
Villainous, a Villain Deku Story

At some point during or after season 4 Izuku snaps. Okay I'm not gonna lie. School starting back up online has hit me harder than I thought it would. I will still be updating this I just have no idea when. I have the next chapter almost ready though so that will come soon.

Slimefoox · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


Deku looked at his watch once again. Should be late enough that no one is awake. He decided. He pulled out the newest phone he had stolen off a corpse and stuffed it in his pocket. The boy jumped from his apartment window and started to jog towards Shoto's home. He settled himself by the window once again. Suddenly he heard a soft beeping. What the hell? He thought as he jumped up. He felt a flash of cold and had to close his eyes against the blast of air. When he opened them he saw that he was trapped. In a dome of ice. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Who saw me? His eyes darted around. Izuku decided not to use a quirk unless absolutely necessary but he knew he might have more blood on his hands tonight. Wait, what was he thinking? This was either Shoto or one of his siblings. How could he even think about killing them? He gave his head a rough shake, sending frost flying out in a spiral from him. All of a sudden he could see steam coming from a part of the wall. After a few moments the wall gave way to show a pale hand. The teen quickly pulled up his hood and the mask he had stolen from Compress before backing into the opposite side of the dome. "Now who the hell is it?" Todoroki's voice demanded. Deku didn't reply, his voice would definitely be easily recognized by his friend. Well shit, he couldn't take Shoto hostage too. And killing him was out of the question. Maybe use Kacchan's quirk as a distraction, then that would cause confusion from everyone right? But then Shoto's head popped down, looking straight at him, eyes blazing. And for just a moment he was lost in memories of a time long gone. "Well are you going to tell me or do we have to do this the hard way?" Todoroki demanded, as ice enveloped Deku up to his neck with spikes at his throat. Midoriya tensed up, Bakugou's quirk couldn't help him now. If he tried the kind of blast that was the only way out of this it could kill him. A voice he didn't recognize asked the next question, "Come on out now." Izuku deepened his voice, trying to hide who he was. He realized that if he didn't answer he would likely end up skewered by ice. "Okay okay. Just let me out of this ice before I freeze to death." Of course he had no intention of coming out towards them, he would blow his way out the other side. Without warning the ice melted away and his body jerked up, moving towards the exit. Wait what? Why was he going that way? It was like he wasn't controlling his body. He only knew one person who could do that. How had he been so stupid not to recognize his voice? Hitoshi Shinso, Quirk- Brainwashing. He had replied to the fucking student who could control him. Once he got to the hole he was yanked out by two sets of hands. When he looked up he saw a pair of blue and red eyes and a pair of deep purple eyes. Shinso and Todoroki seemed to be the only two there. Thank goodness for that at least. "Now tell us your name and why you are here like a good creep." Shinso told him. Before he could stop himself he replied. "Izuku Midoriya, and I came to talk to Shoto Todoroki.". There was a pause. "Well that's strange no one should be able to lie when I use my quirk on them." Hitoshi said, as confused as Deku had ever heard him. Ice suddenly pined him to the ground and the mask was ripped off him. "Release him Shinso." Shoto demanded. Shinso shrugged and Izuku could move his body again. "I didn't think you could make people talk." Deku said, chuckling a bit. "I've trained my quirk since we last met." Hitoshi said. Todoroki seemed to still be reeling from the shock of realizing it was really him. "Izuku. Is it really possible? Is it really you?" Before Deku could respond he said something again, "There was so much blood. There's no way. You died. Aizawa saw it happen." Midoriya gave a sad smile. "Well I'm here aren't I? I mean I didn't intend to get caught and now I realize that I shouldn't have taken the risk. But I wasn't lying about why I'm here. So can you please let me out of this ice before I actually die of hypothermia?" Todoroki snapped out of his shock and leaned down, putting his left hand onto Deku's ice prison. It started to steam and the air around the trio started to warm up. Shinso backed away, keeping his front to them and sat down on the ground near them. There were a few minutes of melting before anyone broke the silence. "Why didn't you come back? Where were you?" Shoto asked. "I can't answer either of those questions. And that little trick you pulled on me wish Shinso won't work a second time." He replied. Deku's toes and fingers were starting to numb. "Who would want me back anyways? They all have up on me before they were even certain I had died." There was more silence, his bottom half was now almost completely free. "I recognized the mask you were wearing. From when the league kidnapped Bakugou. Where did you get it?" Todoroki asked. "Simple, I stole it off of Mr. Compress." Deku said truthfully, leaving out how he managed to do that. Shoto gave him a confused look but didn't question further, though he was suspicious. "Come back Izuku, with us. Bakugou has gone missing. The class misses you. You held us together. Even Aizawa isn't the same." Shoto said, almost in a pleading tone. "I don't know why you've been hiding. Or why everything points to your death. But it doesn't matter. If you've done something or have something to hide. It doesn't matter. We need you." Deku shook his head. "I'm sorry, I can't. I have new responsibilities now." He realized that his hiding was probably over now, with Shinso having seen him. He was finally free of his ice prison. Izuku stood up. He was suddenly behind Todoroki. I'm so sorry. Was all he could think. "Anyone makes a move and I snap his neck." He growled as he grabbed Shoto. He was pulled off his feet and was hanging upside down within seconds. "That's enough." A voice said from the shadows behind him. A familiar figure walked up beside him, eyes glowing red. "Aizawa-" Shoto exclaimed. "So you were hiding something." His past teacher said, looking at Shoto. As he realized what was going on he looked at his feet to see that EraserHead had his scarf wrapped around them and was hanging him upside-down like that. Everyone was standing around in shock, watching the teacher. He whipped around to turn his glowing red eyes on Deku. "And you. We all believed you were dead. Do you know how much everyone has been blaming themselves for your death?" He paused, seemingly waiting for a response. When no response was forthcoming he continued. "You have caused so much more suffering than I thought possible. From you especially. I believed that you cared for your classmates." Shota's voice was calm yet stern.

There will be a part two coming to this chapter soon.

Slimefooxcreators' thoughts