
It's Always Tea Time (2)

A sharp rap on the door intruded them, and before the Queen or King could even utter a word—the Knight of the Lockhart House came inside with a tray filled with Rosalyn's desired tarts along with a fresh pot of brewed tea. 

The man had come at the right time.

Without asking for any permission, perhaps. But Rosalyn Lockhart was more than happy to let this one slide if it meant that it disturbed the spot that the King had placed her in. "Ah, thank you for bringing me my tea and tarts, Gine. I have been famished already." She didn't exactly wish to say this but common courtesy made her look back at the King of Hearts, "Would you like to join me for tea, Your Majesty?"

"I...I'd like to, Queen Rosalyn." Alexander Hartsmichdt blinked, "Thank you for the invitation."