Reincarnated into the walking dead world with the apocolypse on its way, luckily, I have a Harry Potter System Starting in Modern Family I don't own anything but my oc
We got off the plane and had a smooth ride to our hotel. It was much more crowded than when we flew to Georgia but we got through it. The hotel was pretty sweet. Pimento insisted we go to the 99 for our meeting with The 99 as soon as we arrive. I would have liked a little bit more time to figure out what episode they were at but Pimento was supposed to be my own contact into the 99 If I got caught snooping around them it would be suspicious, to say the least.
I didn't bring alex for the initial meeting she said she had work to do on the bio tracker she had made a small breakthrough so maybe we would be able to see where the virus came from if we were really lucky. As I entered the bullpen I felt a deep feeling of nostalgia. I loved this show in my old life watching it with tom before everything. I noticed instantly the elaborate set-up scooby doo trap designed by free and a lone pigeon.
I instantly knew what episode I was in this is Nutriboon start where Jake starts the fan for his trap but the pigeon flies into the fan. I quickly think about that episode there are some great things I can use in this episode first terry is only slightly involved in the episode helping any with her confidence crisis and I could even use the fact and may lose their honeymoon money to my advantage. If I save the bird it might be a good way to introduce myself to the squad. Plus I will need to talk to holt first so that he sees my facility as a good option. I will tell him that if meetings with the squad go well I could be filing For them to have Administrative leave for two months for the project where they would instruct my security team. I could say it's because holt is up for the position of the commissioner and terry's direct superior.
Jake is just about to turn on the fan when I take a step forward. I coo quietly AT least that is what it looks like to them I'm really telling the bird to stay still with beats speak. I pick it up with my arms outstretched every one just stares at me in shock as I walk to the door and toss it out and it stretches its wings to fall safely to the roof. They all look around at each other for a moment.
"YEAH!!" Terry says and the others follow suit celebrating enthusiastically like they always did in the small before-episode scenes. That takes a minute to calm down.
"Hey, Thanks for your help with the pigeon," Terry says." I'm Sergeant Terry Jeffords what can I help you with today." Terry smiles brightly and sticks his hand out to shake mine. I Shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you Mr.Jeffords an honor to meet you I've done a bit of research on your on your career here at the NYPD its very Impressive. I am actually supposed to have a meeting with Captain Holt though After I would really like to have a meeting with you as well." I tell him trying to be as cordial as possible.
"Oh, Yeah sure of course Your Mr.Swift," Terry says his smile faltering a bit I don't know what pimento has said but it doesn't look like he made convincing terry any easier or maybe it might be just the fact pimento is the one who introduced me since terry always saw him as a wild card."Right, this way."
He leads me to the office and I have a chance to scope out the rest of the squad Jake chilling and reading a case file. Amy is Standing laminating what looks to be a table of contents for a large binder on her desk. Diaz Looks angry though she glares slightly less when she looks up at me. Hitchcock and sully with a large pizza even though it's 9 am on their desk.
"Hello, Captain Holt it's nice to meet you, sir," I say to The Andre Braugher look alike. I try to keep Smiling to a minimum. I know he will respect me a bit more if I'm more serious during our discussion and I want to leave a good impression.
"Likewise Mr.Swift I was looking forward to this Meeting." He Says back but With a little bit of an edge to his voice showing annoyance. Jake is right through the show Holt does have a semi-robotic cadence when you meet him for the first time his voice sounds monotone the more time you spend with him the more differences you find in his speaking patterns indicating emotion. That should give me a bit of an edge in our meeting because Since I watched the show I can read him pretty well while even though he is a highly talented and trained detective he has just met me.
"I'm sorry to be disrupting your busy schedule, Before we start with the meeting I wanted to ask what you were informed about my project and What I Hope to Achieve by Shadowing the 99?" I ask him. I want to know why he is annoyed at me. Is it because of pimento? To get this meeting I talked to a high-ranking NYPD officer that I didn't recognize from the show. I said I was thinking of having the 99th precinct put on administrative leave for training purposes of my new facility for a substantial donation to the NYPD. It had worked pretty well. I had told them I wanted to shadow the department before making a final decision though.
I had done a good bit of research on it because of the security guard act that lets active duty officers take a side job as a security guard without taking further training. So NYPD might think I'm trying to just save a bit of money from paying ex-officers in the private security sector versus active duty officers on a leave of absence and also the chance to poach a few of their officers. Actually thinking about it I can understand why Holt could dislike me I'm not like Gary Shaw from season 2 that tried to poach Terry I could be an active threat to his squad. At the very least Terry already was socially conscious from earlier seasons so they all knew how ineffective the NYPD could be. I just wanted to know if he knows what my Facilities Mission is and is annoyed that my mission to help humanity could cause a rift in his squad or if he is angry at the rich guy messing with how his precinct is run.
"Commissioner Loeb told me that you were thinking of having The squad on a leave of absence for a set time for training purposes of your newly acquired private security firm at an undisclosed facility," He told me Same monotone voice with slight hits of exasperation and annoyance.
