
VIP System

Eman, an average Filipino man, lived a life marked by family tragedy and relentless determination. After losing his parents to illness and his sister to violence, he resolved to secure a stable future before starting his own family. Working tirelessly as a software tester, Eman saved diligently, but a tragic motorcycle accident cut his life short. To his astonishment, he awakens in a new world, reincarnated as a baby named Leo. In this new world, Leo is taken in by Amanda, a beautiful and resilient woman with a tragic past of her own. Amanda had once been a powerful adventurer, her skills honed through countless battles. Now, she dedicates herself to raising Leo, honoring a vow made to his dying parents. The two of them carve out a life on a small farm, surrounded by fields of green and the quiet hum of nature. This world, however, is anything but ordinary. It is a land of magic and monsters, where adventurers known as System Users wield extraordinary powers granted by mysterious systems. These adventurers, often revered as heroes, possess abilities that can reshape the fate of kingdoms. The systems they harness offer advanced and unique upgrades, transforming them into formidable warriors with unprecedented power. On his eighth birthday, Leo discovers his own link to this powerful heritage when he activates the “VIP System.” This unique system grants him incredible abilities and opportunities, from daily rewards and exclusive quests to immense boosts in strength and defense. Among the system's features is “Share the Pain,” a daunting perk that allows Leo to sync with another’s experiences, gaining their skills and knowledge, but at great personal risk. As Leo navigates the challenges and perils of his new world, he must balance his growing power with his commitment to protect Amanda. Each level of the VIP System unlocks greater potential but also brings increased danger. Through his journey, Leo learns the true extent of his abilities and the responsibilities that come with them. “VIP System” is a gripping tale of reincarnation, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of power and protection. Set in a world where heroes wield systems of immense power.

ArmedLeos · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Chapter 17 - First Step

After seeing Amanda so excited, Leo decided to ask her about her job, even though he already knew what it was. Amanda's eyes widened and her mouth gaped in surprise. "Another benefit of being a registered adventurer," she explained, "is that you'll be able to see an adventurer's level, their job, and their name." She pointed above her head as she spoke.

Leo was astonished. "That would be nice," he said, genuinely impressed.

"And monster names?" he asked, curious about how it worked for enemies.

Amanda nodded happily. "Monster names can be seen by anyone. The color implies how dangerous the monster is to you based on your level. Did you see the Orc Lord's name as red?" she asked.

Leo confirmed with a nod. "Yes, it was red."

"That's because it's level 50," Amanda explained. She continued, describing the color code: "A monster with a level more than 20 higher than yours will be marked in red, a level 10 or higher is orange, around 5 is green, and anything less than 5 is white."

Leo was thrilled. In such a short period, he had gained a heap of useful information. "That's an adventurer for you," he told himself with a smile.

As they talked, they approached the gates of the capital. The area was bustling with activity. Merchants and travelers filled the entrance, carts laden with goods, and soldiers on patrol. The air was filled with the sounds of haggling, laughter, and the clatter of wheels on cobblestones.

They were soon inspected by the guards. The merchant was asked about his passengers and he mentioned that they were with Lady Ranna. The guards immediately recognized the name and welcomed the two warmly. Leo noticed that they looked at Amanda differently, almost as if they already knew her. He remembered Ranna mentioning that Amanda used to frequent the guild center to ask for help.

As they entered the capital, still riding in the merchant's cart, Leo marveled at how busy and beautiful the place was. The streets were lined with shops, each displaying a variety of goods. Children ran around playing, their laughter mingling with the sounds of street performers. The buildings were tall and ornate, with intricate designs that spoke of the city's rich history.

Leo also noticed that the walls of the capital were enormous, even taller than the Orc Lord. He made a rough estimate of 21 feet. Soldiers were stationed on top, keeping a vigilant lookout. At regular intervals, there were towers connected to the wall. Leo looked intently at one of them.

Amanda noticed his interest and explained, "That's a station for long-range soldiers like wizards and hunters."

Leo nodded, taking in the new information. The capital was more than he had imagined. It was a place of beauty, strength, and endless possibilities. He felt a surge of excitement, knowing that this was just the beginning of their new journey.

As they moved deeper into the inner city, Leo saw various establishments lining the streets. There were armor and weapon shops displaying glistening blades, sturdy shields, and intricate suits of armor. Alchemists' shops with colorful potions bubbling in their windows, promising cures, enhancements, and mysterious effects. Food stalls emitted tantalizing aromas of grilled meats, freshly baked bread, and exotic spices, making Leo's stomach growl in anticipation.

After a few moments, Leo noticed they were approaching a large building. Flags with different emblems fluttered outside, and many people were bustling in and out of its grand entrance. Leo realized how diverse the kingdom was as he started to notice adventurers of different sizes and species. Looking back at the market area, he saw several demihumans in the crowd, including fox-like people with bushy tails, cat-like individuals with sharp ears, and even some dragonoids with scales and small horns protruding from their heads. Elves with their pointed ears and ethereal beauty mingled with stout, bearded dwarves, who carried heavy axes and hammers with ease.

