
VIP System

Eman, an average Filipino man, lived a life marked by family tragedy and relentless determination. After losing his parents to illness and his sister to violence, he resolved to secure a stable future before starting his own family. Working tirelessly as a software tester, Eman saved diligently, but a tragic motorcycle accident cut his life short. To his astonishment, he awakens in a new world, reincarnated as a baby named Leo. In this new world, Leo is taken in by Amanda, a beautiful and resilient woman with a tragic past of her own. Amanda had once been a powerful adventurer, her skills honed through countless battles. Now, she dedicates herself to raising Leo, honoring a vow made to his dying parents. The two of them carve out a life on a small farm, surrounded by fields of green and the quiet hum of nature. This world, however, is anything but ordinary. It is a land of magic and monsters, where adventurers known as System Users wield extraordinary powers granted by mysterious systems. These adventurers, often revered as heroes, possess abilities that can reshape the fate of kingdoms. The systems they harness offer advanced and unique upgrades, transforming them into formidable warriors with unprecedented power. On his eighth birthday, Leo discovers his own link to this powerful heritage when he activates the “VIP System.” This unique system grants him incredible abilities and opportunities, from daily rewards and exclusive quests to immense boosts in strength and defense. Among the system's features is “Share the Pain,” a daunting perk that allows Leo to sync with another’s experiences, gaining their skills and knowledge, but at great personal risk. As Leo navigates the challenges and perils of his new world, he must balance his growing power with his commitment to protect Amanda. Each level of the VIP System unlocks greater potential but also brings increased danger. Through his journey, Leo learns the true extent of his abilities and the responsibilities that come with them. “VIP System” is a gripping tale of reincarnation, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of power and protection. Set in a world where heroes wield systems of immense power.

ArmedLeos · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 16 - Journey to the Capital

The next morning, the merchants arrived, their wagons creaking under the weight of goods to be sold in the capital. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and new beginnings. Ranna, as usual, was bustling around, overseeing the final preparations.

Amanda and Leo stood in the middle of their house, taking in the scene one last time. Amanda's eyes were misty with nostalgia as she remembered all the moments, both happy and sad, that they had shared in this small, cozy home. She turned to Ranna and hugged her tightly. "Thank you, Ranna, for everything," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "And thank you for lending us the money. We couldn't have done this without you."

Ranna looked confused for a moment, glancing at Leo. He was making a face, trying to signal something to her. It took a second, but she understood eventually. Leo had told Amanda that Ranna lent them the money to avoid overwhelming her with too many details. She smiled and patted Amanda's back gently. "You're welcome, Amanda. Take care of yourself in the capital."

Leo approached Ranna with gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Ranna," he said earnestly.

Ranna grinned and gave him a hearty slap on the back. The unexpected force made Leo stumble forward, almost dropping their bags. "You take good care of Amanda and give her a good life," she said, her voice a mix of sternness and warmth.

Amanda and Leo climbed into the back of one of the merchants' carts, their feet dangling over the edge. As they settled in, Leo spotted Joe and his friend Andy nearby. He waved at them cheerfully, but their response was a pair of disdained glares and angry faces. Leo and Amanda usually kept to themselves, going straight home after work. Amanda noticed the exchange and looked at Leo quizzically. "I didn't know you talked to them," she remarked.

Leo laughed, shaking his head. "We just recently became friends," he said, the corner of his mouth twitching in amusement at the inside joke only he understood.

The merchants called out to Ranna, signaling that they were ready to depart. Leo and Amanda waved goodbye as the carts began to move. Ranna waved back enthusiastically, her voice carrying over the distance. "You should visit me every now and then!" she shouted.

"We will!" Amanda shouted back, her voice filled with both joy and a tinge of sadness.

As the cart rolled away, leaving the familiar scene behind and heading toward the unknown, Leo felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. Their journey to the capital marked the beginning of a new chapter, filled with endless possibilities and the promise of a brighter future.

