
VRMMORPG: Inferno Online

Adam's walk home on a dark Sunday evening leads to chaos and horror as an ominous and purple sky unleashes a thunderstorm. Brave souls face assaults amid strange voices echoing through the heavens. In all of this chaos and discord, Adam is snatched away by grotesque demons as is everyone else, enduring unimaginable torment for sixteen harrowing minutes. But then, he awakens inside the very game he bought ever so eagerly today, torn between elation and confusion. Trapped in a digital hell, Adam must adapt or face an incomprehensible fate. Battling devils and inner demons, he strives to understand his torment and find freedom in this nightmarish existence. Amidst relentless chaos, he vows to break free from this infernal realm at any cost. "This hell," he mutters grimly, "I despise it with every fiber of my being." -- It's worth it -- Uhm... I don't know {Rolls away.}

Mxna_ · Jogos
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18 Chs

The Flames Burn Bright (2): END

{Its time for Codex Gigas to be uploaded, HERMAN…}

The two demons said as they started too tap their feet to the chaotic and subtle rhythm that their aura made. An almost snake like hiss was also produced.

Blood spilled out of Invertive's eyes, nose and ears as he violently shivered on the floor. He saw the beings slowly lose their calm composure and dance around violently shaking the entire building. Their red hot bloodlust seeping out uncontrollably to pass as happiness.

Invertive could feel his skin melting off his bones, his head felt like it was about to explode.

"As a final wish… Please, could you maybe let me see all that is to happen now, with Codex Gigas, before you drag me to hell." Invertive said as he pulled out a small device and flicked it towards the dancing and terrifying demons.

{You have no say in this, HERMAN.} The demons said, continuing their violent dance.

Invertive unconsciously planned for this event. The destruction of that device would mean the complete deletion of his games entire Server and this would force the new version of the game; The Codex Gigas to be "Uploaded". Even Invertive didn't understand how this would work as he barely even did much work on the Codex Gigas update and when he made the code for the upload of the update, he was asked to not assign its upload to any of his already bought and owned Servers.

But that was beside the point anyway, Invertive or rather {HERMAN} was about to die.

The Demon's sheer aura was enough to disintegrate the device completely. The smiles on the faces of the dancing devils grew exponentially as their yellow and diseased teeth let out a vile odor as they continued to dance, laugh and wail.

{Divine Punishment. Divine Punishment. Divine Punishment!}

Then all the players lost sight of their Game world, like when the Ninth Circle update was released, they got the same System Notification again.

[You Have Been Ejected From The Server]

[You Have Been Ejected From The Server]

[You Have Been Ejected From The Server]

[You Have Been Ejected From The Server]

[You Have Been Ejected From The Server]

[You Have Been Ejected From The Server]

[You Have Been Ejected From The Server]

On all their individual VR Gaming Systems in actual reality, an update installation screen came up.

The two teammates from before were talking in reality with their connected cerebral transmitters.

"Damn, it really is a new update and it seems it's one of them forced restart one."

"I know, I hate those, at least the game would only get better after this."

"But, bro. Don't you think it's strange It didn't ask for permission to install the upda-"

Before he could finish his sentence, there was a loud crashing sound and a bright purple glow sprang forth and spread across the sky.

The skies were purple and there were black ripples of lightning emerging everywhere.

"What in the ever-living fuck-!?"

"Bro check the news, check the news!!"

The player immediately swiped his hands in front of him and a holographic projection illuminated before him and played the live streaming news.

The subtle buzzing of the ion blasters that powered the news coverage aircraft made most of what the female reporter said inaudible, but it didn't matter.

A view of the scene made the catastrophic situation self-explanatory.

"A large eerie white gate has appeared!! I repeat- A large eerie Wh- Wh- Wh- White gate has appeared in the Ca- Ca- Capital!!" The reporter said at the highest volume her voice could muster. There was also a glitch, this further confused the player as glitches never happen.

"Are you seeing this huge gate, Bruv?!" The one on the other side of the phone said in awe.

The Player watching the news looked out his window, he lived in an urban area in an apartment on the top floor of a building, merely looking from the window gave him a vast view.

There it was, a large immaculately white and glowing gate just spawned in the middle of this area and destroyed everything around it.

