

("Don John, he was a newly rising Don and gaining power using Don papa roach name, papa roach let it slide for a while but things are really getting out of his head, John was using papa roach name to get Money from business man, bribery using Papa roach name, he was new in Town so papa roach didn't step in his business and let him do the things he liked but things are getting serious John started beating Don papa roach men, barking all loud papa roach is his dog if he want he can simply make Don Papa Roach to beg for his life. Papa Roach can't stand against disrespect and humiliation now he thought that he had to step in, he went straight to John's bar grab him by his neck, tie his leg with and tied with horse, then he run that horse in the middle of the street in day light showing everyone who Don Papa Roach is.")

PAPA ROACH "Back in time people used to called me 'GRIM REAPER', but what they didn't know was even when gream reaper have to take life he has to be approved by me." Boooooom!! Gun shot fire straight to head. "This is what happens to the person who wants to be a partner with PAPA ROACH".

I came this far alone i did all the hard work i killed, i take bullet shot, poison no matter what happens they never succeed to fucking caught me, and this Motherfucker wants to be my partner use my power name fuck off.

"no one will take his body away from here, i want his body to rotten I don't want his soul to rest in peace even after his death." - PAPA ROACH.

phone ringing, Unknown number,

jeff : Hello,

papa roach : "i want you to handle things here I'm going out for a while,"

(intense voice with command jeff immediately knew it's papa roach.)

jeff : paap roach anything ---

papa roach interfere

"you piece of shit, how many time do i have to tell you don't use my name when I'm talking to you on the phone it might get tracked, record fuckin piece of shit." hang up!!

after 10 minutes,

door ring bell"ting tong"

jeff received a package, he opens up it was old model nokia, immediately phone rang.

jeff : "hellooo"

papa roach : "don't you dare fucking open your mouth,i will be gone for 9 days till then watch out while I'm not around,and tell these dog to fed my babies on time", i will call you after i came back. hung up!!

"he didn't even let me talk, and he is telling his bodyguard to feed his dogs in time, with sarcastically, he is not jhon wick but he love his dogs" jeff talking to his body guards.

Don Papa Roach barley have friends whom he can trust and jeff is one of them.

jeff thinking "where the hell that old man wants to go, no arrangements no information if someone knew about this there might be people who would be very interested to earn money that old man is so careless nowadays."

jeff is the only person who can do all of Don Papa Roach job without any complications. he surely is a trust worthy man. 9 days past but Don papa roach didn't came back from his trip now things getting serious jeff called his all men and Papa roach men," now tell me who knew where Don Papa roach went"?? with intense mood suddenly room around 50 men became pin drop silent. one bodyguard "boss its been only 9 days and Papa Roach said he will be out for 9 days" bammm bammmm!! two bullet on his chest. "you all know how much of a man of time Papa roach is, he said 9 days thats mean Papa should be back by yesterday, if you don't know Papa roach than you are not loyal to him."

intensity of that room became so hot, everyone can sense the vicious aura coming from jeff, his tense is now growing he started to dailing numbers calling one person to another asking anyone that someone knew something about Don Papa Roach. but no luck when other don know Papa roach is not around and when they have received a call from jeff they immediately knew something is wrong, things getting started little chaotic since news about papa roach missing some try to take advantage and some tried to help.

Suddenly phone ring tringgg tringggg!!

soft with growl voice,

"hey man jeff I'm in trouble man" Papa roach,

"everybody its pap---

"shut the fuck up how many times how many god fucking times do i have to tell you not to use my name" papa roach with anger in his voice.

"I'm sorry pops, i was worried about you it's been 9 days and still you haven't came home you should be here by yesterday."

"listen carefully, i want you to find a man who can get me out of here I don't know how that's your problem but do it fast. things are really out of my hand this time and i barely know anything in this god damn fucking county." papa raoch.

jeff : "but where are you now"??

papa roach : "don't your fucking phone show where the call is coming from don't know how to check county code", (with frustrated voice)I'm in nepal!!! I'm surrounded by idots, god damn!" in anger voice.

jeff : "but what hell are you doing there?? don't you think you should have told me once before you leave??

papa roach : "don't fucking question me anymore and get to the work, in this condition i don't think i can hide more than one and two days so..."

"okay okay pops i got it don't you worry," jeff in tense voice.

meanwhile in Nepal,

papa roach: "waiter poure me some bourbon with no ice", thinking where to go where to sleep he take quick look around his surrounding he started to feel like everyone is gazing at him. he's scared to death in that moment.