

jeff dailing papa roach,

papa roach: "just tell me you have only and only good news I don't have time and mood for anything else."

jeff : "pops i want you to called on one number i have already sent that to you and he will give you the details."

papa roach hang up the phone!!

"geeez will that old man ever let me finished my word!! i just want to say i miss you."- jeff.

papa roach dailing number "phone ringing "

unknown: "hello"?

papa roach : jeff told me to---:

hung up the phone.

"god damitt whaaaaaaat!!! are you kidding me is he joking with me or jeff" furious papa roach!!

received sms : "come to the location at 4:15pm be there on time! don't have much time as you have so don't be late."

"mother fucker he think i have a time and i want to stay here, piece of shit!!" papa roach looked at his watch and called the taxi it was only 1:56 pm.he get inside the cab show location to the cab driver and he took long breath with relief thinking finally.

papa roach received a message, "get off from the taxi 1km ahead and walk over from their.-unknown number.

he did exactly what he said, and he finally reached there, but no one was there, lots of old abandoned building trash everywhere but no one was there no sign of any man around there, he looked at his watch it was 2:45 pm he didn't know what to do so he tried to call that number but its unreachable so he decided to wait. he sat on the corner of broken wall and waited.

(4:15 pm) phone ring, : "please come inside"

papa roach : "come inside where do i suppose to come there's only abandon building."

caller : walk 50m of your right look over east come straight you can see three building over there?"

papa roach : "yess yesss"

caller : "my man is waving his hand follow his lead, i told you at 4:15 pm and you came here at 2:45 i almost slept watching you"

papa roach : "all this time you were watching me just sitting theree---"

hung up the phone,

he was so angry his whole face was like someone poured boiled water onto him.he followed that man. STOP!! and that man blind folded him but papa roach resist it but he had no other choice. after he blind fold him he hold papa roach hand and tell him to follow his led.

papa roach with blindfolded start to think that he had made wrong decision to come there, he thought it was a some kind of a trap.

"I think this is the time i will face my death,so this is how i die blindfolded." path was so narrowed its really hard to walk with holding hands!!


"god bless me now my time has come i will be there soon." papa roach talking to himself suddenly his blindfold drops.

all the spotlight were onto papa roach dang dang dang!!!!!

"welcome to VIP ESCORT, your life matter only after you pay us, your safety is our top priority only after you pay us, so your money matter not you but if we take money from you be sure that you will be in your destination safe and sound, thank you."

papa roach can only hear sound but he can't see anything because of shining spotlight. with furious voice"what kind of nonsense is this, is this some kind of circus show or some kind of TV show, you knew i was there at 2:45 pm and you were just sitting here watching me,and can you just turned off this fucking spotlight out of my fucking face, am i performing any kind of show here??"

VipEscort : if you think this is nonsense why are you here?? Mr. Roach?? so you don't have any choice left you ran out of every possibilities to get out from here, our services at your place!! Welcome to VIP ESCORT!! myself Ryan I'm leading this organization thats mean I'm the boss of VIP ESCORT.with big glare smile.

papa roach : is this some kind of joke, who the fuck are you and do you think it's a child play look child you are speaking with wrong person and today's your lucky day so I will let you walk away with your proposal go on son!! Dialing number"what the fuck man!! are you serious you suggest me to leave this country with this moron are you out of your mind,,do you want me to die here??!!!"

jeff : "hey hey pops clam dowm I know where I sent you, don't take them as a joke you don't know the VIP ESCORT I'm your friend why would I tell you about them if it was a rubbish!!

suddenly two boys shouting from the corner, no triangle no straight half they are fighting about something.

"hey guys do i have to tell you each and every time do not disturb me when I'm in a meeting, and do you guys know who do we have today?? Don papa roach. don't you guys think its awesome." Ryan shouted.

"boss I'm telling him rectangle cut sandwich is better than half cut but he doesn't agree with me."

"here me out boys rectangle cut have lot sandwich." Ryan with his boys.!