"Well, That is true I'm surprised that he didn't tell you why," I say then take a breath." I am currently funding the construction of a nearly self-sufficient complex made from a Bankrupt Catskills resort on a private lake in Georgia. I am rounding up some of the best minds in the world to work on projects that will truly help humanity one of the first and foremost projects we will be working on is A biomarker that will track genetic disposition to diseases We will be trying to find viable solutions to the rising food insecurity and failing nutritional quality, Or the chemical pollution to the earth system including the atmosphere and oceans, The decline of natural resources. I want to create a place that is looking to the future indivisible from the government We have so many issues pressing against humanity I think If we aren't looking Into those issues now well Sooner or later one will be our Downfall." I tell him.
As I Speak he grows a slightly thoughtful look I can see that I've changed his mind about me at least slightly. He still thinks I'm probably too much of a smooth talker though he's too good of a detective to not notice that I am being honest at least mostly want I want my project to be. The best lies always have at least a kernel of the truth though I've managed to stay away from any big lies I do want the oasis to help Humanity just maybe not by solving global warming.
"You have very ambitious goals, I'm just worried how the 99 fits into that," He responds a little forcefully he's dropped his guard a little bit not really caring if he comes off brusk.
"I originally hired PImento because of his stellar record with the NYPD I mean 12 years undercover with the worst of conditions That's loyalty Plus a master in half a dozen disciplines He may be erratic but he is a man of many talents and his out of the box thinking will be welcome with me as long he controls himself at least a little," I tell Holt." He told me about your squad and the way he described you all was nothing short of mythic I want to personally watch your squad operate especially The sergeant and if you guys are truly as amazing as I've heard then I'd be honored to have you training the security on my grounds plus I think you ill quite like them It was quite popular as a resort up until the early '90s. Though I do know you have an outstanding circumstance with waiting to hear if you have become the new commissioner of the NYPD this may be a positive for your candidacy as you will have the freedom to focus on your campaign."
He ponders for a moment hand on the chin and looks away as he works through what I have said before standing and holding out his hand a resolute expression on his face.
"I Will let you shadow My Detectives as long as you don't slow them down I hope they meet your standards. I am not completely convinced of your project but will reserve judgment for now." He says trying for intimidation I think I am too happy that he isn't putting up a fit for having me shadow him. Sure his commanding officer could have ordered him to let me shadow but the decision was still his to fight against those orders If he truly didn't approve of me. I shook his hand. He led me out of his office.
"Peralta, Boyle" Captain Holt called out to them as they were heading out. Most likely to NutriServices to try and get Jake's money back."This is Damian Swift. He is Shadowing Detetctives Higher Ranking Officers of our precinct Please be on your best behavior." He then walked into the Breakroom. As he entered i heard the start of amy's conversation with terry and holt telling them to tell her look dope and then holt saying it was abuse of power. I chuckled at the comment.
"Hi, It's nice to meet you both I really look forward to watching you guys work." I told them."I've heard a good bit about you guys I'm pimento's not Boss" I tell them with a smile.
"Heyyyyy, cool cool cool cool no digity no doubt you know pimento" Jake said kind of nervously at my mention of pimento I guess because he's such a loose canon you never know what he could of told me about them.
"Don't worry only good stuff like how good of a cop you are and how your dating another member of the squad an Amy Santiago that just got promoted." I say to him. Just as I'm Finishing Boyle interrupts abruptly kind of treating me like Stevie Shillens Dirty cop ex-partner of jake and how he got jealous.
"Hey I'm boyle This is my BEST BUD jake was kind of on a mission to say our honeymoon right now but you're cool to ride in the Backseat," Boyle said Making sure to emphasize best bud. I found it kind of funny.
"OUR'S?" Jakes semi yells to Charles.
"No worries though I will have to actually see you guys do some work, "I tell them and give a fake look of confusion."I thought you were with Ms. Santiago. You two are getting married?" I asked faking shock as I gestured toward them.
"No Amy and I are getting married but there is this corrupt organization trying to take a bunch of money that was meant for our honeymoon," Jake Explained exasperatedly.
"That's why I always invest in booze at least then you can catch 40%," I told them. That made them groan at my lame Joke to lighten the mood but they did relax slightly at having me around figuring it was better than Holt breathing down their neck.
"Well, We better go don't want them to charge me for another shipment before we get there," Jake says.
As we moved down towards the car Boyle kept shooting me glares which I tried to relieve with a disarming smile that seemed to make him more upset. As we got into the car there was a bit of an awkward silence not wanting to talk too much to let them know I have so much information on them not to come off creepy. After a while, we had a bit of small talk until Jake asked.
"So, Why are you shadowing the 99?"
I had to think about them Do I tell them about oasis and how it works are wait until the case is nearly over to insure that they try to act like themselves whether they think it is a good or bad idea they could try to manipulate me into giving them a bad review so they stay in the 99 or a good one so that holt can more easily become comissioner.
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I decided to just release my chapters as soon as I type them up though I may be slow releases from time to time because It do be like that sometimes