawn a few years ago, and has been dormant in Cologne City for a long time, seemingly waiting for something." .

"At dawn, John Randall seemed to be waiting for something." The highly nervous Krens subconsciously thought of himself or the owner of this body. However, it didn't make sense. The original Krens according to Jenny The wife often teased little Krens about his height with her tall stool. He should have been 8-9 years old when he came to Cologne City, or earlier. And why hasn't John Randall found the other party after so many years? , but found himself when he had just possessed the original Kerens.

Krens, who was suddenly overwhelmed by the massive amount of information and doubts generated by Hayden, just stood there with a frown on his face.

I heard Hayden continue to smile and say: "The man in black robe last night was just a puppet. Your meeting may be just a coincidence. Of course, it may also have something to do with John Randall." Hayden did not say Who is the man under the black robe? Tell Kerens, because that is not the important question.

"Then why do you want me to help Director Al again?" Krens asked with a complicated look.

Hayden stood up with a smile, put his arm on the nervous Krens' shoulders, and gently pushed him back onto the stool.