Fresh air breezed past them as the warm light of the sun beamed down, casting a golden glow on the landscape. Leo glanced back towards the farm, a smile forming as he reminisced about his time there. He recalled the first time he saw the monster and adventurers, how people used their powers to facilitate work on the farm, and the moments he went unconscious due to the heat of the sun. There were days when Ranna chased down workers who weren't doing anything. Despite their lack of interaction, the farm workers always helped each other when needed, especially with the elderly.

As they rode on the back of the merchant cart, the familiar fields gave way to the rolling hills and dense forests of the countryside. The scent of fresh hay and blooming wildflowers filled the air. Birds chirped melodiously, and the distant sound of a flowing river added to the serene ambiance. Leo and Amanda took in the picturesque surroundings, their hearts filled with a mix of nostalgia and anticipation.

Some of the elderly workers they had helped waved goodbye and told them to take care. Both Leo and Amanda, overwhelmed by joy, waved back happily. Leo glanced at Amanda and saw her smiling with teary eyes. Then he noticed something that made him flustered; the uneven road caused Amanda's chest to shake uncontrollably, revealing more than he was comfortable with. Leo thought to himself that the first thing they needed to buy at the capital was proper underwears for her. She couldn't walk around the capital like that.

Amanda noticed his discomfort and asked, "What's the matter?"

Leo quickly looked the other way, scratching his head, unsure of what to say. The cart hit another bump, causing him to grip the edge tightly. He was relieved when he saw that they were about to merge onto a much larger, paved road. The scenery changed as they neared the capital; lush meadows were replaced by bustling trade routes, and the number of carts and carriages increased. They began to see more and more carts like theirs and carriages of various sizes. Some carried only two people, while others were covered and much larger. The sounds of merchants haggling, the clatter of hooves, and the chatter of travelers filled the air. Leo's eyes sparkled as he scanned through them.

Amanda smiled at his excitement but warned, "You look very happy, but be careful when looking at other people. Some of them don't like being stared at, especially by people like us."

Leo stopped his scanning and looked at Amanda, nodding. He thought to himself, "By 'us,' does Amanda mean people like us?" Amanda noticed his confused expression and started asking him instead.

"What will we do after reaching the capital?" she asked.

Leo was about to answer when the merchant overheard them. "Ah, Ranna told me to drop you off at the guild center so he can register as an adventurer," he said.

Leo smiled at the merchant and thanked him. He then turned to Amanda and said, "After registration, we need to buy you some decent clothing for the capital."

Amanda protested, "I have dresses, so it's not necessary."

But Leo insisted, "It's important. Trust me."

Curious, he then asked, "What's the process of registering as an adventurer anyway?"

Leo watched as Amanda's face lit up with excitement. It was the first time he had seen her so animated. She began to explain, her arms and hands dancing as she tried to describe what she was saying. "It's pretty straightforward," she said, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "You just need to fill out a form and pay 10 silver coins. After that, they will need to check your current power."

Leo listened attentively, not particularly concerned about that part. He had already faced two system users, and both hadn't detected anything unusual about him. Amanda continued, "They will ask what job you want to take and after that, you only need to place your hand on the tablet they provide."

She began to describe the available jobs, her animated gestures making Leo smile. "There's Swordsman," she said, waving her arms as if holding an imaginary sword. "Then there's Vanguard," she continued, imitating the action of carrying a large shield. "Archer," she said, pretending to draw a bow and release an arrow, "Magician," she said, wiggling her arm as if casting a spell using a long staff, "and Priest," she finished, her hands pressed together in a gesture of prayer.

Leo watched her with happiness, appreciating her enthusiasm. Amanda's descriptions made the whole process seem lively and exciting. "Although," she added, "actually getting a job happens at adventurer level 10." Leo nodded as he remembered something similar to a game he played before. Before getting your main job, you would need to pass a job change quest first.

Amanda concluded, "After all that, they'll give you your adventurer card. It will contain your identity as an adventurer, and you'll need it when traveling to other kingdoms and for job promotions." Her hands settled back into her lap as she finished her explanation.

As the cart continued its journey towards the capital, the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting a golden glow over the landscape.