
VRMMO: The Returnee

Lu Fei, a debt ridden orphan who struggles through his daily life. His only wish is to provide a good life to his sister. With the threats of the loan sharks knocking on his door, he sets out to try his luck in the VR game called 'Ark'. With a dark past as a returner and Ian has his alias, he fights in Ark for a better future for his sister. Will he be able to reach the top? What will happen when he suddenly got a mysterious class and he can hear the voices of spirits? * * * This novel is inspired by novels like LMS, OG, EOSP, Praise the orc etc. Join the discord: https://discord.gg/F9xfJWv

Killerbee · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
87 Chs

Chapter 4. Olympus store (1)

Chapter 4. Olympus store (1)

The Olympus store

Pegasus corporation controlled over 95% of the VR market and contained the VR devices needed to access the virtual world.

To sell these neuro gears and Arkane capsules, Pegasus corporation has set up specialized stories everywhere. They were called the Olympus stores.

It was also where one could create his Ark character. Aside from that, the store was nothing less than a highly modernized mall.

At the Olympus store, one could take care of everything needed to access Ark. They even provide tutorials on how to adjust to virtual reality.

When the household virtual reality device, neuro gear level 1 model, appeared for the first time, the world called it a revolution.

But it wasn't a revolution for most people.

Who the hell would buy a gaming console for 10,000 dollars?

When the virtual reality devices were released for the time, their prices were exorbitant and only the rich people can afford them.

They were not for ordinary people but as they started getting more popularity, Pegasus corporation dropped the prices and let everyone experience the virtual reality world.

For doing this, they set up Olympus stores everywhere. They were different from ordinary stores and one can get unlimited access to any virtual reality content there.

It was different from an ordinary store. Its peach-shaped building and its sleek and fancy walls were unique to the Olympus store. Its interior was even more astounding.

You are paying for not a toy or anything else. You are paying for a new era!!

This was their motto.

This unlimited access applied for all 24 hours of the day. They were open 24/7, and Olympus stores allowed their customers to freely try out the neuro gears.

Some made their Ark characters and played exclusively inside the Olympus Stores!

'It's like I am in a different world.'

When Lu Fei visited the Olympus store for the first time in quite a while, he naturally found himself looking around the store.

He saw other customers seated on comfy chairs, wearing huge gloves and thick helmets slightly bigger than motorcycle helmets. They were customers enjoying the VR world.

At this time, an employee walked up to Lu Fei.

"Can I help you?"

At the employee's pleasant smile, Lu Fei immediately replied.

"I'm here to buy the level 1 model of neuro gear. I'm ready to form the contract, so lead the way."

Because of Lu Fei 's hasty reply, the employee thought he was the impatient type. Lu Fei was being impatient because he quickly wanted to finish all the procedures and dive into the world of Ark.

The employee asked Lu Fei a question according to his manual.

"Have you used a neuro gear before?"

Lu Fei replied immediately.

"No, I haven't."

"Then I recommend you try one out before purchasing it. As you know, some people feel dizzy or show signs of motion sickness with neuro gears."

The reason behind it was because some people need some time to get used to virtual reality. Feeling dizzy was even considered normal for the first time.

"I'll just buy it right away."

The employee-led Lu Fei to buy a neuro gear. As he walked, his eyes kept looking at the other models of neuro gear and arkane capsules.

There were several models in the store. Just by looking, Lu Fei can see that they are expensive and he can't afford them currently.



"Isn't that a Level 9S? Can people buy that?"

Lu Fei pointed at a black-colored Arkane capsule, unlike the normal white-colored ones, it was black and its surface was shining.

'That's probably the 9S model. What is it doing here?'

Level 1 was the most basic model for neuro gears and arkane capsules and every subsequent level indicated a higher model.

Higher models showed better VR performances, as better equipment showed better results. The difference wasn't too big.

The general consensus was that there was about a 2% difference for every 1 level.

But this 2% was nothing to scoff at, especially if it accumulated. A 2% difference in one's stats was a huge difference.

Between a level 1 model and a level 7 model, there was a whole 12% difference! One wouldn't be able to find an in-game item that raised one's stats by 12% no matter how much they paid.

Level 7 neuro gear was around 1 million dollars!!

These were used by professionals whose livelihoods depended on their performances in Ark.

The level 8 models could only be custom ordered, and the price skyrocketed depending on what additional options the buyer ordered.

As for the level 9 model, they weren't even on sale yet! The ones in existence should still be in there testing stage.

Plus, the black color indicated that it was an S-series. The 'S' stood for 'special,' and it was meant to be the one of Olympus store's fanciest Arkane capsule.

There were only 10 of them for each level, and they boasted an astronomical price.

They weren't meant for regular users or even professionals, but rich millionaires and billionaires… the kind who bought Lamborghinis on a whim.

'From the information I had, the 9S model will be released next month.'

Lu Fei knows all this information was because he has been searching for all sorts of information about Pegasus corporation, VR gears and Ark the past week.

He was not the type to rush out without thinking anything. That's why, before starting Ark, he has been searching for information about it online.