The merchant stopped at the entrance of the building and smiled at them. "Good luck with your registration," he said warmly.

Leo handed the merchant a gold coin. "Thank you for the ride," he said sincerely.

The merchant accepted the coin with a nod. "You're welcome. Safe travels and good luck," he replied, waving goodbye as they stepped off the cart.

Amanda and Leo entered the building, and Leo was immediately mesmerized. The inside was spacious, filled with adventurers of all kinds. There were beginners with simple leather armor and wooden staffs, nervously chatting in small groups. Veteran adventurers with elaborate gear and auras of confidence moved with purpose, discussing their latest quests or boasting about their exploits.

Leo was looking around, taking it all in, when someone called out to Amanda. He instinctively turned to see a woman at the front desk waving at her. Amanda walked towards the desk, and Leo followed, careful not to bump into anyone. When he reached the front desk, he saw Amanda talking merrily with the woman.

The woman noticed Leo and waved at Amanda, who turned and saw him. She grabbed Leo's arm and pulled him closer. "Leo, this is Susan, one of the adventurers guild staff and the secretary of the guild master," Amanda introduced.

Susan was a mature woman with long black hair and a soothing presence. She wore a practical yet elegant dress, with intricate designs that gave her an air of authority and grace. She radiated professionalism but had a friendly demeanor. Her gaze was warm and comforting, reminiscent of a mother's embrace.

Susan looked at Leo appraisingly. "Amanda tells me you're a good man, Leo," she said warmly. "I don't normally approve of anyone for her, but you seem alright. I can see you two creating adorable children."

Amanda squirmed, flailing her arms in embarrassment. "Susan, stop!" she pleaded, her face turning cherry.

Susan chuckled, and then her expression softened. "Leo, you should know that Amanda is very special to us here," she said. "And she's like a daughter to me."

Leo's face turned bright red, feeling a mix of embarrassment and awkwardness wash over him. He averted his gaze, scratching the back of his head nervously.

She smiled back, her eyes twinkling with kindness. "Now, let's get you registered, shall we?" she said, leading them towards the registration area.

"Lady Ranna seemed to be quite invested in you two. Your registration fee, Leo, and Amanda's update fee have both been covered."

Amanda and Leo exchanged looks of surprise and happiness. "We definitely need to visit her once in a while," Leo said, feeling grateful. Internally, he also felt reassured that he'd made a good decision in establishing a connection with Ranna.

Susan turned to Amanda, her expression curious. "Is he really the son of Claire and Samuel? He doesn't look like an eight-year-old, at least not in the way I'd expect."

Amanda chuckled softly. "I can't believe it myself. Leo's incredibly hardworking. Maybe it's just good body progression."

Leo, standing beside them, could only scratch his head awkwardly. They reached a window where Susan handed him a form. Adjacent windows were equally busy, with adventurers of all kinds lined up, holding bags and scrolls. Leo watched as adventurers handed over their bags to the guild staff, who checked the contents and provided coins in return. He deduced that this must be how adventurers received their quest rewards.

Susan handed him a pen, and he began filling out the form while she processed Amanda's adventurer update. Amanda handed over her adventurer card. The form Leo filled out was basic: name, age, race, and level. The race and level fields were optional, with a note stating that any discrepancies would be verified during Imprinting.

The form also listed possible jobs for new adventurers, each tagged with a difficulty level: Swordsman (Normal), Archer (Medium), Magician (Difficult), Priest (Difficult), and Vanguard (Normal). Leo noticed a note mentioning that multiple jobs were allowed as long as one could pass the promotion quest for each.

"This is different from the games I used to play," Leo thought. "Most games only have a single job progression. There are dual jobs like Magic Blader, which uses both blades and magic, but nothing that offers an all-in-one character. It would be impossible to balance."

Additionally, the form included information about the adventurer ranking system. New adventurers were ranked E, with ranks progressing through D, C, B, A, and S. The ranking system was used to categorize which quests were appropriate for an adventurer's skill level. Knowing this, Leo wondered what his rank would be with his system included. But he put the idea aside for the moment, focusing on the immediate tasks at hand.

He finished filling out the form and Amanda glanced at it. "Swordsman, huh? You really are Samuel's son."

Leo smiled and handed the form to Susan. She scanned it and nodded approvingly. "Swordsman is a good choice. You have a great form for it. And remember, this isn't set in stone. If you want to choose another job, you can do so. You can take job promotion at adventurer level 10."

As Susan processed the form, she handed Leo a small booklet. "This contains basic information and guidelines for new adventurers. Make sure to read it thoroughly. It will help you understand your role better and prepare you for the challenges ahead."

Leo took the book and looked at it from both sides before putting it into his rear pocket. Susan then handed Amanda her updated adventurer card. "You're now rank B," she said, "since you were inactive for a long time."

Curious, Leo asked Amanda, "What was your rank before?"

Susan answered for her, "She was ranked A years ago."

Leo's eyes widened in amazement. "That's just one rank below S!" he exclaimed.