
A Dam Encountered

Entering the Earth's atmosphere is quite the unpleasant task. Its always extremely hot, not to mention all of the smog thats absent from Mars. Behind me were Kori and Koma and i guarantee neither of them enjoyed it either, but now not the time for pleasantries.

I come to a stop above the clouds and turn towards the ladies, "Alright girls, we hit them hard, we hit them fast any interference you put em down. If they wont stay down, take em out."

Kori seemed a bit hesitant, but Koma nodded right away. Unlike Kori who only had to spar against guards since she was the crown princess, Koma had seen way more life threatening circumstances, so she isn't opposed to being bathed in the blood of her enemies.

A sonic boom sounded in the distance as i turn to see a blue blur flying straight towards us. She came to a stop hovering in the air as her skirt/cape flowed in the wind and the sunlight danced off of the golden edges around her suit.

"Hey im here, Natalia filled me in. So this Essex guy got my dna and used it for cloning? Well then what are we waiting for" Kara said with a cheeky smirk on her face.

"Kara" i said with an extremely serious tone "This isn't an arrest we're making. When i see Essex I'm killing him. End of story."

Her eyes widened as she processed the information. "....do you really have to go that far? Surely there's another way?" she tried to reason.

I look at her and remember that this girl was all about making speeches instead of throwing hands. Maybe i was too rash giving her a chance, but maybe i wasn't?

"Kara, Essex is one of the oldest minds alive. He's been around since Apocalypse first ruled. He has collected who knows how many genetic samples and uses each one to create clones of himself with new powers. He's started wars and is about to send the planet into chaos. I know in your Earth you and Barry and the rest of you guys dont like killing, but around here i refuse to let this scourge of humanity run free any longer. If you can't handle it then i suggest you head back home Kara."

I don't leave any room for argument as i take off for the Hoover Damn leaving the three girls floating there.

Kara was shocked and lost then she turned to her companions, "He's serious isn't he? We have to stop him!"

Komand'r looked at her and said "Now why would we do that? As far as i know Damien's been hunting his main body for years. If he truly wants Essex dead nothing can stop him now."

Kara looked at the girl with scorn as she stated "Killing isn't the answer, there has to be a better way."

Komand'r didn't say anything else as she took off following Damien leaving two aliens floating by themselves.

Kori seeing the awkward situation spoke up saying "I may be new here but i do believe he is right. Some people are more dangerous when you spare their life. And some scars don't ever heal. You have a lot of light inside you Kara, but someday you'll cross paths with someone you can't put down without ending them."

Kara was lost in thought when she heard Kori say "If anything killing his enemies keeps his loved ones safer. Some people wont like it, but most issues could've been solved by not letting your enemies leave the battlefield."

Seeing Kara thinking she continued "I just want you to remember, when it was him that was dead you didn't hold back your punches at all on Sentry. If he was any weaker your hands would be covered in his blood already."

Saying that Kori flew off to catch up to her sister and brother in law leaving Kara conflicted flying in the air looking at her hands, confusing a lot of people watching the satellite feed.

Damien was focused. The minute he saw the dam water he didn't hesitate to fly straight down. He plunged into the water ignoring everything around him flying straight down. Eventually he reached the first wall in his way.

He didnt blink as he crashed through it and ended up into a hall full of Shield agents. A few years back OverWatch cleared this place and now Shield took it over. But that didnt matter to him at all. He ignored the agents and the water pouring in as he kept going down.

Hall after hall, wall after wall, he kept breaking everything in his way until he came to nothing but dirt. He looked at it and looked up counting the stories in his head. The alarms were blaring at a high frequency which caused him some discomfort, but overall didn't hinder him.

He walked around the last floor as two bodies of orange dropped in after him and watched him. He was sending short bursts of magic straight through the ground waiting for it. It took a few seconds when he finally found it.

His mana was being rebounded against something. He let out a wicked smile and stomped at that spot leaving a crater as a guide point. He flew up and even though there wasn't much ceiling space he didnt need that much room to become a moving Juggernaut.

He added a spinning rotation as he kept his arms in front of him making him a drill. He flew right into the ground sending dirt and gravel everywhere making the ground muddy. He kept drilling straight down with the Tamaranian sisters trailing.

It took him 2 minutes of straight digging before he reached a barrier that sent him back. He looked at it for a second before reaching for it. The minute he touched it, the barrier sparked black and red and repelled his hand.

He furrowed his eyebrows and accessed his inner dumbledore as his eyes twinkled with a pink highlight. He rested his hand on the barrier that stopped sparking as if the mana in the spell naturally wanted to be around him. The barrier shattered under his touch without even a shred of resistance.

He let out a toothy grin as he slammed his hand into the metal wall casing and finally broke through. He ripped the walls open leaving a gap big enough for him to slip through.

The alarms inside the base started going off as the doors started closing. He took a step forward and he was suddenly stopped by an unknown force.

"Well that's quite enough of you dearie." He turned his head to find the one and only Madame Harkness smirking at him holding a spell matrix in her hand. "Interesting mana revolves around you like air. So mana based spells are useless. So interesting."

I felt her magic squeeze me and i was ready to break past it a red laser beam came from behind me directly at her. She put up a shield dropping her hold on me.

"I'll take care of the magical girl," Kara said floating over to my side "You go do what you need to."

With a smirk on my face i leave Harkness focusing on Supergirl as the Tamaranian sisters followed. Seeing Harkness let me know that this isnt a clone to need such protection.

"He's here."