
Essex Exit pt 1

Harkness took a second to look over Kara in her supersuit. This isn't her first encounter with a metahuman, yet the feeling she got from Kara was something else entirely. "Interesting" she said slyly "Solar radiation is being absorbed at a much faster rate than Nathaniel's newest project. Tell me dear, what are you?"

Kara stood visibly relaxed, yet each of her muscles are tensed. She had no idea what to expect from this woman yet she knew she had to be dangerous to be Essex's guard. "Why are you working for Essex? Surely you know the man is a psychopath?"

"Maybe," Harkness proned as her eyes captured every inch of Supergirl "He maybe a psychopath but he is definitely brilliant. He fixed a little side project of mine in a little under a year, of course it came with a price but im not complaining."

Without a word of warning Harkness conjured up some ethereal chains and used them to bind Kara. She watched the chains form and immediately reacted by moving out of the way and to the other end of the hall at sub sonic speeds.

"Ooooh you're fast. Please give me some good entertainment." With that comment Harkness started rapid firing spell after spell. Each one stronger, faster, or trickier than the last.

Kara adjusted herself constantly dodging in and out of the firing range of the spells. After catching her rhythm Kara accelerated right towards Harkness, but right before she touched her, Harkness' form fizzled out of reality and she reappeared behind Kara with a red and black energy wave ready.

She flung it at Kara's back causing her cape skirt to wrap around her legs throwing off her balance. Seeing her trick successful Harkness used a spell that sent herself straight into Supergirl's mind.

The mind is a tricky place. Firm, yet fragile. Unrelenting, yet very easily moldable. Harkness would slip in between the moments of consciousness to dive deeper into someone's mind. Memories, secrets, desires, everything that makes up who you are, all at the tip of her fingers.

Taking a casual stroll through her memory hall sending out magical impulses for what she wanted.

"Hmmmm Oooh? Krypton? Fascinating"

She kept walking down the hall occasionally stopping at memories that caught her interest. She was already up to her teenager years when she felt a familiar feel of magic pulling her out of Kara's consciousness.

She was thrown out and back into her body standing above a semi-conscious Kara with a black and green magic circuit shining from her suit.

"Tsk, Gallio always finding the interesting ones. Fine ill back off. Seeing what she's capable of i consider leaving her here asleep equal to saving Nathaniel's life."

She put her hand on Kara's head causing her to fall asleep and left her there on the side of hall. "Consider our contract fulfilled Nathaniel," Harkness chirped as she created a teleportation circle "Kryptonians huh."


I was calm, and focused, more focused than I've ever been before. Flying door through door throughout this entire compound leading me to this final room. A massive door made out of various metals than seems impenetrable.

"How long would it take us to brute strength this door?" Komand'r asked from the side. She had already sending a love tap through it only to hurt her knuckles.

I put my hand on the door and focused. This whole magic thing was new to me. It feels like another limb I've always had but never been able to use. It's mostly intent based, but there's also a bit of calculations.

I have to send my magic in waves to see how thick the door is, and the room behind. If I'm not precise then I could end up walking straight into a wall, literally. It takes a few minutes but eventually i can get a rough picture of the room.

Its a fairly massive room maybe about 30mx70mx28m. I can feel him moving around by the east wall and 3 giant machines in the middle of the bunker filled with a liquid of some sorts.

"Get close to me," i tell the two Tamaranians. Blackfire put her hand on my right shoulder while Starfire occupied my left. I closed my eyes and a big pink circle appeared over us before it smoothly transitioned us into the room.

The second our feet touched the ground alarms went off and the bunker started flashing red. Drones fell from the ceiling and turrets came from the grounds all of which were trained on us.

None of us had fear knowing bullets would at best be annoying. We all got ready to charge in when the alarms and emergency lights shut down. The sudden change forced us to hesitate taking action when we heard it.


Is this guy really?

"Congratulations Damien, you made it. I must say i was beginning to think you would fail to show up."

I turned my head and sitting there in his all black dress suit with a cocky smile

"Nathaniel Essex I'm surprised you actually have the nerve to stand in front of me yourself. What did our hunting teams kill too many of your clones??"

His face contorted miserably thinking of the hundreds of clones we've taken out over the years. This man had sleeper clones in almost every country and goverment in the world.

He quickly calmed down and stated, "Ah yes, thank you for helping me clean up my disposables. Damien, what is it, Nyxxus you go by nowadays? Honestly weird but i suppose i never did give you much common sense growing up. But anyways, DAMIEN THE GIFT THAT KEEPS GIVING. Honestly boy when you escaped i was planning on giving you a break for a few years before having Robert fetch you. But you went above and beyond my expectations."

He made a sinister grin and looked me right into my eyes. Every fiber of my being told me to snap but before i decided he continued.

"Not only do you actively bring together all the best Mutated genes in the world for me, you even brought that blonde girl from who knows where. Tell me where did you find her? Cells that actively absorb solar radiation? Its like you wanted me to perfect my immortality."

My eyes snapped open and i lunged forward, i didnt hesitate anymore. He needed to be taken out. My heart slowed down as i pounced arms stretched ready to rip his head off of his spine.


A hell of a high pitched frequency assaulted my ears. My brain shook back and forth in my skull as my ears bled. I helplessly clamped my hands down and i fell in a fetal position screaming in agony.

"DAMIEN" I semi-heard Komand'r yell as a slurry of bullets rained down on them.


My consciousness fell in and out as Essex walked away, he was moving towards the three pods in the room. Essex looked down at me and just laughed as he pushed a button on the pods. The pods started descending into an unknown lower level. I watched Essex outsmart me and get away.


That's what you thought right?

"YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY!" pulling out all of my super saiyan strength my eyes flashed as the entire room filled in a pink light. The machinery in the room all started short circuiting being affected by the pure mana being released in the room.

"What the hell is going on?" Nathaniel screamed as his escape hatch was stuck in between floors.



thud thud thud

Komand'r and Koriand'r looked around as all the drones died down and fell one by one. The turrets shut down and fell limp like a friendzoned man. Every eye squinted and stared at Damien as the light died down to reveal a purple skinned toned person.

Bright pink flaming eyes and hair that flowed allowing the pink locks to fly behind at its whim. His entire presence changed and he exuded majesty.

"Wh-what the hell are you?" Essex asked in fright for the first time. The magic locked on him and pressured him downwards as Damien lowered his gaze on him. Slowly opening his mouth that shined when he spoke and he said

"I'm batman."

Imma back.

Ashtin_Prattcreators' thoughts