The white gate was huge, it was supported by two pillars at its sides, these pillars had multiple engravings that seemed to be mirror inverted and upside down, because they were clearly not English, there were also claw marks above and around some of the engravings, as though they were intended to be scratched away on purpose. The Gate itself had long and extremely pointy horn like objects sticking out of it and there seemed to be peoples heads sprouting from it. The heads were all white but they seemed to be alive and screaming, but their screams were all unified and it just sounded like a subtle buzzing to those far away.

A beautiful angel with a golden scepter in hand, giving off white light, stood behind the gate and held it up. Each flap of its wings causes gusts of winds that destroy buildings.

There was nothing behind the gate and it made a deep, subtle and constant buzzing sound while it rippled with black lightning, it looked like something pulled from a fantasy.

"Isn't that the gate at the start of the 'Inferno: Online+' opening cutscene?!" The player asked in utter disbelief.

"I thought we left the game!"

{Welcome to the Infernal Gate, A Gate of Hell of your very own creation.} The loud divine voice thundered to everyone's hearing as the sun was blotted out by dark clouds.

Silence presided over the land as every human present on and off the earth was left speechless.

{How was it said in your game? Oh.} The divine voice said in a lower tone but it still caused crashes and flashes.

{… AND NOW THE END BEGINS, FALL INTO DESPAIR AT THE FACE OF THE GATES TO THE CHAOTIC INFERNO!!!!} The voice thundered before a bright flash and the divine presence just vanished and the chills came to an end.

But now a whole new set of emotions set in as humanity was faced with a huge gate from a game.

Almost instantly, the world was put in utter chaos, but before anything more could happen the gates were silently thrown open by the Titanic Angel behind the gate.

As it flew open the face of the beautiful Angel warped and an evil smile grew on its face.

The ground cracked open in various parts of the world and similar gates emerged with similar large angels behind them although they were much smaller in comparison to the one with the Titanic Angel.

The screams of the heads grew louder and louder until the whole of the earth resonated in absolute and utter distortion, discord and chaos.

The Titanic Angel opened its vile mouth and blood dripped and spilled as it spoke in the same way it was said in the Games Opening Cutscene …

"The gate appeared to send all wretched sinners to their Eternal Damnation…"

After a brief moment of silence as humanity couldn't help but wonder what was in the distorted space beyond the gate, entities rushed out.

In what seemed to be a swarm, rot skinned eyeless demonic beings rushed out in myriads from every gate in every country of every continent.

Each passing second, thousands upon millions of them flooded in without mercy and rushed into various residential areas, screaming, chanting, whispering and dancing in unexplainable joy.

They dragged every living being in sight, whether they struggled or not mattered very little. Not like struggling mattered at all, a large majority of the people were chronically addicted gamers and were in pretty bad shape.

Even the strongest of body builders were easily picked by the swarm as the screams of the scared humans filled the earth.

In what seemed to be the longest three minutes in human history, every last being was already dragged close to the White Gate and others.

"… The demons, like the sinners, knew no halt nor manners. They had no respect nor dignity…"

As it was said in the game was exactly how it took place.

The demons all rushed for the gate and rushed in all at once.

The Gates wouldn't break so the flesh of the humans being carried was what had to give way for the barbaric entry to even have any effect.

Some people lost their limbs, some lost their organs as they were crushed while entering, some people even lost their lives before being forced in.

But eventually the gory entry came to an end.

… the Gate was looking more like a gate to hell now.

It was completely stained in blood, some people's limbs and organs hung from around the gate, ripped pieces of flesh stuck to its sides and it was looking as horrifying as it had been stereotyped.

The Titanic Angels behind the gates were all blood stained and looked frightening as they grinned in glee as blood and pieces of flesh slid off their faces.

It may seem like humanity was just moved into a game but having such a notion would be stupid.

The human's former reality slowly dissipated into ashes and nothing was left but a vast purple sky-like shroud, the bloody and formerly white gates and a dark, empty space.

Humanity lost its reality and got it replaced with that of a game.

All to poor and unsuspecting Adam Miller.

[A/N: Look in the comments {Insert Image of Kon picking his nose.}]

I'm on my knees, crying, whimpering, begging and being shameless!! Speak to meeeeeee

Mxna_creators' thoughts