Papa roach called jeff!!

papa roach : are you fucking insane orr wait a minute are you also with them or for the bounty you fucking piece of shit, if I ever get of here I'm going to chop of your head and these motherfuckers, you….----

VIP ESCORT: cha chaa chaa, sorry Mr.Roach i respect your privacy but you are in my place and you haven't pay us anything and look, you are standing here disrespecting us as long as you pay us you are my client but no money I don't care about your criminal records so you've taken my enough time and I'm also a busy person like you so please get the fuck out of here with respect!!

papa roach : listen here you son of a bitch, motherfucker you do have a big mouth I will really enjoy cutting that shit and eat all by myself you just wait and watch fuckin asshole!!

Things really getting hot there, even though Don papa roach is in VIP ESCORT Place his attitude and arrogance was the same.

jee : "hold up hold up escorts, sorry for his arrogance let me clear this up for you I will pay you 1 million dollars for his forgiveness!"

Papa roach : whattttttttt!!!!! Shut the fuck up you piece of trash I trusted you and now you are paying me with this I really should have killed you . 1 million dollars my ass and my fucking apologies fuck you!! Goddddd why I'm even here!! Fuccccccccckk!!

VIP ESCORT: Thank you for your deposit sir, papa roach : "whatttttt you've already sent him the money you fucking piece of shitttt,,, if you really want me to die why didn't you killed me or shot me or poisoned me when I was there at least I would have nice tombstone and beautiful funeral!! Motherfucker ,,

VIP ESCORT: mr.roach let me clear you one thing "if I had to hunt you down or if i'm for your bounty i would do that when you first take your step in nepal on 27th july at 5:34 pm 12 second you stayed at SOLTI HOTEL room no. 69 cause its your favorite no. and first thing you ate was your anxiety pills cause you got here safely which you didn't expect that, first talked jhon Mourinho ceo of multi billion dollars company 90ml shot of blue label with 1 ice cube!! After two days of distraction at thamel LOD stayed for like an hour then hooked up with some bitches, everything went according to your plan on your seven days staying here someone found your presence then here are you now, mr.Richardson!!

papa roach: hold onnn heyyyyy how do you know my name,(only few knows his real name rest knew him by Don Papa Roach)with smile when and how can I go back!!?? Hey jefff this motherfucker is crazyyy yeah jefff!!!

After hearing that Papa Roach was amused!!

Jeff: just come here first then we have business to settle with angry voice!!

Papa roach : "come on man don't get angey, my life was on the line how do I suppose to react I'm really sorry man!!"

"when and how will i get out from here?? so whats your plan lets hear out." papa roach.

Mr.Roach you have two options, one : I will gather two hundred mens and start digging tunnel underground it will take around 2 years to make perfect tunnel then we will walk 6 month inside that tunnel you will be free after nearly 2 and 7 month later, and the second option is if you are a good swimmer we will swim all the river and we will meet the sea once we meet the sea we will ask for boat or a ship and they will take you from there, see its that simple.

"are you fucking insane digging tunnel, swimming through river what kind of nonsense is this,!" papa roach.

VipEscort : "someone please give Mr. roach some whiskey," i was just joking Mr. roach tomorrow's going to be a very long day and night i will explain everything tomorrow you took some rest now,."

"guys please take our guest to guest room."

"Do you even have a room in this garbage,?" papa roach said it sarcastically.

You don't know where you are Mr.roach our base is like elephant teeth we show one do another things. you better keep that in mind!!

one guy with clown mask approach papa roach and take him to guest room he open a door of the guest room, there was king size bed with big Tv on the other side there is bar with full of expensive whiskey,wine everything you need was there.

papa roach couldn't believe in his eyes, he think he is hallucinating with his anxiety and frustration but it was real he just went straight to bar and sat their for five minutes, after a minute he makes himself a drink and went to bed he feel relaxed, he tried to sleep but he couldn't sleep.