
Viltrumite In Marvel World

A man reawakens in a cell across from some well known individuals in a movie/comic world.

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
76 Chs

Lost Prince pt 1

"INSOLENCE" screamed W'Kabi the grieving son of the border guard tribe "ZURI! EXPLAIN THIS OUTSIDER'S WORDS!"

King T'Chaka sat in a gloomy silence as all the elders eyes drifted towards Zuri, the advisor to the king. Everyone looked at Zuri who had a starry eyed gaze. The atmosphere suddenly felt tense as Zuri withheld his tongue. Gradually one by one the elders gaze turned to the King.

Damien sensing the awkward silence by the crowd was ready to offer some support, yet however Shuri was a spitfire nothing ever fazed her as she coasted through life.

"Cousin Eric is alive, he is living in Washington in a military compound right now. He's special forces and highly respected in the United States Military. I heard he even has his own squad of special forces."

"Is this true Your Majesty?", questioned F'duku the Mining Elder.

"Why did i not know i had a cousin living on the outside Father?" questioned T'Challa naturally believing his sister to have no reason to lie.

The silenced intensified as everyone held their breath waiting for their King to speak rhe next words.

"My younger brother N'Jobu was a good man. However as a man he too fell into temptation. On the outside world during a negotiation with Shield he fell in love with one of their potential recruits. So we made a deal."

"We know of the deal T'Chaka, stop stalling and tell us what you have done." interrupted an elder gradually losing his patience and disrespect of customs by the king.

The King's Dora Miljae gripped their Spears tightly, but a single hand from The King was enough to halt their actions.

T'Chakka just continued as if he wasn't even there "We let him Join Shield for a few years and if he can't convince her to come back with him then he shall leave her be and choose from his Dorae. Yet even after 9 years he still refused to return home."

"Father you said after 4 years he died in line of duty and was buried in honour in the U.S. finally granting Wakanda a seat in the U.N." T'Challa interrupted after seeing T'Chaka take a pause.

Shuri decided to speak her truth. When she learned a year ago that Eric was alive she wanted to march right back into Wakanda and scold her dad. I barely managed to hold her back by convincing her it was better to wait and help Eric gain more status before introducing him to his homeland.

She was proactive in contacting him on behalf of OverWatch and granting his squad some high quality missions having them run back up for us in big situations. His life went from being a private mercany jumping from place to place to a private mercany jumping from place to place for us and more money.

So she didn't hesitate and said "Cousin Eric's squad is a contractor of OverWatch for jobs we need support for. Finding Klaue would definitely be in his field. If we call a Bio-ship we can get to his location within the hour."

All eyes moved back to the King who is sitting back in melancholy thinking of his past crimes. He heaved a sigh and spoke "Very well, if and at all possible please bring him back and if you can bring back Klaue at the same time that would be appreciated."

T'Challa chimed in with 2 cents as well "I will like to go as well. I cannot sit here knowing my bloodkin is out there and he doesnt even know my face."

Seeing how this situation completely escalated i knew there was only one result. I heaved a big sigh and stood up. I may or may not have taken the idea of a Martian Bio-Ship and given it to Shuri, Cho, Gwen, Fitzz, Simmoms, Johnny and Ben to work on. i have a genius collecting problem. Although a super rare genius is sitting in some old dimensional rift in his garage. Ill have to grab him after this.

I call out to the very first Bio-Ship created by human hands and i named her Megan. She's created using liquid metallic nano tech. She even turns invisible and have sonic blasters. Shes capable of deep space travel as well. I make that a requirement for all of our vehicles.

"Me'gann will be here in 5 minutes so we should get outside."

T'Challa was confused so he asked "Who is Me'gann?"

Shuri grabbed his arm pulling him outside saying "Oh dont worry you'll love her c'mon brother lets go meet our cousin."

"Wait i should get my suit. You never know when i might need it."

I break in on their conversation "Oh you'll need it. We're visiting him as OverWatch not just wakandans. Operation of Approach is OverWatch is looking for Klaue because he stole Wakandas vibranium. Thats our in. And dont worry about your suit youre gonna love what Shuri made for you. Oh, Me'gann's here."

A few minutes later we're flying away in my Bio-Ship in front of Shuri holding a box with a silver necklace imbued with 5 pather claw nano holding claws.

"Its made with a mixture of adamantium and vibranium nanotech. Im telling you having a guy who can fly in space and just grab what we need is super convenient. It also absorbs kintetic damage and turns invisible. Your claws can superheat to iron cutting degrees without you ever feeling the heat."

Shuri loves bragging but she did amazing work when he puts on the necklace. One Magical Girl transformation later and T'Challa is dripped out in a black and dark purple interwoven panthern suit. It has sleek silver markings runningn down the side to the utility belt with a panther roaring logo.

I just sit off to the side as T'Challa clenches his fists and checks out his new suit while Shuri is taking some notes. I always taught her that EVERYTHING can be improved. You jusy have to figure it out.

If Shay Varitas was able to create a nanotech space traveling city in the DC universe then i should at least be able to create a civilization on Mars. The terraformer won't be done for 2 years at this rate. Maybe less if i get Forge. I also need citizens. Meta-humans alone won't be enough to populate a country. An island yes, maybe a small country but definitely not the first and only country on a Freshly terraformed planet.

Anyways enough future plotting i get back to steering the Bio-Ship. We've got a family reunion to stage.