Before diving into the game, he had been analyzing all the information about the system. He felt that it would give him an edge over the rest if he knows all of that.

Knowing about the VR system was better than not knowing anything about it.

During his information gathering, he has found information about the level 9 model. It was on a community forum that he had read it.

According to it, the level 9 model will be a completely different experience for the users and one would need to have immense power to get their hands on it.

The arkane capsule in front of him was even a 'special' model, he wondered why it was here when it should still be at the headquarters of Pegasus corporation.

"Sorry, it isn't on sale."

Lu Fei can't buy the model even if it was on sale. If he had that much money, he will pay off his debt and invest in stocks or something.

"Then, why is it here? I have heard that it's release has been delayed."

"Yes. It's here because we have to do some programming on it."

The employee said and Lu Fei wondered why they were doing the programming on it. Programming was only done when it was going to be used by people.

It means that someone has either bought the capsule or they were doing testings on it but the testing can be done at the headquarters.

So, the only conclusion Lu Fei can come was that someone has bought it.

'Who would be so rich and influential to buy it?'

Lu Fei couldn't even think about what kind of influence one should need to have to buy it.

"This way."

Anyway, it was not his concern. He was here to buy a neuro gear. That's why Lu Fei hurriedly started the procedures to buy the neuro gear.

* * *

-Do you think that the level of neuro gear and Arkane capsule affects the quality of play?

-According to the reports and information we have, it certainly has an effect. We have already confirmed it with the experts.

Two people on the TV were analyzing the level of neuro gears and arkane capsules and how it affects a person gameplay.

It was one of the special programs centered on virtual reality and Ark. It was a famous and widely watched show.

-What's your model?

-It's level 3 neuro gear!!

-Oh!! Mine is also a level 3. I wish I could buy an expensive one.

-We can't do anything about it. Our producer is stingy about our payments.

-Yes, but we should concentrate on the topic of how the level of a VR device affects the gameplay in Ark.

One of the reasons behind the show's success was because of the chemistry between both the broadcasters.

The show was funny as well as give insight into the VR technology and Ark. That's why it was well-received by the public.

-From what I know, famous rankers use a higher level of neuro gears and Arkane capsules.

-We wanted to hear about the experience of using a higher-level model directly from a ranker, so we have a special guest here in our studio.

-It's Arnold from the Wolf tribe guild!!

Both the broadcasters shouted and a man with brown hair and a sharp face appeared in the studio.

He was one of the rankers who was also the vice guild leader of the Wolf tribe guild. He has a handsome smile on his face as he took his position.

-So, what is the level of your VR device?

The broadcaster asked Arnold and he answered while looking at the camera.

-I use a level 7 Arkane capsule.

-Ohh!! As expected of a ranker.

-Only rich people like you can buy that expensive model. What was your gaming experience using that model? Did it affect the gameplay?

-It certainly has an effect. My previous model was a level 5 neuro gear. It was good but it can't be compared to my current capsule.

-So, just the difference of 2 levels can have a huge effect?

-Yes, it's like the difference between a second-hand car and a Mercedes.

The two broadcasters and Arnold kept talking and analyzing the difference between the levels of neuro gear and arkane capsules.

It was boring and interesting at the same time.

A woman who looked to be in her 30s changed the channels as she muttered.

"The world is going crazy for games."

"It has already gone far beyond crazy. Ark is the era of tomorrow."

The owner of the Forest cafe, Zhao Na said to her. They were currently talking in her cafe.

"Is that why you lent that kid the money to buy a neuro gear?"

"His mother helped me a lot when I was setting up this cafe. I am just repaying her."

"Do you really think that he can make it big in the game? I have heard that it isn't easy."

"Nothing is easy in the world but I think he can."

"Why are you so confident?"

Her friend asked and Zhao Na smiled slightly as she answered her.

"It's just a feeling. You can think of my sixth sense."

"I don't trust your sixth sense. Only the people who know martial arts can become rankers. I heard that it affects the game somehow. Do that kid know taekwondo or something?"

"No, he doesn't."

"Then, why are you so sure?"

Zhao Na didn't say anything but she thought of an incident that has happened two months ago.

Two months ago, one of the employees accidentally slipped and the tray in his hands had flown up in the air.

Everyone has been thinking that the utensils and the cakes on them would fall but then, a hand has suddenly came out of nowhere, catching the utensils as well as the cakes.

That hand was obviously of Lu Fei. He has even saved the employee from falling to the floor.

It was like a scene from a movie!!

Everyone has exclaimed that this was not a feat that can be done by a normal person.

Zhao Na has asked Lu Fei about how he did that after the work has finished but he has stealthily avoided the topic, saying that it was just a reflex action.

It was not just once that something like this has happened, Zhao Na knows well that Lu Fei was hiding something from her.

But she will not pry into this further.

She just feels that with Lu Fei's extraordinary reflexes, it will be a breeze for him to become a ranker in Ark.

"Zhao Na, why are you smiling like that?"

"It's nothing."

She said that but the smile on her face was well apparent.