
VR System In Walking Dead. (dropped)

Roran A retired Marine Scout Sniper finds a VR system that gives him a second life in the Walking Dead world. Follow Roran on his rise to be an Apocalyptic Overlord. (This is my first time writing a story, I will appreciate any advise or criticism. Also I do not own the cover picture, if you're the owner and want it taken down just tell me.)

endless · TV
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Systems Initiate (edited)

"What the hell is this thing?" Roran asked himself as he stared at the metal box. The box was a solid white metal that was about 8ft long and 3ft wide. It stood around 4ft tall, and when Roran put his hand on it he could feel a soft hum. The box was incredibly was incredibly cold and had no seams, it appeared to be a sold slab of metal. The only thing that stood out on it was there was a spot on the top in the shape of a hand. Roran place his hand on it but nothing happened. Not knowing what to do with it for now Roran covered it back up and decided to wait for Steven to return to help him with it.

"Where is he at it is 19:00, and he still hasn't made it here?" It only takes around four hours to drive from Kansas City to my house. Roran started to get worried and wished they had another way to communicate. He decided to go inside and try to get something to eat. While Roran was waiting for his food to finish, he was drinking a glass of water and watching the news. As he was flipping through the channels he saw a headline stating a man in Kansas City had possibly committed suicide by jumping. Roran instantly flinched and watched. The news said a man yet to be announced had jumped from one of the top floors on the Town Pavilion, one of tallest buildings in the area. Roran's stomach instantly sank and he knew it was Steven. He then began to check online to see if he could find any videos of the jump. He quickly found one and it was Steven falling backwards out of a window on the 36th floor.

Roran threw the glass he was drinking out of at the wall. His best friend, a brother in arms, the family he had chosen was gone. He sat down on the floor placing his hand directly on broken glass, he didn't even notice he was bleeding. "What is going on?" Roran thought. "Steven is gone and I am stuck with this thing, I need to get rid of it." After a while he got up, he knew being upset wasn't going to solve anything, and that he had to get moving.

In the barn Roran was using the backhoe to lift up the box again, this time he was planning on putting some dolly carts under it and drag it to a spot in the woods so he could bury it. While Roran was sliding a cart underneath the box he put his bloody hand on the top of it, he left a bloody hand print on the hand impression. Roran didn't notice but his blood in that spot was slowly absorbed into the box.

As Roran was finishing up and about to get into the backhoe, he heard a sound. Beep beep beep. Looking back at the box he could hear the beeping and the box started hum loudly. Roran Slowly approached the box, just as a bright light flashed and blinded him. Once Roran could see again he noticed a crystal blue display just over the box. There was symbols that he could not understand but in the middle written in plain English he read WELCOME TO THE OTHER WORLD VR SYSTEM.

"Does user wish to integrate with the system?" (????)

Roran stood there in disbelief, he knew this was a level of technology that should not exist. Roran thought to himself how does this even work, while looking at it. The display was not a hologram there was no lights shining from the box. The display just appeared. After staring at it for several minutes Roran approached the box and touched the display screen. As soon as he touched it he heard in his head user has integrated, beginning reboot. User may experience some discomfort. Roran felt a shock and then extreme pain in his head. He tried to withstand it but eventually he passed out.

Thanks for reading again. I am still working out some things. In the next few chapters it will start to pick up. Anyways and advise or criticism is greatly appreciated.

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